My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 136: Conspiracy In The Late Night

"It seems that the master likes children very much..."

At night, after Zhuo Rong took a bath and fell asleep, Jia Min and the others all walked out of the room, and sat on the sofa in the living room in their pajamas. After sighing, Li Zhu spoke first.

"Humans have always liked cubs, especially their own cubs." At this time, Ding Jianguo also sat beside him and said.

"But the master seems to be sincere to us, and has no intention of looking for the mistress, so what should we do?" At this time, Yang Qian also propped his chin and said.

"Hey, it is indeed a troublesome thing to meet such a good master." Zhu Xia, who was far away, also murmured softly at this time.

"It would be great if we could have a baby." At this moment, Qiu Xiaoxiao touched her stomach and said with some emotion.

"Don't break the discipline, you know, we can't have the ability to create, otherwise, if the master doesn't say anything, you will be destroyed directly. We are not real people, we are just biochemical people."

Hearing what Qiu Xiaoxiao said, Lin Xiaoqiao also spoke up.

Listening to Lin Xiaoqiao's words, Jia Min and the others all sighed, how could they not know?

If Zhuo Rong really just used them as tools, then they would feel better-.

Because the meaning of their original existence is just a simple tool.

But now Zhuo Rong sincerely treats them well, which makes them have some unreasonable thoughts.

"No, we can't delay the master because of our affairs, the master is already twenty-eight years old, although the body has recovered to the peak human level due to the genetic medicine

But it is very important for the inheritance of offspring. We have to find a way to let the protagonist have his own offspring.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ke also looked seriously at the sisters around, and began to speak.

"I agree, but how?"

Hearing what Li Ke said, the other fourteen girls also nodded their heads. This matter is fine, but the question is, how to accomplish this matter?

"Based on the current situation, there are three ways. One is to ask the master to send his the future, and use future technology to synthesize a master's child."

After watching everyone agree, Jia Min here also nodded, and then talked about the solution.

In the future, in fact, there are some anti-human beings.

Because of the over-developed technology, human beings are paying less and less attention to offspring. It seems that in this era, many people choose DINK and don’t have children. necessity.

In fact, when medicine can guarantee that people will not be knocked down by illness, the role of children is gradually disappearing for the elderly.

The pension system is still prevalent after a thousand years, and the income is high.

It is precisely because of this that even if you encounter some troubles and accidents that cause you to be paralyzed in bed, you can still buy a biochemical person to take care of your daily life. They can do better than your child.

If you want to pass on your own DNA and genes, you can also choose to clone yourself with your own DNA before you die, and let yourself live again.

Of course, if you must have children, you can.

But basically in the future, unless there are people with excellent abilities, there will not be many such people. This is why there are only 30 billion people in the future when humans rule the solar system.

One is because there are not many places that the solar system can occupy, and the other is because too many people are unwilling to put a responsibility on themselves, because it is unnecessary.

"The master will definitely not agree to synthesize a little him in the future. This is not his child, but himself."

Hearing Jia Min's first proposal, Gao Wen here immediately shook his head. She knew that Zhuo Rong had some resistance to future technology, so she cloned herself, which Zhuo Rong would never Do, although genetically speaking, the two are the same.

But being your own dad... what the hell is this?

Zhuo Rong has never thought about his own eternal life. For him, birth, old age, sickness, and death are a natural cycle. Humans should not challenge this cycle, not before, not now, and in the future should not!

"The second way is to obtain the owner's... and then find a woman who is willing to give birth to a child for the owner to carry out surrogacy."

In fact, Jia Min also knew that it was unlikely that anyone would agree to the first point, so she said the second point without hesitation.

"If it's a surrogate, it's better to find a woman to come back and pass on the family to the master." But she had just finished speaking, and Yang Sitian on the side also blinked her big eyes and said.

0·Ask for flowers…………

"Well, I think so too. This is the third one, that is, let's find someone for the master to give birth to him." Nodding, Jia Min looked at Yang Sitian, "Her third thought is this .

"But will the master agree?" Hearing what Jia Min said, Ding Jianguo asked hesitantly.

"Master will definitely not agree, but he will not refuse either. After being with Master for so long, you still don't know his character?" Seeing Ding Jianguo's appearance, Wang Qian also said with a smile, They see Zhuo Rong very clearly.

"Is it difficult to find a woman who is willing to give birth to the master?"

At this moment, Yang Tao, who was next to her, also raised her chin and asked.

"It shouldn't be difficult. In this era, there are indeed many women who are clean and self-sufficient, but there are also many women who are willing to do such things for money." At this time, Guo Xiang also spoke from the side.


"Hey? It's just right, the three of you sometimes help the master with business problems, you can help find it." At this time, Yang Wu also clapped her hands beside her, and said happily.

"Well, we think so too, but the chances of finding one may not be very high, if it's really not possible, let's find more!"

Yang Qian here nodded after listening to Yang Wu's words, expressing that she thought so too.

"Then how much do you want?" Yang Sitian also looked at her when she heard what Yang Qian said.

"Well, let's be conservative first, let's find a hundred, if no one is pregnant after being together for a period of time, then find another hundred, a hundred and a hundred!"

After thinking for a while, Jia Min also looked at the other people, and decided on a number.

"Well, I can see it too!"

"A hundred is reasonable."

"Then how long is this time?"

"Three months, it should be possible to check it out, if not, then change another batch..."

"Then I'll prepare three hundred people first."

"Okay, remember to choose well. Body shape, appearance, education, conversation, family background, these all need to be carefully selected!"

"Don't worry, sisters, we understand!"


I came back again today, I don’t know if I will go back, the saved manuscripts are completely gone, and I vomit blood... soil....

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