At this time, Zhuo Rong didn't know what these girls were plotting when he was sleeping.

Just like what he said, he, for human cubs, his liking can only be said to be average.

When he is good, he likes it very much, but when he is not good, he has a headache.

If he knew what Jia Min and the others were planning, he would probably scold them. What does it mean that he won't refuse? Is he the kind of person who won't refuse?

Uh, well, I have to say that they are pretty good at seeing people.

In a blink of an eye, there was nothing to say all night, and when Zhuo Rong woke up the next morning, everything was as usual.

But today, he is going to dig blood eels.

He made a total of three such rakes yesterday. Except for the first one, which took a whole morning, the rest didn’t take too long. He only spent about an hour in the afternoon and finished it because there were With the template, it can save a lot of time.

So today, he is going to take his girls to dig blood eels or something.

After discussion, Jia Min stayed at home today to take care of the animals in the house, and to cook dinner for Zhuo Rong and the others.

But just as they finished their breakfast and were about to leave, suddenly a little guy ran to the gate of Zhuo Rong's house.

Zhuo Rong saw that it was none other than Peng Wuyue who came to Zhuo Rong's place yesterday.

Although it is already past seven o'clock in the morning, it is obvious that this is not the time for a child to run around.

"Eh? Uncle, are you going out?"

When Peng Wuyue came, she also saw Zhuo Rong who was about to leave, and couldn't help asking Zhuo Rong with a little disappointment.

"Yeah, we're going to dig blood eels, why are you here so early?"

Hearing Peng Wuyue's words, Zhuo Rong also walked over, opened the door, squatted in front of her and asked her.

"Grandpa went to the market this morning, and he wants to sell the mountain products that grandpa picked in the mountains these days, so we got up early, since uncle is leaving, then I will go home!"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Peng Wuyue also squinted her eyes and said.

Although she said she was still smiling, she could see a little disappointment in her eyes.

After all, it was so early, and children from other families would not come out to play with her. During this time period, she was indeed a little lonely.

"Otherwise, you go dig blood eels with us!"

Looking at Peng Wuyue who was alone, Zhuo Rong thought for a while and asked her.

"Huh? Can you?"

When she heard that she could go out with Zhuo Rong, Peng Wuyue asked excitedly.

"Of course, join the army!"

Seeing her happy look, Zhuo Rong also smiled, and then took her into a car, seeing how Zhuo Rong treated Peng Wuyue, Jia Min and the others here all looked at each other. There was a gleam of fire in his eyes.

Sure enough, the master cared a lot about the children, and it seemed that their plan had to find a way to implement it.

Of course, Zhuo Rong didn't know what they were thinking at this time, after taking Peng Wuyue into the car, Zhuo Rong and his party, fifteen adults and one child, took four cars to the old wharf, and then With a shocked look on Peng Wuyue's face, he boarded Zhuo Rong's boat.

Then he drove directly towards the mangrove forest.

Soon, Luo Rong and the others came to the mangrove forest.

They came here today too. At this time, the tide had just started to ebb on the mangrove forest side, revealing a quagmire.

After changing the water jacket for Wuyue, Zhuo Rong and his party also got off the boat and waded to the mangrove forest. Zhuo Rong was holding a rake, Qiu Xiaoxiao was holding a rake, and Yang Tao was holding a The rake, the others, is always ready to change, and when not changing, you can touch some shellfish and the like.

Even though Lingquan Village is not next to the sea, Wu Yue has obviously been to the sea before, and when she gets to the tidal flat, she is much more proficient and crazy than Zhuo Rong.

"Wow, uncle, look I caught a blue crab!"

"Sister Carambola, I caught a razor clam!"

"Wow, sister Zhu Xia, what a big clam!"

With May's active performance, Zhuo Rong and the others felt a little lighter than when they came last time, especially Zhuo Rong, he seemed to be helped by a god today.

It was about 8:30 in the morning when he arrived here, but it turned out that before ten o'clock, there were almost twenty blood eels caught in the small bamboo basket he was carrying, weighing about a catty and a half, you know, It's only been over an hour. If you catch a full ebb, you'll have to get three to five catties at least!

This is only his own, and there are two rakes next to it. It is not a problem to get a dozen or even twenty catties today!

Of course, even if it is twenty-five catties, if the price of a blood eel is 40,000 per catty, it is only about one million yuan, which is not too much, but you must know that "Che Rong's main role now is two NO

One is to run his shop, to start his shop's signboard.

The second is to save money. After buying cattle and sheep, the money earned last time is almost gone. Later, although it is said that I went overseas to make a fortune.

But the money has to be saved for next year's crops.

At present, Zhuo Rong's cash in the future is only about 32 million in total.

It looks like a lot, but it's actually not that much.

Qin Shuhua wanted to cooperate with Zhuo Rong on a project. Why did Zhuo Rong think about it and feel that the car battery could be used for cooperation, but he didn't move?

One is because he still doesn't know who Qin Shuhua is, so he can't tell the truth.

The second is because he doesn't have the money to buy the materials of this battery and the like.

Now that he has decided to go into farming and animal husbandry, he has to deal with his own business first. As for other things, he can take his time in the future.

So, although Zhuo Rong is not going to put too much pressure on himself now, he is also very purposeful in doing things. Making money is the main thing, but it is also very important to have fun while making money.

"Continue to open the land!"

As Zhuo Rong caught a blood eel again, he also smiled and looked at the tidal flat in the distance.

But at this moment, suddenly a gust of wind came from behind his head, Zhuo Rong tilted his head for an instant, avoiding the main body of the attack, but 4.1 when this thing flew over, the players around it , still splashed Zhuo Rong's face...

"Mud, Ba?" Touching his face, Zhuo Rong looked behind him with some doubts, and then he saw May who was hiding behind Qiu Xiaoxiao at this time.

"Uncle, it was the young lady who threw it!" Looking at Zhuo Rong, he looked over, and Wu Yue pointed there.

"Guess I believe it or not?" Looking at Wuyue, Zhuo Rong raised his eyebrows and said.

"Look, let me tell you, he won't believe it." As a cyborg, it is impossible to attack his master under any circumstances, so Qiu Xiaoxiao is not worried that Zhuo Rong will listen to Wu Yue, but rather Wu Yue also pursed her lips at this time, really, she couldn't be fooled like this!

But unfortunately, before her mouth turned back, a ball of mud was thrown towards her! With a bang, a fresh mud monkey was born!.

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