"Tell me about you, why not play with mud, go and wash it yourself!"


Listening to Wang Qian's words, Zhuo Rong, who was covered in mud, went with Wu Yue to the bathrooms of the two rooms to wash off the mud on their bodies.

What the two of them played just now was a joy.

In the end, taking advantage of Zhuo Rong's height and strength, he pushed Wuyue into the mud and ended in victory.

But the result was mud all over the two of them.

Then they went back to the boat and started cleaning. As for the other girls, they were already busy making lunch on the boat. The things they caught were thrown into the living bin. As for whether to sell it or not, it was up to Zhuo Rong to decide.

The high-tech shower in the future is very convenient. Even if the mud gets into the ear, it can be washed out instantly without causing water or mud to accumulate in the ear.

I have to say that it is really cool to take a bath with the future shower.

After taking a bath, it is natural to have dinner. Not to mention May, who played all morning, Zhuo Rong alone was a little hungry, so the two yelled at the same time:

"We're moving!"

Then the two of them started to gobble it up frantically.

All of a sudden, the two of 01 actually had some intention of competing...

It's hard to imagine that Zhuo Rong would compete for dinner with a kid twenty years younger than him, well, maybe this is what it means for a man to die as a teenager.

After eating, Zhuo Rong and the others went down to dig for a while, but after a while, they came up to leave because the tide was high.

Today's tide started to recede at 7:50 in the morning, and it started to rise when it receded to around 2 o'clock. The water rises very quickly, so Zhuo Rong and the others will not take risks here

After throwing all the caught things into the living bin, Zhuo Rong also returned to the old pier with May.

Driving the car, Zhuo Rong and his party returned home quickly.

After returning home, Zhuo Rong also began to prepare the food that he was going to take back for May at night.

This time, he will not give the seafood just caught today to May, because he will sell these things to the future, but he can get some future farmed food to bring back to May

These things are much more expensive and better than those caught in May!

Originally, Zhuo Rong thought that Wu Yue would play until night and be picked up by her grandfather just like yesterday, but before three o'clock, Wu Yue's grandfather came to pick her up.

"Uncle, it's so early today!"

Telling Xiao Zhuo to open the door and let Wu Yue's grandfather come in, Zhuo Rong also asked him with a smile.

"Hey, if I let her play normally, it turns out that this girl hasn't done her homework yet!"

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, May's grandfather also showed her empty homework and said with some headaches.

It is obvious that May is not a child who studies well. This can also be seen from the cleanliness of her textbooks. This thing is just the opposite of a good student and a bad student.

For good students, the textbooks are usually very dirty, and many things related to study are written on them, while for bad students, the textbooks are basically like new ones...

And the textbook for May is like this.

"Yeah, there's still homework! May!" Looking at the things in the old man's hand, Zhuo Rong finally came to his senses at this moment, and patted his head with a smile. In fact, he was still a little unconvinced about the mud fight just now. , because in the early days, he was actually suppressed by this little girl.

In the end, I had to rely on my own brute force to win, what a shame!

But this time he has a way to take revenge, do his homework!

"Ah, uncle, is it okay not to write!"

As soon as she saw Zhuo Rong bring her grandfather and homework, Wu Yue raised her head and said to Zhuo Rong with a look of lovelessness.

"It's impossible not to write, Yang Qian, come and watch her write!"

Seeing Wu Yue's appearance, Zhuo Rong smiled and handed the homework book to Yang Qian, and asked Yang Qian to watch Wu Yue do her homework, and watching Wu Yue start to write her homework, Wu Yue's grandfather also laughed and didn't care Mention the crime of leaving.

In fact, he didn't find it troublesome or resistant to taking care of May.

The girl in May, although she may be a girl, is not spoiled at all. On the contrary, her personality is similar to that of a boy. He is very relieved to take care of Wu Yue.

The only thing that gave him some headaches was his studies in May, and he really didn't know how to do it.

May's grandfather is 64 years old this year. When he was young, he only went to elementary school. After several years of herding cattle at home, he went to serve in the army.

It's really not material for learning. After serving as a soldier in the army for several years, I became a forest ranger when I came back, until I retired a few years ago.

You can ask him to do other things, but let’s talk about the topic, he really can’t.

Now Zhuo Rong and other young people are willing to help him solve the problem of studying in May, so he is very happy, watching Wu Yue doing his homework there.

At this time, Peng Jianjun also smiled and took out the cigarette pouch, and when he was about to light it, he remembered that Zhuo Rong had never smoked, so I don't know if he minded or not.

"It's okay, Uncle, you smoke yours."

Seeing Peng Jianjun's gaze, Zhuo Mo also smiled and waved.

Although he doesn't smoke, he also knows that it is not good to discourage others from smoking. In the past, at work, nine out of ten male colleagues smoked. If you are tired of all smokers, then the relationship between colleagues is still Are you everywhere?

So some things have to keep one eye open and one eye closed.

As for the fact that second-hand smoke is harmful to your health, it is indeed true.

But there is a saying in science that talks about toxicity regardless of dosage is a hooligan.

Second-hand smoke is indeed harmful to the human body, but 073 Zhuo Rong does not smoke every day. There is a system in his manor that automatically cleans the dust and toxic gases in the air.

Air quality, that is, when PM2.5 does not exceed 1.

So once in a while someone comes over to smoke, and it doesn't do them any harm.

Just as Zhuo Rong was sitting here, chatting with Peng Jianjun who was smoking without saying a word, all of a sudden, Huo Dou from outside came in with ashes and four ashes.

Yesterday Peng Jianjun didn't come in, he just picked up Peng Wuyue outside.

Today was the first time he saw Fu Dou and Ashes, and Fu Dou was alright, the big black dog, although it was said to be big and strong, it was still a dog after all.

The problem was Ashes. When Peng Jianjun saw Ashes, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then looked at Zhuo Rong with some hesitation.

"Uh, boy Zhuo, are you a wolf?"

Pointing to the ashes, Peng Jianjun asked Zhuo Rong with some doubts.

"Hey, you're still sharp-eyed. It's indeed a wolf. It's Fudou's wife. I'll raise them together after you bring them here. Don't worry, this wolf won't attack people."

Hearing Peng Jianjun's words, Zhuo Rong thought that the old man was afraid that wolves would be wild and would attack people, so he immediately pointed out to the other party with his breast.

But after hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Peng Jianjun shook his head.

"It's not a matter of biting people, do you...have a certificate?".

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