My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 140: The Most Beautiful Shark

There was nothing to say all night, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

It's Monday, it's impossible for May to come today, she still has to go to school.

So Zhuo Rong got up in the morning, and after having breakfast, he drove with Jia Min and Qiu Xiaoxiao to the old pier.

After boarding the boat, while Jia Min was driving the boat towards the coordinates of the open sea, Zhuo Rong also sold the blood eels he caught yesterday on the Internet.

Yesterday they caught a total of more than 24 catties of blood eels, plus the original harvest of more than 1 catty, it was almost 26 catties, 40,000 catties, 26 catties is 1.04 million.

Of course, there are many other things besides this.

Mud crabs, all kinds of shellfish, Zhuo Rong sold everything they could.

A total of more than 1.7 million was sold, which is not too small.

By the time Zhuo Rong's boat arrived at the fishing spot, the items had already been sold out.

"Come on, let's do it!" After Qiu Xiaoxiao threw the anchor into the water and fixed the boat, Zhuo Rong looked at the fish shadows swept out by the underwater sonar, and was ready to start fishing.

But fishing this thing, really not sure.

Under Zhuo Rong's sonar scan, there are indeed fish below, and these fish are also moving.

But obviously, today these fish are not very fond of opening their mouths.

In other words, Zhuo Rong used magic bugs, otherwise he might be in the air force today.

613 fishing started at around nine o'clock in the morning, and Zhuo Rong caught four fish in total until twelve o'clock at noon, one fir spot, one blue spot, one big red snapper, and the most valuable red spot, but the red spot It is very small, only more than three catties.

After throwing the four fish into the sea, Zhi Ye also felt a little puzzled.

"There are obviously fishes in the water, but they just don't eat them. What the hell is this..."

Scratching his head, Zhuo Rong muttered hesitantly.

"Master, this is very common. It would be strange if you can return with a full load every time you go out to sea." Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Qiu Xiaoxiao also came over and hugged Zhuo Rong's back from behind. , said with a grin.

"Well, you convinced me, is lunch ready?"

Shaking his head, Zhuo Rong looked at and asked.

"Jia Min is looking at the soup, but it should be soon." Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Qiu Xiaoxiao also said with a smile, and then pressed the microcomputer on her temple to display the time.

"We still have to wait for about fifteen minutes, master, do you want to..."

Obviously, Qiu Xiaoxiao and the others have memorized the time in normal times, so she knows when the soup is good, and then looked at Zhuo Rong, and she licked her lips.

Watching her movements, Zhuo Rong also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this is naturally possible...

"You little goblin!" Holding Qiu's small face, just as Zhuo Rong was about to slowly approach him, suddenly, the fishing rod he placed on the side of the turret began to go out crazily in an instant, and the sound of getting out, It even overwhelmed Zhuo Rong's breathing.

This made Zhuo Rong realize in an instant, Qiu Xiaoxiao is right here, she can do whatever she wants anytime, but this is the case, if she runs away, there will be nowhere to look for her!

"Let's talk about it after dinner!"

Patting Qiu Xiaoxiao's face, Zhuo Rong turned around, immediately lifted the fishing rod, lifted and stabbed it, and the fish was indeed hooked, and then turned it a few times to determine the size of the fish.

Then Zhuo Rong started to winch the fish.

While pulling it in, Zhuo Rong's eyebrows were twitching, because judging from the feeling just now, his fish is not small, and it is conservatively estimated that it must weigh more than 20 catties, or even ten catties.

In this sea area, there is only one possibility for such a big fish, and that is tiger spot.

In the future, a catty of tiger spots will be worth 62,000 yuan. If this fish weighs 30 catties, it will be more than 1.8 million yuan. This fish will be worth as much as what he harvested in a day yesterday.

I have to say, it still feels good to be on a big fish.

But if there is no such an article today, then Zhuo Rong's income will be greatly reduced!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong also began to fish carefully, for fear that the fish would get off the hook and run away. Although his fishing rod would not break, his fishing line would not break, and his hook would not break, but if the fish Too much force, (abbj) cut his mouth open, so he can't help it.

In this way, while pulling up with the electric winch, Zhuo Rong also felt the direction of the fish.

Finally after pulling for a while, Zhuo Rong pulled the fish to the surface, when he saw the fish, he couldn't help laughing, good guy, it's really a big fish.

It looks like it weighs at least 30 catties, less than 2 million yuan, so let's get started!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help stretching out his hand, ready to lift the fish, yes, he no longer needed the hook, and was ready to lift it directly.

But just as he held the mouth of this big grouper with his hand, and was about to lift it up, in an instant, a blue-gray figure flashed under the water, and then a streamlined big fish rushed up directly, connecting Grouper [with Zhuo Rong Twelve Piles and bit it!

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Rong was also taken aback. He exerted force with his right arm and threw the big grouper directly onto the deck. He also lost his balance because of this swing and fell down on the deck. At this moment, he also saw the guy jumping out of the water.

"It's... a blue shark!"

Under the shining sunlight, the guy who attacked Zhuo Rong just now also revealed his real body.

When Zhuo Rong saw it, Xiao Zhuo searched out its information, and it was reflected in his sight.

Great blue shark, this is a large shark, with an average body length between 3.5 and 3.8 meters, and the largest one can grow to about 7 meters. Because of its streamlined body, many people also regard it as a shark. This kind of shark is called the most beautiful shark.

This kind of shark is one of the few large sharks with a relatively large number. It is currently rated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and it is only near-threatened, not very dangerous.

And the reason why it can guarantee the reproduction of its race has two main magic weapons.

One is that these animals have strong adaptability, from north to near the North Pole, and south to near Antarctica, they can be found in almost all sea areas in the world.

Moreover, their cubs are very fast. A female shark can give birth to 4-100 young sharks in each birth, and the median value is about 50. Moreover, this kind of shark eats everything, such as squid, shellfish, crabs, sea turtles, Seabirds and other fish are not picky eaters, live in large numbers, and have a wide distribution range, which naturally makes the number of such sharks quite large.

But this kind of shark is not likable, because this kind of shark is one of the few sharks that will actively attack humans, just like now.

The big blue shark was very upset with Zhuo Rong who stole his lunch, so after falling into the water from the air, it rushed over without saying a word, just like the tiger shark that bit the boat string last time Just the same, it bit down on Zhuo Rong's deck, and then... its teeth broke. .

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