Just kidding, Zhuo Rong's ship is the ship of the next thousand years.

This coating is harder than the hardest metal today, and if it bites its own boat with the shark's easily broken teeth, it will be a ghost if it doesn't collapse.

But even so, the great blue shark did not let go of Zhuo Rong's boat, and was still biting.

I’m going to talk about it here, fish, in fact, they don’t have pain nerves.

This can also be seen from when we are fishing. When the fish is caught, although they will struggle hard, but when they are thrown into the bucket or the fish guard, they will quickly return to calm.

So fish don't feel pain.

But some people will also say that if you don't feel pain, why do you still struggle?

This is because of the problems of mechanical stimulation and trauma stimulation. Pain sensory nerves are actually a kind of self-protection neural response mechanism after animals are injured.

This mechanism will make animals suffer and stay awake. It is precisely because of this that animals in pain will instinctively avoid harm and continue to survive. This is a basic physiological response formed by long-term evolution of animals.

But there are not many such physiological reactions in fish, and this is mainly related to their not particularly high level of evolution. Sharks are also fish!

So even though the big blue shark's teeth are broken and its gums are bleeding, it still doesn't feel anything, maybe its small brain is full of question marks.

Because the big blue shark will attack fishermen's boats in this way to snatch fishermen's catches and attack humans. It seems that this trick is very useful.

But obviously, it never thought that it would also eat and hold back!

"What the hell, I'm so frightened, no wonder there are fish under the sonar, but none of them are hooked, so it's because of this trick!" Seeing the big blue shark that was still biting the string of the boat in front of him, Zhuo said Rong also figured it out. It turned out that it wasn't that the fish didn't want to eat the bait, but because there was such a guy, so the underwater fish didn't dare to come out to eat the bait.

They had to wait for Rong Rong to drop the bait in front of them before they dared to come out to eat.

In the end, even if it was like this, he was still given by this guy.

"Forget it, this game should not sell for money anyway, and it's not tasty, so let's let it go!"

Zhuo Rong released the tiger shark last time, let alone this big blue shark, but this time, Zhuo Rong is not going to treat its wounds anymore, after all, it was really scared. Rong jumped, thinking of this, Zhuo Rong handed the fishing rod and the grouper to Qiu Xiaoxiao who was behind him, and he went to the side of the boat, ready to throw the fish into the sea.

But just when Zhuo Rong was about to stretch out his hand, it had to be said that the big blue shark was still stronger than the tiger shark. At this moment, it actually pulled its beak back from the string, and then flicked its tail, He jumped up and rushed directly to the boat to bite Rong Rong.

Its movements were really beyond Zhuo Rong's expectations. The only one who reacted now may be Qiu Xiaoxiao. She immediately grabbed Zhuo Rong's clothes and pulled him back. , but the body of the great blue shark is still flying this way.

Just when it was about to fly to the boat, suddenly a big fish flew up from the distant sea again, and directly bit the big blue shark's eye right in mid-air.

You know, there are three weaknesses of a shark. The nose is the place where the nerves of its body are most concentrated. The most vulnerable part of a shark is its sense of smell, so its nose is its weakness.

The second is its eyes. Sharks have no eyelids, so there is no way to protect their eyes. The third is gills, because sharks are very ancient creatures.

It has not evolved gills, so its gills are also the most vulnerable and vulnerable to attack. Why sharks are afraid of dolphins is because dolphins are familiar with their weakness. When dolphins attack sharks, they will attack their gills .

As a result, the shark's gills are broken, and it suffocates itself directly in the sea.

The big blue shark is also a shark, and its natural weaknesses are the same. When it was bitten by this huge guy, it had already lost.

After drawing a rainbow in front of Zhuo Rong, the two big fish fell into the sea far away, and Zhuo Rong only reacted at this time.

"That was just a tiger shark?"

Touching his micro brain, Zhuo Rong asked with some doubts.

"Yes, and it's the tiger shark you released last time." Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Xiao Zhuo also spoke to Zhuo Rong. Hearing what Xiao Zhuo said, Zhuo Rong immediately stood up and looked at Two big fish are fighting in the water at this time.

0·Ask for flowers...

If it is an ordinary shark, if its gills are bitten by a tiger shark, then there is only a dead end, but the big blue shark has a characteristic.

When this kind of fish is not mating, the male shark will bite the gill of the female shark to fix it.

Therefore, the thickness of the eyelids of female sharks is more than three times that of male sharks.

Although it was bitten by this tiger shark now, this big blue shark did not catch it without a fight, but was struggling constantly. I don’t know if you still remember it.

This tiger shark bit the string of Rong Rong's boat last time and broke its teeth.

Although it is said that sharks will continue to grow new teeth to replace their old teeth, after all, this has not happened for a long time, so the teeth of this tiger shark have not yet grown.

This gave the great blue shark a chance. It struggled in the water and after rolling for a while, it miraculously escaped from the tiger shark's mouth.

At this time, its streamlined body is useful. Its swimming speed is faster than that of the tiger shark. With a flick of its tail, it disappeared on the sea surface in an instant.

But the tiger shark didn't leave after beating off the big blue shark. Instead, it swam to the side of Zhuo Rong's boat, just under the water, looking at Rong.

"You guy, did you come here for revenge, or for revenge?"

Looking at the tiger shark, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing, this time he was mentally prepared, and he wouldn't be in such a rush as before, if the tiger shark dared to attack him, then Zhuo Rong would not let it go of!

But fortunately, this tiger shark really didn't seem to come to attack Zhuo Rong. After taking a look at Zhuo Rong, it wagged its tail and swam away, looking like it was about to leave.

Seeing its appearance, Zhuo Rong also thought about it, and directly bought a piece of raw beef weighing about five catties from the future, and then poured a bottle of elixir into the beef.

"Don't attack humans in the future, here it is!"

Seeing the tiger shark about to leave in the distance, Zhuo Rong also yelled, and then directly threw the beef in front of it, and the tiger shark was not polite, and directly bit the beef into its mouth

Then he turned around again and swam to the sea.

Zhuo Rong doesn't know what will happen to this tiger shark in the future, but he knows that this time the shark is gone, so he should go fishing in the afternoon!

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