My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 142: Application For Permission

Sure enough, it was almost exactly what Zhuo Rong thought.

After he finished his lunch and finished with Qiu Xiaoxiao and Jia Min what should have been done before the meal, Zhuo Rong restarted the fishing rod and began to fish continuously.

All kinds of grouper and grouper, although he has never had such a large tiger spot, but he has several red spots.

Before the afternoon turnaround, Zhuo Rong had caught almost five million fish.

These wild fish will be scarce in the future. As long as Zhuo Rong hangs up these fish, the speed of selling fish will be extraordinary.

While Zhuo Rong was happily fishing on the open sea, at the forestry station on the other side of the town, Uncle Peng Jianjun told Zhuo Rong yesterday that he could help him obtain a wild animal breeding permit

He also walked in, and it was obvious that the people here basically knew him.

As soon as he said who to look for, he was taken directly to the current station master's office by "027".

"Hey, old squad leader, why are you here today?"

Seeing Peng Jianjun walking in, the head of the Forestry Station couldn't help standing up and asked with a smile on his face.

The stationmaster of this forestry station was originally a member of Peng Jianjun's squad, but he was much younger than Peng Jianjun. When he first joined the army, Peng Jianjun was already the squad leader.

But the difference is that Peng Jianjun's learning ability is not very good, but this kid's learning ability is good. Later, he was promoted in the army. After retiring from the army, he was directly assigned to the Forestry Bureau

After so many years, he also became the stationmaster of the town's forestry station.

It is impossible to go one step further, so he is quite at ease staying here.

"I came here today to ask for your help. I remember you said at the beginning of the year that we still have a quota for domesticating wild animals. I don't know if I can come here."

Seeing the appearance of the station master, Peng Jianjun smiled and sat opposite him and began to talk.

"Hey, old squad leader, you have finally figured it out. Wild animal breeding is so popular now. You are an old forest ranger. I can open it for you with proof of skills. You call your son back. It's better to breed wild animals than outside. Is working hard?"

Upon hearing Peng Jianjun's words, the station master here also stood up, made tea for Peng Jianjun, and said to Gu Jianguo with some emotion.

In fact, modern people also like to eat game, but the so-called game, such as snakes, are actually farmed, but there is still a big market in the market.

In fact, the stationmaster of this forestry station had asked Peng Jianjun if he wanted to do this, but Peng Jianjun had never intended to do it. He was also happy when he came today.

"Hey, it's not for me, it's for a young man in our village, and there's no need for a business license, I just need a domestication license."

After hearing what the station master said, Peng Jianjun waved his hand, and then talked about Zhuo Rong's situation by the way. After hearing the situation of Zhuo Rong introduced by Peng Jianjun, the stationmaster of the forestry station also sighed. , The old squad leader still didn't plan to breed.

It is not clear about other places, but the forestry station here has a total of three types of key protected wild animal licenses, namely domestication licenses, breeding licenses and business licenses.

A domestication license means that you can raise key wild animals. Of course, individual animals also need to be reported separately.

Basically, most of the private zoos, such as Mr. Yu's zoo that everyone is familiar with, have this kind of domestication license.

The breeding license is the license owned by most protected animal bases. They can not only raise these small animals, but also breed these animals in their own bases. Don’t think that the breeding of protected animals is the same as mating. Dogs, like cats.

In fact, this is a very troublesome thing. Not only does each animal need to be equipped with a separate delivery room, but it also requires specialized veterinary technicians.

The last type, the business license, is academically inferior to the first two types, but it is actually the most powerful of the three.

Because private zoos are not allowed to sell tickets, operate externally, and are not allowed to buy or sell animals. The same is true for breeding bases. No matter how many cubs you have, you can raise them, but you cannot buy, sell or trade them.

Only with a business license can you sell tickets for everyone to see animals, or sell the fourth generation cubs of animals. At present, there are farms for snakes, deer, and baby fish in China. documents.

Originally, the station master was going to get this license for Peng Jianjun, but what Peng Jianjun wanted was not this license, but the first type of domestication license. After all, it was for Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong didn't need it. Sell ​​the cubs of these conservation animals to make money 0.

So there is no need to make it so troublesome.

Hearing what Peng Jianjun said, the station master had no way to say anything. This was the first time Peng Jianjun asked him to do something. Not to mention that the two had a life-threatening friendship when they were in the army. Zhuo Rong alone, he felt You can also help yourself.

After all, Zhuo Rong is not an ordinary person. Maybe they don't know how powerful he is, but he also knows about Zhuo Rong's relationship with the Su family.

After all, this is not news. If it didn't matter, would the Su family sell such a large manor to Zhuo Rong? So there is nothing wrong with doing this small favor for Zhuo Rong.

"Okay, the old squad leader, I'll give you a form, you take it back and fill it out for him, and then let him send it to me."

After thinking for a while, the station master here also said something, and then asked the clerk to bring him an application form, and then chatted with Peng Jianjun for a while, before sending Peng Jianjun away, and Peng Jianjun was leaving Afterwards, he also dropped by the village primary school to pick up Peng Wuyue after school.

After returning home and having dinner, he took Zhang Wuyueshiqi to Zhuo Rong's house.

When he arrived at Zhuo Rong's house, Zhuo Rong had just finished dinner. 4.5

At this time, he was shooting basketballs in the backyard of his home to digest food, when suddenly he heard Xiaozhuo's reminder that Peng Jianjun and Peng Wuyue were here.

So he immediately asked Xiao Zhuo to open the door, and greeted him at the same time.


Seeing Zhuo Rong, Peng Wuyue cried out enthusiastically.

"Hey, did you do your homework?"

Seeing Wuyue running over, Zhuo Rong also asked her.

"I finished it when I was in school." Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Peng Wuyue also said with a smile.

"Okay, let's play!"

Hearing that she had no homework to write, Zhuo Rong also smiled and patted her, indicating that she could go to play, and then looked at Peng Jianjun.

He knew that during this period of time, Peng Jianjun and Wu Yue didn't seem to be here to hang out. They should come to him for something. .

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