My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 143: Resolving The Breeding Permit

"Uncle, have you eaten?" Looking at Peng Jianjun, Zhuo Rong also asked Peng Jianjun with a smile.

"Have eaten, I reckon you should have finished eating too, so I brought May here. w

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Peng Jianjun also laughed and said.

"Uncle, you're too polite. If you have nothing to do in the future, you can just bring Wu Yue to eat. Just add two pairs of chopsticks, Zhuo Rong doesn't care.

"Hahahaha, besides, besides, I came here today mainly to give you this thing." Although it is impossible for Peng Jianjun to come to eat at Zhuo Rong's place every day, he was also happy when he heard what he said. He took out the form he got at the forestry station today, and Zhuo Rong took it over and saw that it was the application form for the domestication license of key protected animals.

"Uncle, is it solved?"

Looking at the application form, Zhuo Rong looked at Peng Jianjun with some doubts.

In fact, Zhuo Rong has a bit of fixed thinking. In his opinion, the most difficult part should be the part on the Internet, because that part is for the whole society, and even the imperial court can call it at any time, but Xiao Zhuo is online god.

01 Even Xiao Zhuo has some troublesome things to do, which means that this matter is very troublesome.

But he forgot that not everything is so troublesome.

Sometimes, the county magistrate is not as good as the present, and it is actually two different things if there are people and no one.

"You fill it out and hand it in to the forestry station of the town tomorrow. The certificate will be issued in about three days. By then your wolf... barking, what is it called, Ashes, will no longer be a black household.

Seeing Zhuo Rong's shocked look, Peng Jianjun also laughed and said.

"Okay, Uncle, I'll fill it out and deliver it tomorrow."

Hearing Peng Jianjun's words, Zhuo Rong also responded with a smile. After a while, after Peng Jianjun and the others left, he could fill in the information by himself. The above is basically some personal information, which is not troublesome. After finishing the business, Zhuo Rong followed Peng Jianjun Sitting at the door of the villa, while basking in the sunset, the two chatted for leisure.

After talking, they came to protect the animals.

In particular, Peng Jianjun himself has worked as a forest ranger for decades. He loves this forest deeply.

"I remember when I first returned to my hometown, there were still tigers in this forest, but I don't know when it started, let alone tigers, and wolves seemed to have disappeared. Until the 1980s, the imperial court began to pay attention to environmental protection. After that, it gradually got better here, let alone wolves now, I heard that there are many bears in it.”

While smoking a pipe, Peng Jianjun here also looked in the direction of the virgin forest, and spoke with emotion at the same time.

Hearing Peng Jianjun's words, Zhuo Rong really wanted to answer, not only bears, but tigers too, and there are more than one of them!

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

Because he is very sure that in fact, the tigress staying in this forest is actually a better choice for this forest. If he tells Peng Jianjun, if Peng Jianjun is too enlightened and reports this matter, then It may not be a good thing for them to take the South China tiger mother and child to the breeding base.

So after hesitating for a while, he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Well, it is indeed much better. Not only are there wolves, but there are also many wild boars. When I first went to the mountains to pick mushrooms, I beat a wild boar.

"Oh? Have you ever hunted wild boars?" Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Peng Jianjun also looked at Zhuo Rong curiously, and then Zhuo Rong told Yuan Tianqing about his trip to the mountain.

Of course, he cut down a lot on the situation where he was fighting the wild boar, and only said that the wild boar brought a few piglets into the mountain in the end.

After hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Peng Jianjun also nodded in satisfaction. He didn't know whether it was because Zhuo Rong let go of the wild boar, or because the environment had improved.

"In fact, this mountain is not big, but in fact, there are many good things in this mountain. I remember seeing eagle owls when I was guarding in the forest."

"A horned owl?"

"It's a big owl. It sounds so penetrating. It can grow seven catties and weigh more. It flies silently. It has weak air-to-air capabilities. It is very fierce. It catches foxes and rats. I remember it before. There are horned owls near my ranger's hut, and there are almost no mice throughout the year, but then a nest of golden eagles came, and the forest was still too small. After a few fights, the golden eagles and horned owls were separated It's all gone."

Looking at Zhuo Rong, Peng Jianjun also said nostalgicly.

"Yeah, this piece of forest is too small. If it's on Shennong's side or Xing'an's side, there will probably be more wild animals!"

Speaking of which, Zhuo Rong has also entered the mountain several times, but he has never seen Big Bird.

"Hahahaha, it's not good if it's too big. It's not so easy to take care of it. This forest is too small, and there are not many valuable animals, so poachers and poachers can hardly see it. At most, some bad boys from the nearby villages come to trap hares and pheasants, but if it is Shennong and Xing'an, there are poachers with guns, so it is much more dangerous."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Peng Jianjun also started talking with a smile.

Some people may not be able to understand that in today's society, as long as they work hard, they will not worry about food and clothing, but why do so many people take risks?

Some of them are forced to, but more people actually do it on purpose.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good. Zhuo Rong has always believed that this sentence is wrong, because in his view, the good and evil of human nature have little to do with innate nature, and more to do with acquired 570 cultivation.

The reason why Yanhuang people must pay attention to a tutor is because teaching can change a person's good and evil.

For a baby, if parents teach him to be kind, and he learns from you to be kind, he will naturally be kind.

And a baby whose parents taught him to be evil from an early age [then he will come naturally.

Taking advantage of things, stealing things, beating people when you have a bad temper, pressing buttons indiscriminately on the elevator...

Don't do evil because it is too small, and don't do something good because it is too small, Zhuo Rong feels that this sentence is quite right.

These poachers and poachers don't know that they are breaking the law. Are they doing something wrong? But they don't care.

In their view, it doesn't matter to kill people, let alone kill animals.

So for people like this, the best ending is to be punished by the law, and then have a good pregnancy in the next life.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhuo Rong for the time being. For him, the most important thing right now is that Ashes' identity issue has been resolved!

After chatting with Peng Jianjun for a while, Peng Jianjun took May back home.

And Zhuo Rong also picked up a pen and began to fill in the information about himself.

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I have been staying in the hospital for this week, and I only came back for one day in the middle. As a result, I can’t write anymore. I got stuck after writing two chapters today. God, what’s the situation? I’m going to go again in a few days. This can be done.

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