My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 144: Hedgehog And Red Fire Ant

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hi, my name is Zhuo Rong, and I'm here to find the head of our forestry station to submit this application.

The next morning, Zhuo Rong got up and drove to the forestry station.

After explaining his purpose at the gate, the security here also pointed him to the location of the station master's office, and Zhuo Rong also went to the station master's office after parking the car.

For Zhuo Rong, the webmaster is very enthusiastic, which is understandable, after all, to the webmaster, Zhuo Rong is no ordinary guest, not to mention his relationship with the Su family.

His family background alone is enough for the station master not to be negligent.

After all, Zhuo Rong runs a manor here, and he has to pay taxes on the things he sells in the future, and the taxes are paid to the local people first, and the tax alone is a big problem.

If he offended Zhuo Rong, the tax bureau would dare to make him feel better.

In addition, there are many friends and many paths, and Zhuo Rong was introduced by Peng Jianjun, so he was very enthusiastic about Zhuo Rong because of his affection and reason.

After completing the wild animal domestication certificate, he took Zhuo Rong to have lunch in a small room in their cafeteria. Although the food was much different from that of Zhuo Rong's, and the cook's skills were not much different, But after all, when you make friends, you look more at the people than the food.

In the afternoon, Zhiye drove back home.

When he parked the car, he saw Fudou, Ashes and four Ashes approaching.

"I can rest assured of raising you in the future!" Looking at Ashes, Zhuo Rong rubbed its wolf head vigorously, and then said with a smile.

"Wow!" Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Fudou suddenly laughed. At first, Zhuo Rong thought Fudou was jealous, so he touched his wife's head, but he didn't know it was because of his wife's jealousy. , or eat their own vinegar.

But later, he realized that he was thinking too much, a cool dog like Fudou would not be jealous, it is barking now, mainly because it wants to take Zhuo Rong to see something.

Seeing Fu Dou stepping back and forth three times, seeing if Zhuo Rong followed, Zhuo Rong also understood, and then walked towards the wall with him.

Ashes and Four Ashes over there also walked over together.

When they came to the wall, Zhuo Rong found several small balls with thorns.

"That's it, hedgehog?"

Looking at the small dumplings in front of him, Zhuo Rong asked with some doubts.

"Yes, master, this is a forest hedgehog of the genus Woodrex, a protected animal for the imperial court.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's doubts, Xiao Zhuo also took the initiative to answer Zhuo Rong.

"Huh? Really, but isn't this thing mainly eating bugs? I don't have bugs here either. What are they doing here?"

Hearing Xiao Zhuo's introduction, Zhuo Rong squatted down in some doubts, looked at these little guys in a ball, and asked a little puzzled.

When Xiao Zhuo introduced it to Zhuo Rong, he also showed the information of these hedgehogs in front of Zhuo Rong's eyes. Hedgehogs are omnivorous creatures, and their main food is insects.

It likes to eat earthworms, beetles, ants, cicadas, insect larvae, etc.

Plants are mainly berries and leaves.

Of course, if you let this little guy enter the melon field, it will dig out the melon soil to eat it like a '猹', so many private farmers actually don't like it very much.

However, it is indeed a protected animal for nature. It is a nocturnal creature and can eat hundreds of bugs in one night, which is very effective for ecological balance.

Therefore, although this kind of animal is a three-protected animal, it is not in danger. Most of the hedgehogs rated by the World Nature Conservancy are Least Dangerous.

"Master, the manor's insect repellent is mainly aimed at flying insects, crawling insects like earthworms, and the manor does not drive them away. If you don't believe me, look at the grass three meters to the left, there is a nest of ants... ...Warning, warning, this ant is a red fire ant, an invasive species, highly poisonous, please get rid of it as soon as possible!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's doubts, Xiao Zhuo here was also explaining, but while talking, it started to call the police, and its barking also startled Zhuo Rong.

RIFA Zhuo Rong knows that this is a kind of ant from South America. It is naturally very toxic and has a stronger reproductive ability. It is an extremely terrifying ecological destroyer.

When Zhuo Rong was young, there were no such ants in their house.

But he had it when he was in high school. He still remembers that when he was in high school, some classmates had to go to the hospital after being bitten by this kind of ant.

That classmate was dying of pain that day. Thinking of that scene, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but freeze up. At the moment, he didn't bother to take care of these dumplings. He immediately walked to the ant nest next to him and looked along the ant nest. In the past, Rong found out that the ant nest was still young.

It should have just invaded his own manor not long ago, and it must be wiped out.

`.Xiaozhuo, is there anything particularly effective in the future, I will play with it and destroy it!」

Seeing the ants crawling back and forth at the entrance of the cave, Zhuo Rong asked Xiao Zhuo.

"There are three ways to prevent and control, one is the best for the natural environment, that is to buy micro-robots, and let them sneak into the ant nest to kill all the ants.

But tiny robots, not intelligent, will attack all underground creatures [not recommended. "

"The second is to set fire, the smoke and high temperature will kill these ants."

"The third is to use future insecticides, but it will cause slight pollution to the land in this area."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Xiao Zhuo also directly gave three recommendations.

After hearing what it said, Zhuo Rong thought about it and decided to set it on fire!

However, it is best to use gasoline for setting fire, but his house is full of trams, and there is no place to buy gasoline. The rules at the gas station are not to buy gasoline casually. Will not refuse. (money is good)

But there's no need to be so troublesome, he just takes care of Yuan Tianqing and it's over.

Whether it's in his car or on his boat, he often needs to buy gasoline.

After a phone call, Yuan Tianqing didn't go out to sea today, and when he received a call from Zhuo Rong, he had some minor accidents.

Because he knew that Zhuo Rong was a little busy these days, so he didn't even call him when he went fishing, but unexpectedly, he called himself today.

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, do you have cold salad?"

"There are no instructions, but you drive your car over and fill up the gas before you drive over. I want some gasoline. There are fire ants in our house."

Hearing Yuan Tianqing's voice over there, Zhuo Rong also explained his purpose.

"Red fire ants? Damn, this stuff is not a good thing, I'll be right there!"

After hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing over there also immediately spoke up. .

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