Yuan Tianqing's speed was still very fast, within fifteen minutes after the call was hung up, he came over with gasoline.

"Where? Where are the red fire ants?"

As he got out of the car, he saw Zhuo Rong, and ran towards him while shouting.

"As for what, they can't run away here, what are you doing? Those who don't know think you have some big hatred against them!"

Seeing Yuan Tianqing's appearance, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing, looked at him and said.

"It's just a big hatred. I have been bitten by this beast several times."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing gritted his teeth and spoke up.

"No, don't these guys all live in the grass? You are a fisherman, how could you meet them?" Looking at Yuan Tianqing, Zhuo Rong became interested.

"Hey, you don't know, Qiangzi and I can't be idle, so when we can't catch fish outside, we will go to the ditch to poke freshwater fish, catch crayfish and so on, or go to the mountains I went up to catch beehives with them, but I was bitten several times."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yuan Tianqing also sighed helplessly and said.

"Fuck, there are so many fun things, why don't you take me to play?"

Hearing what Yuan Tianqing said, Zhuo Rong led him towards the Red Fire Ant, and said 330 with a smile at the same time.

"Isn't there no time to spare? After the Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be another celebration day. If you don't take advantage of this time to make more money, how can you have time to play?"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing also laughed. It could be seen that his gains in the past few days are still very good, and he almost saw his little tongue when he laughed.

"That's right, how about you today? Didn't go to sea today? Today is not a bad day!"

Glancing at the sky, Zhen Piao asked with some doubts.

"Today's weather is indeed good, but at night, I took over a job, and some bosses want to fish at night, and the fish bought in the market, in the eyes of these bosses, are still not very tasty!

So I have to rest during the day, and then take them fishing at night, hey? By the way, don’t you want to fish for small pipes? It happens to be fine tonight, you can go out to sea with me, but you have to drive your boat, let me tell you , where to catch small tubes.

When mentioning what happened tonight, Yuan Tianqing also suddenly remembered what Zhuo Rong said about fishing for small pipes. Tonight is a good opportunity!

After hearing his words, Zhuo Rong also nodded, this can be done!

After accepting this (abcc) matter, Zhuo Rong also took him to the Red Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported Fire Ant's side, slowly pouring gasoline into the ant nest, Zhuo Rong and the others deliberately dug up the nearby grass, Make a fire ditch, and then destroy the group!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the flames shot into the sky.

In fact, not only children like to play with fire, adults also like to play with fire.

Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing couldn't help laughing as they watched the flames soaring into the sky, it was quite amusing! Especially watching the red fire ant being burned to death was very interesting!

But fortunately, the fire came and went quickly, and not long after, the poured gasoline was burned up, leaving only a piece of charred ruins there.

These ruins don't need to worry about damaging the environment, because the bodies of these burned fire ants and the burned grass will be turned into oxygen, which will make the earth more fertile. Of course, this is not guaranteed. Yes, the premise is that there must be plant ash and animal corpses to make this area more fertile.

Otherwise, the organic matter in the land will disappear during the burning, and the land will become more barren instead of more fertile.

After setting fire to the red fire ants' nests here, Zhuo Rong and the others began to search throughout his manor, including outside his manor.

Needless to say, under Xiaozhuo's scan, a lot of fish that slipped through the net were found.

There are only two RIFA nests in Zhuo Rong's manor, and if they burn them all, they will die.

But on the land outside, there were no less than a dozen places. If they were ignored, it would only be a matter of time before these red fire ants re-invaded Che Rong's manor.

So Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing made a special call to the village department and reported it, saying that they were burning red fire ants, so don't call the fire alarm again because of this behavior.

This afternoon, Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing have been burning these things.

But the results are also very good, the whole nest of red imported fire ants was burnt to death quite a lot.

In the evening, after Yuan Tianqing had a simple meal at Zhuo Rong's place, he left immediately. In fact, he was reluctant to leave so early, after all, Zhuo Rong's place had too much delicious food.

But compared to making money, what to eat is not particularly important.

What's more, he can eat it again in the future, so he doesn't have to worry too much about it.

So he forcibly pulled back his consciousness and drove away quickly.

And after he left, Zhuo Rong was also preparing to go fishing for small pipes at night.

According to Yuan Tianqing, the first thing you need to prepare for fishing the small tube is the headlight, the kind of searchlight you need, the kind that can hit the sea.

Then red plastic cloth pockets, black ones are fine too.

Then luminous lures, fishing rods, and other things are not needed.

After preparing these things, Zhuo Rong and his family also set off together.

Because it was night fishing, he set off at night and came back in the middle of the night, and with Xiaozhuo looking after the house, Zhuo Rong didn't keep anyone, and everyone went with him.

But just when Zhuo Rong's family was about to go to the old pier, as soon as they went out, they saw Ashes and Huo Dou, who were still surrounding the little hedgehogs.

Seeing this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing, these little guys must be scared enough.

Xiao Zhuo has tested it just now. The biggest of these hedgehogs is only a female hedgehog, which should be their mother, and the others are all small hedgehogs. They should stay here to eat and survive the winter. Let them find their food here.

Because in Zhuo Rong's manor, there are not only earthworms, but also insects like mole crickets, which are very bad for crops and soil. They are here, and they can also help get rid of these, which is not beneficial bugs.

"Okay, in the future, they don't want to harass the cattle and sheep, don't enter the villa, don't steal fruits, so just leave them alone and let them find their own food!"

After saying something to Fu Dou, Fu Dou also left here with Ashes and Four Ashes.

Zhuo Rong and the others also drove to the old pier quickly.

After getting on the boat, he drove directly to the small pier.

When he arrived here, Yuan Tianqing had already arrived, and besides him, Pang Liqiang also came, and there were two other people beside them. Compared to Yuan Tianqing and the others, these two were more like fishermen, The preparations were more complete than Zhuo Rong's. .

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