"Fuck, what's the big deal at this time?"

Small tubes should not only exist in modern times, but also in the future. Obviously, the disappearance of marine life has not affected squid, octopus, cuttlefish and other creatures with strong reproductive capabilities, so small tubes will not be very expensive in the future. .

Because of this, Zhuo Rong never thought about fishing for small pipes to sell.

Tonight, he was simply fishing for small pipes here, and his family came to eat.

In the end, it could still be sold in large quantities, which he hadn't expected.

However, now that he has bought a lot of goods, Zhuo Rong will not be polite. He used to pull the fishing line manually, but now he has replaced it with an electric twister.

But there were some minor accidents when he pulled this guy up.

Because this guy's weight is not light, Zhuo Rong felt it for a while, and it was almost a hundred "five or ninety" heavier, or even heavier, but his size was a bit ridiculous.

It is not that Zhuo Rong has never caught something weighing hundreds of catties, such as the white eel and grouper he caught, but when this guy was picked up, the range of agitation, even It affected half of the ship, which surprised him very much.

But fortunately, the bait wasn't placed deep enough originally, and coupled with the strong power of the electric twister, this guy was picked up quickly.

But the first thing to come out of the water is not this guy's body, but this guy's arm......

It can also be said to be the wrist and foot!

Just before Zhuo Rong saw this guy, suddenly a few arms and feet that were as thick as a baby's arm jumped out from under the water and rolled towards Zhuo Rong on the boat.

Zhuo Rong looked at the wrists and feet that were flying in front of him. He was also taken aback at the time, but fortunately, his reaction was not slow. The first time he held the fishing rod in one hand, the other hand directly grabbed the fish in it. One arm, and at the same time, both feet stepped back, avoiding the opponent's other arms.

"Come on, catch a big guy!"

Just as Zhuo Rong dodged the opponent's first wave of attacks, he also shouted into the boat.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Jia Min and the others also ran out of the boat cabin immediately. As soon as they saw the big guy outside, these people also rushed over immediately, each grabbing an arm and foot and grabbing this big guy. The guy pulls on the boat.

You know, the power of this thing is very great, that is, Zhuo Rong and the others, if it were someone else, it would be impossible to pull this guy onto the boat.

Moreover, there are sharp teeth growing on this guy's wrists and feet, even if Zhuo Rong and the others pulled it up, the teeth made a lot of cuts on his body.

Fortunately, the result was good. With the efforts of Zhuo Rong and the others, the monster on the bottom of the sea was pulled up by Zhuo Rong and the others. When they saw this monster, Zhuo Rong and the others couldn't help but gasp.

At this time, in Zhuo Rong's eyes, this huge guy should be about seven meters long including the arms and legs. No wonder it can affect half of the sea surface of the ship.

Judging by the size, it should be a squid.

The difference between squid and squid is actually quite obvious.

Although it is said that there is not much difference between the two lengths alone, if you actually observe it, you will find that the body of the squid is slender, and there is a relatively pointed conical cap at the tail. The two sides of the cap are the two sides of the squid. a fin.

The squid has a wider body with two fins on both sides.

At the same time, the suckers on the arms and legs of squids are generally four rows, or even more, while the suckers on the arms and legs of squids are generally two rows, some have four rows, but not more.

Just as Zhuo Rong thought, after the squid was caught, Xiao Zhuo had already searched all the news about the squid and sent it to Zhuo Rong.

"Scientific name: king squid, another name: king squid, is the second largest member of the octopus subclass in the world, second only to the middle claw squid (Physalis king squid), body length: 7.13 meters, weight 87 kg, currently the world's largest It is an endangered animal and can be eaten safely, but the meat of this species is very difficult to eat.”

"Good guy, it turned out to be the legendary king squid? I did hear that this kind of creature would appear near here, but I can still catch it unexpectedly. Is this because the bait in the future is too fragrant?" Zhuo Rong couldn't help complaining about Xiao Zhuo's reminder.

King squid, this should be said to be one of the childhood nightmares of many children, one of the monsters.

In fact, the education Zhuo Rong received was that when he was a child, when he was four or five years old, everyone was talking about the king squid, which is actually the biggest pupae, the Yana creature.

As a result, scientists later told them that the king squid is not actually the king squid, and that the king squid still exists in the depths of the ocean. This is the biggest zero.

And the king squid is actually not a squid, but a kind of squid. A squid can't grow so big. What? An octopus? The octopus is actually smaller, and much smaller.

And now that Zhuo Rong has caught this guy, he actually has some entanglements.

That is how to deal with this game, but unlike the big blue shark and the tiger shark, Zhuo Rong will definitely not let it go.

Because this kind of creature is a harmless creature, and there are some, it is not good news to put it back into the sea, because now this place is not far from the coast, and there are often some fishermen here who come to fish. Fish this guy up.

Then others can't deal with this guy, and it will easily lead to the shipwreck and death in the end.

So Zhuo Rong dealt with it, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

But how to do it, this is a problem, just kill and eat it, it will definitely not work.

Because this game should be very, very special and not delicious.

Squid is really different from other seafood. The bigger the fish, the older the meat. Not to mention the king squid, even the tiger squid is actually very hard and difficult to eat.

For example, the king squid is basically a category that cannot be bitten.

Moreover, this kind of squid is like a shark, the meat quality actually has a foul smell, which makes this kind of squid itself not suitable for consumption 4.7.

Sure enough, whether a species can survive under the rule of the fearful erect ape mainly depends on whether the food is delicious or not, so don't look at it's particularly large, but there are quite a lot of it.

"Why don't you start a live broadcast and sell it? Someone should accept this thing in the future!"

Looking at the giant squid that was still struggling after being pulled onto the boat, Zhuo Rong scratched his head and muttered speechlessly.

After thinking about it, it seemed that there was no other way but this method, so he directly opened the system platform and chose live broadcast.

With the opening of the live broadcast room, although it was already very late, there were still a lot of people pouring in in an instant, and the barrage of Zhuo Rong's live broadcast room also quickly went up. .

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