My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 148: Impact On The Future

"Wow, the shopkeeper still remembers his account number, it's not easy!"

"The owner came out to fish so late, is he also fishing for big yellow croaker today?"

"I checked some information, and it is indeed said that it is better to catch big yellow croaker at night."

"Shopkeeper, you are so handsome!"

"Little brother, can you give me a wild big yellow croaker? My little girl can be sweet and you can be offline?"

"Bah, isn't the one on the top even shameless? A wild big yellow croaker costs at least 100,000 yuan, and if you add another 100,000 yuan, the shopkeeper can buy the most advanced cyborgs, and you can also customize their portraits and figures. How can I find you? Are you made of gold?"

"Gold is worthless, why do you say it's made of gold?"

"It's an old saying that's been passed down, and I don't know why."

"But there's nothing wrong with being jealous of this woman!"

With the opening of the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong's live broadcast room became lively in an instant. There was no need for Zhuo Rong to speak, and these people chatted by themselves immediately.

"Hey, everyone, it's actually a little unexpected to start this live broadcast today. I originally came here to catch small pipes today, but I accidentally played this game. This game is too big and it's not delicious. Let it go." , It will also affect other people, so I came here to ask if anyone 01 wants to buy it."

Seeing that the people had almost entered, Zhuo Rong also pointed the camera at the king squid, and at the same time asked the people in the live broadcast room.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then a barrage of bullets flew by.

"This is... the king squid?"

"To be precise, it should be called King Squid."

"so big!"

"This tentacle gave me a bold idea."

"Hey? The girl in front, is there a live broadcast room?"

"Damn, did you make a mistake, this can also drive trains? But seriously, this thing is too big, and it doesn't taste too good according to the owner. Will anyone really come to buy it?"

"Not to mention, if this thing is kept as a pet, it must be very cool!"

"It's cool, but most people probably don't have such a big place to raise this guy!"

"Don't underestimate rich people. I heard a few days ago that someone has resurrected dinosaurs with genes and is raising them!"

"Hey, I've seen this report too!"

"I heard that humans more than a thousand years ago resurrected dinosaurs to raise them, which were copied from DNA extracted from mosquitoes."

"I seem to have read this information, and there are some video clips..."

"I also heard that they have done genetic experiments and produced many monsters...

"Hey... Humans a thousand years ago are really scary..."

Looking at the barrage posted by these people, the corners of Zhuo Rong's eyes kept twitching, good guy, they may not know, they are scolding themselves now.

And the information they mentioned is actually a movie...

It seems that the cultural gap in the future is indeed quite serious.

But don't look at these guys talking all the time.

But there was no one who said he wanted to buy this king squid.

Zhuo Rong looked at it for a while, and felt that the king squid was about to die, when suddenly a barrage spoke.

"Hi shopkeeper, this king squid, it just happened to be placed in my seafood wine cedar as a signboard."

As the bullet screen floated out, Zhuo Rong also took a look. This is also an old customer of his restaurant, Qianjiang Restaurant, but this time the name is not the CEO of Qianjiang Restaurant, but the CEO of Qianjiang Restaurant. The owner of Qianjiang Hotel.

"Okay, Qianjiang Hotel is also my old customer, so how about it, two hundred thousand, make a friend and sell it to you cheaply.

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Rong reported a number and said to the live broadcast room.

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, not only the CEO of Qianjiang Hotel, but also many people were tempted, 200,000, a king squid.

From a modern point of view, this must be very expensive. In fact, the king squid is not worth the price. In fact, this thing is often caught in the island country.

After being caught, they are basically sent to scientific research for free.

Because of the current technology, it is still difficult to raise this thing.

In addition, the taste of this toy is terrible, so few people will eat this thing, and naturally it will not be sold at a high price, but in the future, it will not be troublesome to keep this thing.

But if you can raise it, you can raise it, but it is very tasteless to raise this thing. First, it should not taste good, and second, it is dangerous, so few people know how to raise it.

You said that it is really unnecessary to spend millions, or even millions, to get one of these toys.

But if the price becomes 200,000, it's still very good.

After Zhuo Rong finished speaking, the owner of the Qianjiang Hotel over there immediately gestured for a deal, and Rong Zu directly asked the system to enter it into the platform.

Set a price of 200,000, and then do not set automatic selling, but need to manually determine it yourself.

Just when he hung up this King Squid, sure enough, six or seven transaction applications were sent over in an instant. Apart from the ones from Qianjiang Hotel, there were a few other people whose IDs looked familiar. They should be from just now. Also spoke in the live broadcast room.

This is because the price is not high, so there are some surprises.

But Zhuo Rong agreed to Qianjiang Hotel from the very beginning, so naturally he wanted to sell it to him.

After finding the transaction application of Qianjiang Hotel, Zhuo Rong clicked on it, and 200,000 yuan went to his account, and the king squid also went to the other party's hands.

"Hurry up, hurry up, send this guy to the separate aquarium in Box No. 7. Give me a brand name there, and it will be called the King's Squid Hall!"

Just when this king squid traveled through a thousand years and came to the future.

At this time, in a restaurant in the tidal zone below the magic city in Yanhuang, a thousand years later, a somewhat fat middle-aged man began to yell.

This restaurant, 173 is the Qianjiang Hotel, which is quite well-known around here, but in the past, it was famous mainly because of the good architecture here.

This restaurant is a restaurant opened on the 'undersea', of course the undersea is in quotation marks.

Because this 'sea' is actually a huge aquarium specially made.

The roof of the entire hotel is located ten meters below the sea surface. All the materials of the entire hotel are made of transparent outer space glass, which is future glass that can withstand the impact of meteorites. Naturally, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

The ten meters above the roof is actually a single huge aquarium, the walls are also transparent, the outside is also an aquarium, the floor is also transparent, and the bottom is also an aquarium.

There are all kinds of fish in it, but basically they are farmed fish. When diners come here to eat, they can directly pick the fish. Whichever one is picked, the artificial robot will catch it and hand it over to the cyborg Come and cook on the spot.

In addition to the hall, the most striking thing here is the boxes one by one.

These boxes are all halls surrounded by a huge separate aquarium. Except for the door, the surroundings are surrounded by sea water, as if people are eating in the middle of the sea.

Qianjiang Restaurant is very popular recently, mainly because they not only have such a landscape, but also have wild fish provided by Zhuo Rong. This is an opportunity for Zhuo Rong, and it is also an opportunity for this restaurant. Not your average good!.

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