My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 155: The Cub Goes Down The Mountain

One day passed quickly while Zhuo Rong and the others were eating oysters.

But Sun Qingyuan didn't stay here for too long.

Because he also skipped work, it didn't matter if he didn't clock in at noon, but he had to clock in when he got off work in the evening, so he took a taxi back after three o'clock.

As for the remaining Zhuo Rong, Yuan Tianqing, Yang Sheng and Qiangzi, they drank a lot in Yuan Tianqing's house.

At night, Li Ke and Lin Xiaoqiao drove to pick up Zhuo Rong.

As for Yang Sheng and Qiang Zi, they slept directly at Yuan Tianqing's house.

After eating oysters for a day, it is natural to try the medicine at night, how should I say it?

In fact, the effect is not as great as imagined, but it is still effective.

The next day, when Zhuo Rong yawned and walked downstairs, it was already ten o'clock.

"Master, you have finished dealing with the matter of the plane!"

Watching Zhuo Rong go downstairs and sit at the dining table, Gao Wen brought a bowl of eight-treasure porridge to Zhuo Rong, and at the same time asked Zhuo Rong.

"Well, it's finished. We'll just wait for them to finish the decoration and come over for inspection."

"Actually, master, with our ability, it is also possible to get our own aircraft. With the current level of technology, it is difficult to detect the 360 ​​degrees of our aircraft.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Ding Jianguo here also came over and looked at Zhuo Rong and said.

"Also, master, don't you feel that our security situation here is a little too weak? I remember that the platform sells automatic combat mechs, but we can also buy some." Yang Qian also turned around, looked at Zhuo Rong and recommended it.

"You guys are thinking too simple. Paper can't cover fire. Unless the fire doesn't exist, your identities can be solved through Xiao Zhuo. Naturally, you can't find out what the problem is, but if I buy the aircraft directly , Buying a mecha, there is no guarantee that it will not be seen by others, what if it is seen by then, what should I do?"

Looking at these girls, Zhuo Rong asked them with a smile.

"Delete it. With our strength and technological level, no one should suspect us." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, the girls here almost didn't even have their shells stuck, and said directly, as if they were In his eyes, killing a person is no different from killing a chicken.

Indeed, after all, they are not human beings, but biochemical human beings. As far as they are concerned, as long as they threaten their (abdb) master, that is, Zhuo Rong, it is okay to kill anyone.

But after hearing their words, Zhuo Rong shook his head.

"This is a farming article, not a hegemony article. Don't talk about fighting and killing in the future. I don't want to care about or know what the world will be like in a thousand years. And the most important thing is, It seems that the world after a thousand years is not in the same time dimension as ours, otherwise, we should have reacted by now.

I am here, I just want to live a leisurely life, grow some delicious food, and grow old with you. I don't have much ambition, so in this safe country, there is nothing wrong with it. I want to understand everything, or think of the worst.

Of course, I will still prepare for the second hand, but not now, just buy it at any time when needed.

After taking a sip of porridge, Zhuo Rong also spoke to the girls here.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Gao Wen and the others here also nodded, expressing that they understand that their nature is to obey, since Zhuo Rong has said so, then they will not disobey Zhuo Rong's words.

"Wow, woo woo, woof woof!"

But when Zhuo Rong was enjoying his porridge here, suddenly there was a barking of dogs outside, mixed with the howling of wolves mixed with ashes.

You must know that Fu Dou and Ashes are not ordinary animals, they are very smart and proud.

Normally, apart from Zhuo Rong who can touch them, only Jia Min and the others can touch them. Of course, Zhuo Rong touches them because they recognize the existence of the master Zhuo Rong.

Jia Min and the others touched it purely out of fear...

All animals have feelings. They know that the fifteen terrifying upright apes in front of them are extremely scary. It really means that you can kill yourself if you kill yourself, so basically all animals, when facing Jia Min When they were young, they were naturally afraid.

It is precisely because of this that Dou Dou and Ashes don't bark almost normally.

Whether it's a car coming or a dog passing by the door, at most they just glance at it and don't know how to bark. If they bark today, it means that something must happen.

Immediately, Zhuo Rong put down the bowl, and walked out of the villa immediately. As soon as he came out, he saw a big cat lying on its stomach right now in front of his gate...

Well, this is also an old acquaintance, it is the South China tiger that Zhuo Rong sent back last time.

At this time, the little guy was lying in front of the gate and looking around curiously. When he saw Zhuo Rong, he squinted his eyes and let out a childish cry.

"No, what happened, why did you go down the mountain again?"

Seeing this little milk tiger, Zhuo Rong was stunned. He immediately asked Xiao Zhuo to open the door and then went to meet it. After catching the little guy, Zhuo Rong took a special look at its body.

It was not injured, and there was no bloody smell or blood on its body, which means that it did not come down the mountain because of injury or the injury of the tigress, and it is impossible for such a small tiger to run down by itself, the tigress It must be around.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help looking at Fudou and Ashes. Sure enough, at this time, they didn't relax their vigilance just because the little tiger ran in, and they were still staring at a patch of grass in the distance.

Seeing this, Zhuo Rong walked out with the cub in his arms, and watched Zhuo Rong appear. At this time, the tigress that Song had seen before came out of the grass in the distance.


Seeing Zhuo Rong with a confused face, and the little guy struggling in Zhuo Rong's hands, the tigress gave Zhuo Rong a very pleased look, then turned around, and quickly ran towards the mountain.

This guy is fast, come fast, go fast.

Before Zhuo Rong could figure out what happened, the tigress had already disappeared.

"No, what's the situation?" Seeing the disappearing tigress, Zhuo Rong was a little confused.

This, not quite right, what is the situation now, what does this tigress mean?

"Master, it seems to treat us as babysitters and just throw this little guy to us." When Zhuo Rong came out, Jia Min and the others also came out, just in case, especially after seeing the mother After the tiger.

However, the tigress withdrew too quickly, which also made them a little confused, but then they thought about it, and felt that the tigress' intention was to hand over the cub to Zhuo Rong....

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