"No, why leave it to me?" Looking at the little guy in his hand, Zhuo Rong was even more confused. When did the tiger trust people so much? It shouldn't be!

"It should be because it is very troublesome to feed. We all know that the tiger's habitat needs at least 40 square kilometers. This virgin forest is too small. It may be troublesome to live by itself, let alone take care of the cubs. ...And tigers, generally speaking, don't give birth to only one, so what's the matter with the other one, I think you understand, master

Seeing Zhuo Rong's puzzled eyes, Wang Qian from here came over, looked at the little tiger in Zhuo Rong's arms, and explained with a smile.

Well, it seems that this tigress is indeed struggling to support herself. A tigress gives birth to cubs, usually one to five cubs, usually at least two.

But now there is only such a little tiger, so there is no need to say why.

In fact, this matter is also blamed on Zhuo Rong. If Zhuo Rong just beat them up violently last time and didn't drink the elixir for it, then the tiger might not have thought of Zhuo Rong as its nanny.

The tigress will take care of her cubs because of her genes. If she really can't survive in the mountain, she will go down the mountain, and there will be a lot of trouble at that time.

But now, after drinking the elixir, the tigress feels that it is actually quite good to hand over the cub to Zhuo Rong, at least there is no need to worry about safety issues, and it seems that Zhuo Rong takes good care of the cub , even better than taking care of yourself.

Then you can operate it.

In the past few days, it also figured it out on the mountain, and then sent it down after the little tiger was weaned. The tiger's sense of smell is no worse than that of a dog, so it naturally knows how Zhuo Rong walks, so it is like this Send the ~little guy over here.

After seeing that Zhuo Rong received the little guy, the mother went straight back to the deep mountains and old forests to become her own single nobleman.

After hearing their analysis, although Zhuo Rong felt a little bullshit, he couldn't refute it, because when he saw the tiger just now, Zhuo Rong had asked Xiaozhuo to analyze it

The tigress is not injured now, and there is no physical problem. Under such circumstances, the chance of giving up the cub is extremely low.

Holmes once said that if all the impossibilities are cast aside, what remains, no matter how bizarre, is the truth. Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help scratching his head.

"Honey, my house is becoming more and more like a zoo now."

He muttered in a low voice, Rong didn't even have the idea of ​​sending Xiaohu back.

Of course, his wildlife breeding certificate does not include creatures like South China tigers. At most, he can only raise some second-level protected animals, such as wolves, black bears, etc. Super-level South China tigers , it is absolutely impossible to be raised by individuals.

So if he is found, Zhuo Rong probably wants to send the little guy back to the mountains. He doesn't want the little guy to enter those research institutes. This is not a good choice.

But before being discovered, Zhuo Rong probably still took care of it, secretly taking care of it, thinking about how many things there are in his home now.

There are dogs, wolves, real-wolf dogs, cows, sheep, pigs, crocodiles, red arowanas, starlings, and wild hedgehogs, and now there is a little tiger

"Well then, you can live here from now on, you two don't treat it as rations." Looking at the howling little guy in front of him, Zhuo Rong also took it by the back of the neck and put it behind the tigress. , in front of Huo Dou and Ashes who had stopped screaming, and said to them.

And after they also smelled the little tiger, they turned around and left. Obviously, for Fu Dou and Ashes, they were lazy to care about it.

Seeing their appearance, Zhuo Rong also laughed, and then carried the little guy back to the villa. With new playmates, at least the four grays are quite happy.

Immediately, he fought with the little tiger.

"Master, isn't this little tiger named? There is a crocodile and this starling waiting to be named in the backyard."

Seeing Zhuo Rong sitting at the table, eating eight-treasure porridge, and watching the five little guys huddled together, Li Zhu also came over and asked Zhuo Rong.

Maybe you want to have what you lack. Although these biochemical people are no different from ordinary people in terms of living conditions, they cannot create laws, so they cannot be named.

So they like to watch Zhuo Rong name it very much.

But Zhuo Rong is not a good namer either.

"Uh, that's what it is. If you want to name it, it's not very good to favor one over another, so you can just get it all. Since the crocodile in the backyard is a spectacled caiman, it should be called... glasses.

0 for flowers...

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Rong first named the crocodile that came later.

Good guy, if this crocodile finds out, it will probably cry.

It's been around for so long, and finally has a name of its own.

As for the name glasses, of course, Zhuo Rong is not teasing people who wear glasses, because he also wears them, and he always wore them in junior high school, high school, and college.

However, the degree of myopia is not very high, only about 300 degrees, so after graduation, he does not wear it in normal times, but only wears it when he is working.

But now, since he got the genetic modification medicine, his myopia has disappeared.


So he named it without any malice.

"What do you want to call this starling?" After naming the spectacled caiman, Zhuo Rong looked at the starling he got from Qiangzi. But starlings can get one.

"You can call me Your Majesty, miscellaneous...cough, respected master."

As soon as he heard Huo Rong asking himself, the starling here spoke directly, but it might be talking too much, and almost said his mind. Under the dangerous gaze of Zhuo Rong, it changed his words in an instant. Obviously, it still I didn't give up the idea of ​​being golden.

"You want to be Jin Shining so much, then from now on you will be called Xiao (the opposite of) Ba, he specializes in eating Jin Shining..."

Looking at mynah, Zhuo Rong thought for a while and said firmly.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Xiao Ba also froze for a moment. Although it is very smart, it can almost be said to be the smartest among Zhuo Rong's animals.

But it is not human after all, it does not know what Xiao Ba means...

But you can eat golden glitter, so it should be very strong! So it is quite happy.

After solving the glasses and Xiaoba's name, Zhuo Rong looked at the little tiger. What would it be called? In fact, according to Zhuo Rong's idea, it would be fine to call it Tiger Banner or Big Orange

But looking at the twinkling eyes of Jia Min and the others around him, it was obvious that he couldn't be fooled by such a simple name this time. At this moment, he suddenly saw the porridge he was drinking...

"Otherwise, let's call it eight-treasure porridge!"

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