My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 158: From Robbery To Bondage

"What kind of attitude do you have, fuck you!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's direct question, a guy over here pointed at Zhuo Rong and shouted. Hearing his voice, Zhuo Rong's eyes narrowed. He naturally knew that these guys were here to do it. What, it's nothing more than some bastards wanting to come here to make trouble for him and extort his money, but Zhuo Rong is not a soft persimmon.

Now that this guy dares to spray dung all over his mouth, Zhuo Rong has no intention of letting him go. Looking at Zhuo Rong, his eyes narrowed. Anyone who knows him well knows that Zhuo Rong means he is angry. And when he gets angry, the problem becomes serious!

"Hey, they are all from the folks in the village. What are you talking about? I came here to ask for help. Your attitude is not good!"

Seeing that Zhuo Rong had a bad expression on his face, the guy named Brother Li also waved his hand to stop the guy behind him, and at the same time looked at Zhuo Rong and spoke directly.

"Zhuo Rong, you are all from the village. You don't see them when you look down, but you see them when you look up. We know that you have money. It's not that money is tight recently. I was thinking about asking you to borrow some.

Sure enough, Tu Qiongdao appeared. After training the guy pretending to be innocent, this man named Brother Li also looked at Zhuo Rong and directly expressed his intention to come.

"Oh? Blackmail? Blackmail? Or just rob?"

"Can you fucking speak, shit, believe it or not, labor will kill you!"

Seeing Zhuo Rong speak out their purpose directly, the person who scolded Zhuo Rong just now couldn't help scolding again, it seems that he is the one who pretended to be red-faced.

No matter what others say, in Zhuo Rong's heart, this cursing guy has already been sentenced to death by him. Of course, he would not easily do murder or the like.

But it's troublesome to make him live, it shouldn't be difficult.

"Calm down, aren't we negotiating now? Don't say it so harshly, what kind of extortion, robbery? We are borrowing, understand?" He patted the person behind him, and this brother Li also pointed at the man with his big yellow teeth Zhuo Rong spoke up.

"Borrow? I'm sorry, I don't know you guys, so I won't borrow it."

Looking at the big yellow teeth, this guy should know something about the law or something, he is always borrowing, which is not acceptable, so Zhuo Rong directly blocked his idea of ​​'borrowing'.

"Aren't you fucking shameless, we'll rob you, don't you agree? Take the money, or let you go in with a white knife and come out with a red knife!"

Seeing Zhuo Rong reply directly, the guy who was cursing just now pulled out a butterfly knife from behind, and said to Zhuo Rong viciously under the street lamp.

Seeing each other's swords, Zhuo Rong's eyes could not help but light up.

"Brother Li, why are you talking nonsense with him? I think he doesn't cry when he sees the coffin. Go ahead and tie him up directly. He asked the people in the family to redeem him with money!"

At this time, the other guy behind Brother Li saw that Zhuo Rong still had no intention of taking money, and he was impatient.

He winked directly at the other two, and then stepped forward to catch Zhuo Rong. Looking at their actions, what they said, and the knives in their hands, Zhuo Rong laughed, My fellow, the evidence is complete!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong didn't retreat but advanced, and rushed directly in front of this brother Li at the first moment, then flew up and kicked this brother Li's chest directly.

With a huge force, he kicked Brother Li to the three people behind him in an instant.

The three people behind them never thought that Zhuo Rong dared to attack directly, and didn't check for a while. The guy with the butterfly knife just now didn't close the knife in time. Brother screamed in pain.

And this is of course not over yet, when Brother Li was dealt with and the other three were a little confused, Zhuo Rong had already rushed over, grabbed the hand of the guy who scolded him for being so cool just now, and directly hit a Over the shoulder fall.

With a muffled bang, the guy's body hit the concrete road directly.

All of a sudden, this guy felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced by the shock, but Zhuo Rong's attack was not over yet. After this fall, he directly lifted the guy's arm again, and then One over the shoulder, then another over the shoulder, and another over the shoulder......

He didn't let this guy go until Zhuo Rong clearly heard two clicks, which meant that the guy's spine must be cracked.

This time this guy is not just robbing, he intends to kidnap, even if he comes out of prison, he estimates that he may only be able to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

If he dares to scold Zhuo Rong like that, then he must be prepared for the rest of his life to be worse than death.

At this time, the other two guys saw Zhuo Rong coming up and immediately killed the two of them. They also panicked. The one with the knife was still courageous, while the one without the knife was already about to run away. "How could stretching Rong Rong make them run away!

He rushed over at the first time, kicked this guy down again, and then took the leg of the guy who had been kicked down by this guy, swung it round and threw it at the person holding the knife next to him.

This time, the man with the knife realized that it was because he stabbed Brother Li's ass just now, but this time he didn't want to stab his brother's body again.

Stabbing the butt won't kill you, but stabbing the body will really kill you.

So in a panic, he also threw the knife in his hand, but Zhuo Rong did not let him go because of this. 703, when he hastily picked up his companion and was brought to him, Zhuo Rong here He has already rushed over, and directly kicked his head.

This kick, he took a lot of force, but even so, this guy's nose was directly kicked violently by Zhuo Rong's kick, blood flew everywhere, snot, tears, everywhere As for Liu, his consciousness was instantly blurred.

After this kick, at least it was a moderate concussion. No one knows if he can recover...

Seeing Zhuo Rong take care of his three little brothers with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, Li Ge here was also stunned, and he was about to run away holding his ass, but unfortunately, how could Zhuo Rong let him run away!

Walking over, I kicked the wound on his buttocks. This time it was really painful and numb to him. He couldn't move half of his legs in an instant, but he still wanted to run. As soon as his center of gravity changed, he slapped The child fell to the ground and knocked four teeth away.

At this time, Zhuo Rong also untied his belt, directly put his hands behind his back, and tied his hands and feet together on his back.

The same was true for the other three people. After they were all tied up, they drove straight away before calling the police.

He didn't plan to just let it go, beating them is beating them, and they will continue to eat!

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