The police came very quickly, and they arrived at the scene in about three minutes.

When they saw the situation on the ground, they couldn't help being stunned.

Didn't the call to the police they received say that someone was trying to rob or kidnap?

Why is this scene different from what they imagined...

"Comrade police, these four guys want to rob and kidnap me. This is the evidence I recorded with my mobile phone. By the way, I also called the emergency center at the same time. See if they need to go for treatment first."

Looking at the eyes of these policemen, Zhuo Rong also told what happened, and of course, the video he had asked Xiaocao to send to his mobile phone.

After hearing what Zhuo Rong said, the policemen also reacted, and immediately checked the four people here, and they were really shocked when they saw it.

These four people all need to go to the hospital. The heaviest one must have a fractured or even broken spine. Although there is no danger of life, recovery will be troublesome in the future.

Of the two people squeezed together, the lower one had at least a moderate concussion, with a comminuted nasal bone fracture, and the upper one had rib fractures, but luckily it didn't penetrate the internal organs, but it was not light.

This Li brother, there is a knife on his buttocks that is still bleeding, and he needs to go to the hospital for stitches, his nose and mouth are injured, his nasal bone is broken, and four teeth are broken.

Instead, it was Zhuo Rong who was kidnapped, nothing happened.

"You are really good!" After checking the situation of the four people, the policeman who came also gave Zhuo Rong a thumbs up, and immediately began to deal with the four people and the evidence

The evidence is very clear, that is, these four people blocked the road to rob, and if the robbery failed, they wanted to kidnap them, and then Zhuo Rong severely injured these people out of self-defense.

Because the opponent has already opened his sword, there is no such thing as excessive defense.

The facts are clear and there is nothing wrong with it.

When the four people were taken to the hospital, Zhuo Rong also went to the police station, where he simply made a record, copied the evidence, and the knife that the man threw away. These evidences can be described as It has been proved that it is not a big problem to kill them.

After everything was settled, Zhuo Rong also went home.

He went home to rest, but after he left, the police station became lively.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, the head of the village where the four people lived personally brought more than 30 villagers and blocked the entrance of the police station, asking for someone here!

Yes, the four people who were going to rob Zhuo Rong were not actually from Lingquan Village. They said they were from Lingquan Village, but they were mainly trying to get close to Zhuo Rong.

If they can borrow money from Zhuo Rong with this identity, that would be great, if they can't, then let's talk about it.

These four guys are actually from another nearby village.

This village, in fact, has an enmity with Lingquan Village. In ancient times, the two villages fought over the water source, that is, Lingquan Lake.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a feud.

Since records have been kept, for hundreds of years, the two villages have always won and lost each other.

It is also not possible to open the glue...

However, the last dispute was during the previous dynasty, which ended with the victory of Lingquan Village, which directly drove the village out of the scope of Lingquan Lake.

Later, the new Yanhuang was born, and the scope of the village was delineated according to the boundaries at that time.

Since then, this village has nothing to do with Lingquan Lake.

For this reason, this village has a lot of troubles in normal times, but there are already clear legal regulations, and no matter how noisy this village is, it will be useful.

But there are disadvantages as well as advantages. It is precisely because there is no relationship between Lingquan Lake that the roads in this village are much smoother, so in the 1990s, they and they were the first to pass the road.

Later, it developed slowly, with farms, farmhouses and so on, and it really made a lot of money in a short while.

But since the current village head took office, the situation in the village has become less optimistic, because the village head was not upright in the first place.

He often does some things that kill chickens and take eggs. At first, he wanted to take advantage of himself.

For example, he heard that some outsider contracted an orchard here to make money. He wanted to contract it, but he was unwilling to spend money, so he would call his own family and encourage the villagers to steal and rob the fruit in this orchard. And fruit trees or something.

Because the law does not blame the public, when the police came, they would have to return these fruits and fruit trees to the other party at worst, but the fruit trees should all be taken out, "How could it be possible to plant them again.

And those picked fruits are still immature, and if the other party pays, they will not be able to pay much, and the other party will definitely not pay, so it is very difficult to deal with it, and the police station can only make the other party suffer from being dumb. .

Then these out-of-town contractors will eat yellow lotus dumbly, and sell the orchard at a low price, and let this guy pick a cheap one.

Not only did he pick the cheap ones himself, but he also took his family members to pick the cheap ones together.

At first it was an orchard, but later he set his sights on farms, and there were even factories built by other companies here.

The more he got involved, the bigger his heart became, and the people in his village also went off-road.

Even later, they dared to rob tourists' money, and even manipulated female tourists.

After this happened several times, the village was over in an instant.

And just at this time, the road in Lingquan Village was repaired.

The people here in Lingquan Village are much more law-abiding, and the natural environment is also better.

All of a sudden, all the original tourists came here to play.

This made the people in this village even more unhappy.

In their view, these tourists deserve to be robbed by them. They are so rich, shouldn't they give some to themselves?

Why do you from Lingquan Village steal their customers!

Because of this matter, the two villages had a fight last year. As a result, this (good, good) matter also attracted the attention of the Su family and the local court.

After catching a lot, it has only stopped since then.

But on the surface it stopped, but in fact, the people in their village still felt dissatisfied.

Especially the village head, who will quietly encourage some ruffians in the village to come over and make trouble, telling them that no matter what happens, he can settle it!

As a result, many people from this village came to Lingquan Village to make troubles and get pregnant.

Of course, the people in Lingquan Village are not easy to mess with. If they dare to cause trouble, they will run away directly. If there are too many people, they will call the police directly.

Didn't let the other party get any benefits.

So after going back and forth, these guys also wanted to find some side doors, so they set their eyes on Zhuo Rong.

But I have to say, these guys really think a lot.

Are they really naive to think that their village head is more powerful than the law?

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