"Zhao Suo, people in our village were beaten. Why do you want to arrest people in our village? You are unfair. I want to sue, but I don't believe it. There is no king's law, no law of heaven!"


"We're going to petition!"

"Severely punish the murderer!"

At the gate of the police station in Lingquan Village, the village head of the village was leading more than 30 people to block here, watching the police in front of him and yelling loudly.

There were even people clapping a certain sound outside. It was obvious that this guy had played tricks quite well, and he also knew how to put pressure on the police station through the Internet.

If it was an ordinary fight against Europe, then the police might really have a hard time dealing with it.

But now this is a serious and serious criminal case. If they really compromise, Zhuo Rong only needs to submit a complaint, and all the people in the police station will take off their police uniforms, and they may even be jailed. disaster.

With such clear evidence, they dare not do such a thing to cover up criminals.

"What are you arguing about? Let me tell you, four people in your village blocked the road and robbed with the intention of kidnapping. They have recorded what happened. The evidence is sufficient. This is nailed to death. Why? 340 You are also with them ? Then you will be arrested too!"

While these people were shouting, the director of the police station also came out, looked at these people in front of him, yelled at them and started drinking.

"Arrest, arrest, if you don't arrest today, you are raised by me. Why should the people in our village be judged by you? If you say you have committed a crime, you have committed a crime. Who are you!"

Listening to Director Zhao's words, a person also appeared in the crowd at this time, this person was the younger brother of Brother Li, and immediately shouted at Zhao Suo.

Hearing this, Zhao Suo and the others turned green.

"Catch him!"

Listening to Zhao Suo's words, the police behind him were going to arrest this man at this time, and this man saw that the police were serious, and immediately went back. If he really had the guts, he wouldn't be shouting here. Instead, he followed Brother Li and kidnapped Zhuo Rong.

"Hey, Zhao Suo, kid, he's not sensible, I'll teach him when I get back, but you just said that they kidnapped and robbed? I don't believe that. I grew up with these four children, so it's impossible for them to know what to do. These things."

Seeing that Zhao Suo was really going to arrest people, the village head also came over at this time, and at the same time there were some old men and old ladies who blocked the police from arresting people. They would not let the police arrest people. I understand, in the past, these policemen would feel very troublesome looking at these old men and old ladies in front of them. After all, these old men and old ladies are not in good health.

If you accidentally touch it and knock it down or something, it will be troublesome.

But now the evidence is convincing that these old people are obstructing official duties, and they are justified no matter what they say, so they directly broke through the obstacles of these old people and arrested Brother Li's younger brother directly. This time this guy is really honest up.

He was so scared that he trembled all over and didn't speak a word, but only then did the village chief come over and wanted to have sex with him.

"Okay, I'll take you to see the evidence, lock him up first, and then you come with me!"

Seeing that the village chief looked like he was not crying when he saw the coffin, Zhao Suo was not polite, and led him directly to the inside, and then showed him the video evidence that Zhuo Rong had given them.

In the video, not only the faces, but also the conversations are captured very clearly.

Seeing this, the village chief couldn't help being a little speechless.

What he was speechless was not because these guys robbed and kidnapped, but how dare these guys come out to rob and kidnap when the other party was so clear.

And four beat one, but the one who was robbed was unscathed, and the robber was sent to the hospital instead. Seeing this, the village chief also knew that it was useless to mess around, so he walked out dejectedly .

As for Brother Li's younger brother, he was still detained at the police station. Whether he was guilty or not was not known until after the interrogation. When the village chief came out (abdc), he was surrounded by people again.

"How about the village chief? Can someone come out?"

Looking at the village chief, the villagers here also asked questions.

"It is estimated to be suspenseful, the evidence is conclusive, and they are finished. The whole process of robbery was recorded, including faces and conversations. Then they held knives, and four of them beat one without hitting each other. Hey... .

Mentioning these four people, the village chief couldn't help but sighed.

"The village chief, is there no other way now?"

Hearing what the village head said, the villagers next to him also asked the village head.

"No, the only way now is to let the robbed Zhuo Rong give up the prosecution, but if the prosecution, there is still a chance."

Shaking his head, the village chief also looked at the villagers and started talking.

"Then how do you make him give up the lawsuit? Lose money?"

Hearing what the village head said, the people next to him immediately asked.

"This estimate is unlikely. I've heard about Zhuo Rong. He is a super rich man. He bought the former Su family's manor in Lingquan Village. This manor is worth at least a few dollars." One hundred million, money or something, he should not be lacking."

But before the village head could answer, another villager spoke up.

"No wonder, Tu Ji and the others hit Zhuo Rong."

"These rich people should die!"

"Exploiting our money and raising them, these guys should give us money!"

Hearing what this villager said, the villagers next to him also said with red eyes.

Over the years, these villagers have been brainwashed into the logic of robbers by the village chief.

I am poor and I am justified, I am poor and I can do whatever I want, you are richer than me, if I rob you, you deserve it, this is what they really think.

I didn't think about it at all, the other party's money is also earned, why should the other party's money be spent on you, this seems to them, robbing others, that is what they should be entitled to!

Especially the village head over there, when he heard that Zhuo Rong's assets were at least a few hundred million, his eyes were also bubbling. Over the years, he only saved a few million worth of wealth by stealing and plundering. Hundreds of millions, it is impossible to say that he is not greedy.

"Losing money is absolutely impossible, not to mention whether he will accept it or not, we can't afford it, so let's use fishing boats to suppress him. I remember that there seem to be some Internet celebrities in our village, and ask them to report the news about Zhuo Rong. , Then he said that he was rich and unkind, and jointly framed people in our village with the government.

After thinking for a while, the village chief couldn't help thinking of a way.

But I have to say that this guy is an expert in stealing and plundering, and his idea is not wrong. He uses the public's hatred of wealth to put pressure on the other party.

But obviously, he thought a little too much, not to mention that as long as the official side announces the investigation results, the wind on the Internet will change instantly. After all, this is an irrefutable matter.

Just talking about some Internet celebrities wants to put pressure on Zhuo Rong, I'm afraid he has lost his mind!.

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