"Shopkeeper, you are finally new again!"

"It's so perfect, there are red flower crabs..."

"Is this Rainbow Mantis Shrimp?"

"Wow, these wild prawns are so fresh!"

As Zhuo Rong's seafood was put on the shelves, there was a panic buying online in an instant. Zhuo Rong's products are systematically scanned, and the natural quality can be guaranteed.

Now in his store, there are not many repeat customers.

Seeing the rapidly decreasing seafood quantity, the corners of Zhuo Rong's mouth unconsciously opened, money is a good thing, do you think it's too much money?

Especially when the money is all hard earned.

But compared to these seafood, he is actually more interested in this pearl.

So he took the initiative to open the contact list of friends, found the account of the owner of Qianjiang Hotel, and then asked Xiaozhuo to take a 3D photo and sent it to the owner of Qianjiang Hotel

"Brother, why are your pearls so big? You... have you got a pearl from a giant clam?" Zhuo Rong's photo was sent in a few seconds, and the owner of the Qianjiang Hotel over there immediately reacted. Asked to Zhuo Rong for a moment.

"Well, I found one, brother, are you interested?"

Seeing the excited look of the owner of Qianjiang Hotel, Zhuo Rong also asked him.

"Yes, yes, must have, this is a good thing, a priceless treasure!"

Seeing what Zhuo Rong said, the owner of Qianjiang Hotel immediately came back.

For him, this thing is much more difficult than that king squid.

Tridacna are now the first in the country, whether there will be such a game after a thousand years is another matter, it will be a ghost if it does not attract the attention of the other party.

"Then brother, you can make a price, if you can, I will sell it to you!"

Seeing that the owner of Qianjiang Hotel was interested in this thing, Zhuo Rong also spoke directly to him, and the other party thought for a while after seeing this sentence.

After about three minutes, he made an offer.

"Twelve million, how about it?"

Before looking for the owner of Qianjiang Hotel, Zhuo Rong once used the platform to scan this giant clam pearl, and the price given by the platform was 8 million to 9.5 million.

This is the price at which giant clam pearls of this size were previously sold on the platform.

But obviously, this game should be priceless in the market, and it cannot be bought at this price now.

It is precisely because of this that the owner of Qianjiang Hotel bid 12 million.

Good guy, Zhuo Rong's seafood today may not be 12 million, but now a pearl is sold for 12 million. This price is okay!

"Deal!" Zhuo Rong didn't say much, and directly marked the pearl for 12 million, then sold it manually, and posted it on the Internet.

The owner of the Qianjiang Hotel over there clicked to buy it immediately after seeing this item, but even so, he was only the third person who received a transaction application from Zhuo Rong

Zhuo Rong didn't have any merits, so it was inevitable that he kept his word.

So he still sold the pearl to the owner of Qianjiang Hotel.

However, just after the deal here was concluded, a private message was sent over there. Zhuo Rong saw that the person who sent the private message was none other than the ten people who also applied for the deal just now.

This person, Zhuo Rong also has some impressions. He is a super foodie. He once bought Zhuo Rong's big fish. He seems to be a foodie with good money.

But he is different from the owner of Qianjiang Restaurant and Lohas Fish Feast. He probably does not own a restaurant, so the amount of seafood he buys is not too large.

But if there is something good, he is bound to have a leg.

"Boss, have you sold this giant clam pearl?"

"Well, it's already sold."

"Oh, what a pity, this is a priceless treasure, shop owner, you sold it for 12 million, and you sold it at a loss. If it is placed in the interstellar auction, at least 20 million will start.

Seeing that Zhuo Rong said that it has been sold, the super foodie here is also a little speechless.

But it's a pity that Zhuo Rong's online platform is not an interstellar auction, and what he said has nothing to do with Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong can't go after a thousand years.

"I don't like trouble very much, so if I can sell it, I will sell it directly!"

"Oh, it's a pity, shopkeeper, if you have any good things in the future, don't rush to sell them. Let's open a live broadcast, and we can ask for a price. If you still have giant clam pearls in the future, remember to keep one for me." Looking at Zhuo Rong In this way, the super foodie here thought that his hand speed was not fast enough to rush, so he also started talking.

"Okay, if there are good things in the future." Looking at the super foodie, Zhuo Rong also smiled. I have to say that these buyers after a thousand years are really interesting. If you get something good to sell, you can start a live broadcast.

Just when Zhuo Rong was thinking about it, his seafood was almost sold out.

Looking at the more than 20 million I just earned today, and my own balance of nearly 70 million.

Zhuo Rong nodded in satisfaction. At first, he thought that maybe he would have to wait until he fished a few more times in the far sea before he could collect so much money from himself.

It seems that there is really no need for it now, and the money in the future is indeed easy to earn.

At this time, Yang Sitian also came over with a glass of mixed wine, and handed it to Zhuo Rong on his own initiative.

Holding a glass of wine, lying on a deck chair, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze, this kind of life is really pleasant, at least Zhuo Rong is very satisfied.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhuo Rong was almost done basking in the sun, so the group set sail directly and drove the boat back to the old pier.

And when his boat came back, the police report over there had already come out.

Also released is the video and recording of Brother Li and the others who robbed Zhuo Rong last night.

When the keyboard warriors who were filled with righteous indignation and denounced Zhuo Rong for a day saw what happened, most of the keyboard warriors chose to silence.

Boy, is there any more convincing evidence than this?

The video was added to the audio recording, and then the knife was used. As a result, the four of them fought for a while, but they had never fought.

As soon as the conversation turned around, people on the Internet started to attack, those four guys, Zhao Liao) Naturally, those Internet celebrities who cleaned up the ground for these four people this morning did not escape the fate of being attacked.

Some Internet celebrities were scared and wanted to delete the video at the first time, but they found out by accident that they couldn’t delete it, even if they called the app’s background company, they couldn’t delete it. Needless to say, they knew that this must be a small made of grass.

So I can only watch these netizens who have been attracted by me and whip my corpse.

Seeing this, these people are completely panicked. Some people just broke their cans and didn't watch it. They are just doing what they want, and some people are still trying to explain something...

Some people are directly sophistrying, saying that no matter what the police say, he just doesn't believe it, but the more these people explain, the more confused they become.

Because then they found out that their account was still posting their own chat records, good guy, this recovery of money can be said to be a real blow.

Dare to provoke Zhuo Rong, cut off the road, isn't that inevitable!.

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