"I'm telling you, this is never over! How did you tell me? Do you know how difficult it is for me to operate this account? Now that it's banned, how can you compensate me!"

"I'll compensate you a bird feather, you are willing to make this money, so naturally you have to bear this risk!"

"Fuck you, didn't you ask me to do this?"

"I tell you to do it and you do it. I'm your father. Since when have you been so filial? Get out, fuck you. If you dare to say one more word, I will take someone to hack you to death!"

After the youngest son of the village head's family finished scolding, he hung up the phone directly, and then blocked the person who called just now.

But don't look at the scolding he just had a good time, but after hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought, because this is already the twelfth internet celebrity he blocked.

After making this plan yesterday, he was the person in charge of contacting these Internet celebrities in this village. He originally thought that relying on the power of the Internet, it would be enough for Zhuo Rong to compromise.

In the end, who knows, Zhuo Rong did not compromise. Instead, the Internet celebrities he found exploded in an instant. Not only the content of the money collection was exposed, resulting in the account being blocked, but Zhuo Rong should also sue them for spreading rumors. If there is no jail time, it is estimated that a large sum of money will be compensated. These Internet celebrities naturally blamed the people in this village.

But people in this village will definitely not pay for these internet celebrities.

And so the conversation that just-appeared took place.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Seeing the younger brother hang up the phone, the eldest son of the village chief lit a cigarette, looked at his father for a while and asked.

"What to do, I'm also thinking about what to do." While smoking the dry tobacco, the village chief squinted his eyes and remembered that this matter was beyond the scope of what he could handle.

In this village, there were many bad things done in the past. According to their previous methods of handling things, there are two ways. One is to play tricks. I just don’t understand the law. What can you do with me! The second is that the law does not blame the public , no matter what it is, as long as you take a hundred or so people to do it, the police will not do anything if they find out.

After all, it is impossible for the police to arrest so many people.

Then use the pressure of the fishing boat to make the opponent suffer from being dumb.

This trick can be described as quite easy to use.

But it's a pity, it seems that their trick is of no use to Zhuo Rong, you just, Zhuo Rong is stronger than they imagined, the pressure of the fishing boat is meaningless to him at all.

On the Internet, Zhuo Rong is the real god!

"I said, I shouldn't have rescued the Li family boy and the others. Their incident can be regarded as ironclad evidence, and we can't make any waves!"

At this time, an old man on the other side was also smoking a cigarette and said to the village chief.

"Uncle Wu, what you said is wrong. When we made a plan to save Brother Li, you didn't say that." The village head's youngest son said what the old man said. When the village head's youngest son said so, the fifth uncle's eyes widened, and he wanted to reprimand him a few words, but at this moment the village head waved his hand.

"It's meaningless to shirk responsibility here now. I have my reasons for saving the Li family boy. First, this Li family boy belongs to our village, so the people in our village must be saved. Second, this Li family boy is ours." The middle-level cadre here, he knows all the shitty things we did before, if he reveals all these things inside

Then we'll be reunited with them in prison. "

Looking at the old man, the village head here also told the result of the matter.

"Fuck, they dare, if they dare to say it, I will kill them!"

Hearing what the village chief said, the nephew of the village chief in the distance also spoke.

"Fuck, fiddle, where are you going to do it, who are you killing? They are in the hospital now, have the police check it out, go do it!"

Looking at the nephew's words, the elder son of the village chief stood up and gave him a blow on the back of the head. This guy knew to make trouble here.

"Well, if we can't get rid of them, then let's get rid of this guy called Zhuo Rong. As the old saying goes, if the people don't raise their hands, the officials won't be held accountable. Let's get rid of him, so we're afraid they won't be able to get out? As long as he kills him, the few people are just playing around, and Lao Li and the others will probably come out." Shrinking his neck, the nephew here also said in a low voice.

"Don't we know what you said? How to do it? This kid should have practiced, one hit four, and beat the Li family boys into a bear, didn't you see? Otherwise, our family will use Internet celebrities The power? The result is now good, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money..."


Upon hearing what this nephew said, the village head's youngest son also spoke beside him.

"Then bring more people, if four is not enough, then bring forty, if forty is not enough, then bring four hundred!"

Seeing what the village chief's youngest son said, the nephew suggested again.

"Forty more? Four hundred? Believe it or not, you took ten people to Zhuo Rong's house, and the police had to arrest you as soon as you arrived at his door? This Zhuo Rong is a rich man, his Existence is extremely beneficial to local taxation, if you dare to fight against him, the court will never let you go!"

Seeing how simple his nephew thought, the village chief shook his head again.


"This won't work, that won't work, so what should we do now? Let's line up and surrender?"

Seeing that the method he said was repeatedly refuted, the nephew here was also angry. Looking at the people in the room in front of him, he said it with a displeased face.

And listening to what he said, the people in the room here also became thoughtful.

It is impossible not to solve it, but how to solve it is another trouble.

Just when these people were worrying about how to solve this matter.

Zhuo Rong over there actually already knew the situation on their side. Xiaozhuo is invincible on the Internet, not only them, but in fact all the smartphones in this village are under Xiaozhuo's monitoring at this time. What they said Every sentence, every word, Zhuo Rong can know it if he wants to know it, and if he wants to deal with Zhuo Rong, it can only be said that these guys are delusional.

But there is no way, these people have not gone to any school, they used to be known as rascals in their work, now when their rascal methods are useless, they really don't know what to do, but the other side Zhuo Rong is not going to let them go.

These guys buy and sell by force, steal and rob, violate the law and discipline, and steal and plunder. They have done a lot of things before. Although the evidence has been almost destroyed by them, there are still some clues, as long as they exist on the Internet Xiao Zhuo will find the things that have been passed by!

So don't say whether these guys will let Zhuo Rong go, at least according to Zhuo Rong's current situation, he will not let these guys go!.

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