"Xiao Zhuo, how is the evidence collection going?"

After a night of nothing, when Zhuo Rong got up the next morning, he also asked about the situation of the evidence collected by Xiao Zhuo.

You can play within the scope of the rules, so naturally you have to play within the scope of the rules. Getting out of the circle easily will only make people's thinking easier and simpler. The same is true for Zhuo Rong who holds a big killer, so Zhuo Rong looks That's why Xiao Zhuo was asked to do this.

"Master, the evidence is almost collected." Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Xiao Zhuo also said, and hearing what Xiao Zhuo said, Zhuo Rong also nodded.

"After the collection is completed, it will be sent directly to the relevant departments. These guys can't be allowed to be too rampant.

"Master, I understand!"

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Xiao Zhuo also responded, and then continued to collect evidence of the village's mad crimes. Yes, it was the evidence of the entire "seven or eight" villages.

Now that Zhuo Rong has been offended, what are we waiting for if we don't kill them?

Waiting for them to let go of one or two and come to seek revenge on Zhuo Rong?

Zhuo Rong doesn't have this habit, so the best way is to solve it directly.

"I don't worry about your business." Said to Xiao Zhuo, Zhuo Rong also finished washing up here, and then went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he saw Jia Min and others who were busy at the moment.

The roasted whole lamb last night was quite happy.

How can it be possible to eat roasted whole lamb without drinking alcohol? Not only Zhuo Rong, Yuan Tianqing, Yang Sheng, Sun Qingyuan, but also Pang Liqiang drank a lot, and halfway through, Peng Wuyue's grandfather came to pick her up, so naturally they also Pulling Peng Jianjun to drink a lot.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when they left.

Jia Min drove the car and sent Peng Wuyue, Shen Xuejia, and Peng Jianjun who were already asleep to their homes, while Yuan Tianqing and others, Yang Sheng and Sun Qingyuan were sent home by Yang Sheng's girlfriend Liu Jing Yes, but Pang Liqiang's girlfriend, Ge Jingjing, does not know how to open a warehouse.

So Qiu Xiaoxiao and Yang Tao also deliberately acted as drivers, first sent Pang Liqiang and Ge Xianxian home, then sent Yuan Tianqing home, and then drove back.

It was almost eleven o'clock when they finished sending people off and got home.

After simply tidying up things, there were still a lot of tails left untied, so Zhuo Rong took them to rest. Zhuo Rong slept until ten o'clock the next morning, but they got up early to start Pack these things up.

"Master, I prepared tofu nao and sesame seed cakes in the morning, do you want to eat them now?"

Seeing Zhuo Rong walking down the stairs, Wang Qian also asked Zhuo Rong.

"Well, eat now!"

Rubbing his belly, in fact Zhuo Rong is not hungry now, if he had eaten before going to work, he would have eaten together at noon.

But since Jia Min and the others took care of their daily life, Zhuo Rong found that he had developed the good habit of eating three meals a day, and it always felt a little weird not to eat something every morning.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Wang Qian and Zhu Xia here also brought breakfast to Zhuo Rong. The salty tofu nao paired with freshly baked bean paste biscuits tasted quite good.

Zhuo Rong is only satisfied after making two biscuits and a big bowl of bean curd in the morning.

Woke up to this point today, naturally there is no way to go out to sea to get any seafood, so Zhuo Rong is going to go to the basketball court behind to play.

When he came over with the ball, he found that on the basketball court, Babao porridge and Sihui were gnawing bones and playing.

These bones are all the bones left over from the roasted whole lamb that was killed yesterday.

Although Zhuo Rong drank too much yesterday, Jia Min and the others did not drink too much. When Yuan Tianqing and the others came, Jia Min and the others had already put the eight-treasure porridge in the bedroom on the third floor.

Until Yuan Tianqing and the others left, the group released the eight-treasure porridge.

So Yuan Tianqing and the others didn't know that there was such a level in Zhuo Rong's house, and the eight-treasure porridge after he came out played with Si Hui.

Dogs like to gnaw on bones. Zhuo Rong knows that in Zhuo Rong's impression, tigers don't seem to gnaw on bones. Of course, the main reason is that they don't need to. They can hunt meat, so why do they eat bones? It's very fragrant.

Seeing the oily face it was biting, Zhuo Rong couldn't help walking over, and lifted it out by the back of its neck. As soon as it took off, Babao Congee gritted its teeth in doubt, thinking it was dangerous. It didn't understand what was going on until it saw Zhuo Rong next to it.

Then he began to yelp, wanting to ask Zhuo Rong to put it down, it will continue to chew, and Zhuo Rong also looked at the mouth of the eight-treasure porridge.

It was found that there were quite a lot of small deciduous teeth growing in its mouth.

Little tigers actually have teeth when they are born, and the canine teeth are quite sharp, but these teeth cannot eat meat, let alone bones.

But now it seems that it makes sense for the tigress to throw it to Zhuo Rong. She has teeth and can eat normally. The same is true for gray.

After seeing Zhuo Rong lift up the eight-treasure porridge, the four little guys also circled around Zhuo Rong.

Although they are usually fed by Jia Min and the others, but in their hearts, the only possible owner is Zhuo Rong, and he is steadfast!

"Okay, let's play!"

Seeing that the small teeth in Babao Congee's mouth are growing well, Zhuo Rong also put it down again. At the same time, after ruaing the dogs for a while, he told them to play, and he played basketball in the backyard. Now Zhuo Rong plays basketball, it is really like fantasy basketball...

He shot three-pointers all over the court, and his shooting percentage was quite high.

His dunks are no longer dunks, because he is afraid of dunking too hard and damaging the basket. You must know that this basket is his own, and there is no need to buy it again if it is broken.

So his dunks are all 5.8 shooting star dunks, that is, when he jumps very high, relying on his strong waist and abdomen strength, while staying in the air, he directly smashes the basketball from a high place. Horror can no longer be described!

That is to say, Zhuo Rong is already twenty-eight years old this year. If he is only around twenty, he probably can't help but want to play professionally. With his own skills, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible. It's also very good to win an Olympic medal for the country at the right time.

But that's something young people have to do, Zhuo Rong doesn't have this idea anymore.

After all, for a person like him who is nearly thirty years old, he no longer wants to do such things as working hard and making progress. He just wants to lie down, sleep until he wakes up naturally, and count money until his hands cramp. Well, this kind of life is perfect!.

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