My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 171: Cooperation Achieved

"Uh, Miss Qin also wants to drink?" Looking at Qin Shuhua, Zhuo Rong asked with some doubts.

"What? Is Mr. Zhuo reluctant?"

"Of course not. I'm not worried about not being able to drive after drinking alcohol." Shaking his head, seeing Qin Shuhua's half-smile face, Zhuo Rong also said something with a smile.

"Hey, how can I say that he is also the quasi-head of the Qin family...Xiao Wei can drive, so you can do it!" Patted Zhuo Rong, Qin Shuhua also smiled and said.

Hearing her say that, then Zhuo Rong has nothing to say, so let's drink!

After the wine was poured, the first group of people began to drink.

When Qin Shuhua and Su Zhibin took a sip of the liquor from Zhuo Rong's side, their eyes lit up again instantly, and they felt that the taste of this liquor was really quite good.

This must be wine made from pure grain. The aroma should be sauce-flavored. It tastes very strong, even better than Maotai. It's warm and comfortable. The alcohol is 52 degrees, but it tastes really good.

"Mr. Zhuo, do you have any ideas about selling this wine?"

Taking a sip of the wine, Qin Shuhua's eyes lit up, and she asked Zhuo Rong.

"I probably won't sell it. I can't say for sure. It depends on what will be said after planting the fields next year. And even if it is sold, the estimated volume will not be high."

Smiling and shaking his head, Zhuo Rong will indeed grow food next year, but now the things he grows in this manor have exceeded his original plan.

At this time, he still has the land for growing grain, which may only be about 3,000 mu in total.

Most of them must be planted with rice. In addition, some wheat and corn will also be planted. However, it is impossible to use rice for wine making. Sorghum must be used for wine making, but the output of sorghum Not much after a thousand years.

In the future, the wine red sorghum (a new kind of red sorghum to be cultivated in the future) will only produce about 1 ton per mu. One catty of sorghum can make six taels of wine, and one mu of sorghum can only produce 1,200 catty.

Even if Zhuo Rong planted an acre, it is only 120,000 jin of wine, a jin of a bottle, 120,000 bottles, it seems like a lot, they can't drink it themselves, but if they sell it to the whole country, then It's not too much, but it's okay to brew some and play, anyway, he's fine.

"Then I'll wait for Mr. Zhuo's letter."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's turn to the left, Qin Shuhua on the side also responded with a smile, and then picked up the wine glass and took another sip.

The lunch that followed was quite lively, everyone ate and drank happily.

And at one o'clock in the afternoon, the children from the village who were also resting today also came, and Zhuo Rong's house became even more lively for a while.

After playing around until about four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Zhi and Qin Shuhua were ready to leave.

When leaving, it was naturally Su Zhibin's wife and Qin Shuhua's secretary who drove.

But before leaving, Zhuo Rong specially gave Qin Shuhua a stack of documents, which he asked Xiao Zhuo to print out just now, which contained some information about this original battery, of course the most important information was not given to Qin Shuhua. out.

Otherwise, Qin Shuhua could do it by herself, so what else would she do with Zhuo Rong?

But relying on the information of this original battery, it is enough for Qin Shuhua to know that Zhuo Rong is not joking, and there is indeed a super battery project in his hands that can be cooperated.

Now that the blueprint was placed in front of her, she couldn't believe it.

Here Zhuo Rong's house is still busy, but Qin Shuhua on the other side got into the car with the blueprint and started to read it seriously. After a while, she probably understood it, but she is not a professional after all. So I took some photos for the person in charge of their car factory who I had contacted a long time ago, and asked him to find someone to take a look.

While waiting for the reply from the other side, Wei Xu, Qin Shuhua's assistant who was driving at the time, couldn't help turning his head, looked at Qin Shuhua behind him and said:

"Sister Qin, I have changed my mind about Zhuo Rong."

"What's wrong? Don't think he's an idiot?"

Hearing what Wei Xu said, Qin Shuhua also asked with a smile.

Yes, this Wei Xu is the secretary who received Zhuo Rong and the others back then. She is a girl. It is not surprising that a girl is named a boy. Is it allowed, so there is only such a child in his family, and if there is no second child, it is not enough to have a boy's name?

Although sometimes it can be a bit awkward.

0 looking for flowers......

"No, I still feel that he is an idiot, but I don't deny that he is capable. If I were him, if I had so many resources at hand, then I would definitely enter the business world, and even have the opportunity to conquer Put a name on it!"

Hearing Qin Shuhua's words, Wei Xu shook his head and continued.

"People are different, you are honey, that is arsenic, everyone has the opportunity to choose how to live, but Zhuo Rong prefers to put his feelings in the ordinary world, there is nothing wrong with that." not good."

Looking at Wei Xu, Qin Shuhua also looked outside.

Indeed, people are different. Some people just like to struggle, like the feeling of winning, like to fight hard, and like to fight against others.

But some people don't like to fight, don't like to grab, don't like to involve.

It is obvious that Zhuo Rong is such a person. The big hermit lives in the city, and the small hermit lives in the wild. Now Zhuo Rong really feels like a little hermit.

Hearing what Qin Shuhua said, Wei Xu here also shut his mouth.

Indeed, everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. Zhuo Rong is unwilling to live a life of intrigue and intrigue in the big cities. Naturally, he has no right to persuade him to do so. What's more, maybe Zhuo Rong does not have such a mentality. If you can't grasp these things, this is also unknown.

"Actually, it would be nice to live in such a place."

Thinking of this, Wei Xu couldn't help looking out of the car window, and she could still see the wall of Zhuo Rong's house in the distance, and whispered in her heart.

At this time, Qin Shuhua, who was sitting behind her, also picked up her mobile phone, and the photos in it were the photos taken at Zhuo Rong's house just now. Looking at the beautiful scenery in these photos, a thought flashed through her mind: In fact, living in such a place is not bad......

At this time, Zhuo Rong naturally didn't know this, and now he was lying on the sofa sobering up, and his father was even worse, he had already directly lay down in the house and went to sleep.

Don't look at Zhuo Rong's father who drank a lot when he was young, and always said that he can drink very well, but compared with Su Zhibin, the owner of the alcohol test, he is still far behind.

Not to mention Su Zhibin, even Qin Shuhua can't beat him, of course... Zhuo Rong also can't beat Wanwan. .

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