My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 172: Preparation For Cooperation

In a blink of an eye, the night passed.

Early the next morning, after Zhuo Rong's parents got up, they also had a rare enjoyment of the pastoral scenery. The only pity was that there was no small vegetable garden in Zhuo Rong's home.

In fact, it's not only not in his family, nor in Yuan Tianqing's house, nor in Qiang Zi's house, nor in Sun Qingyuan's house, so naturally there is none.

As for Yang Sheng, the vegetable garden at home has already been scraped to build a crab pond, and there is no such thing.

When Zhuo Rong usually buys vegetables, he directly buys them online in the future. They are delicious, big, convenient and fresh, and he never thinks about growing them by himself......

So even if Zhuo Rong's mother wanted to pick some vegetables, she had nowhere to go.

But fortunately, Zhuo Rong didn't just know those few cronies here.

"Grandpa, grandma, I have them in my house, come and pick them in my house!" "Four two three"

No, Peng Wuyue came over early in the morning and invited Zhuo Rong's parents to pick food from the vegetable garden in her home.

Zhuo Rong's mother was very happy about this, and specially asked Jia Min and the others to pick and play with her. Of course, Peng Wuyue also went with her.

Peng Wuyue is really a very lovable little girl. Even Zhuo Rong's parents liked her very much when they met for the first time, but no matter how much they like her, she is someone else's granddaughter.

But they were not in a hurry, after all, Zhuo Rong was very promising, and after finding fifteen girlfriends, they didn't worry about Zhuo Rong's children.

They only worry about whether the child will have too many problems.

But it doesn’t matter how many there are, after all, Zhuo Rong is now promising, and he doesn’t lack a house, money, etc., no matter how many children he has in the future, he can afford it!

The reason why they haven't urged them now is mainly because the age Zhuo Rong set for Jia Min and the others is too young, they are only 18 years old, and now they can't even get a marriage certificate, so why ask about children? They don't want My grandson and granddaughter were born as black households.

So it is acceptable for them to have children a few years later.

Zhuo Rong might not feel anything, but Jia Min and the others actually felt it too.

They also glanced at each other in private, and felt that their plans might have to be accelerated, but these things had to be discussed later, and now was not the time to be in a hurry.

After taking Zhuo Rong's mother to the vegetable garden to pick a lot of food, Zhuo Rong's parents happily stayed here for another day.

In the evening, Zhuo Rong's father took Zhuo Wuyue's grandfather, Peng Jianjun, to the house, and the two had a special drink, and this time Zhuo Rong's father drank too much.

Obviously, this old man loves food and drinks, no one can drink it, but he still has to drink it. Of course, Cao Ya's father is not addicted to alcohol.

When at home, and when eating with Zhuo Rong, he doesn't drink alcohol.

Drinking it now is also because I am happy and happy. He and Zhuo Rong's mother are quite satisfied with this holiday.

It's the third day of the holiday in a blink of an eye, and they will go back to work tomorrow, so today they have to leave anyway, and staying with Zhuo Rong for three days is just right.

The most important thing is to see how the daughters-in-law are doing, then there will be no problem.

So on the afternoon of the third day, Zhuo Rong's parents happily drove back home.

And after they left, Zhuo Rong's house returned to its usual... bustle.

Well, Zhuo Rong's house is indeed very lively.

There are sixteen people living in the house, not to mention, Huo Dou, Ashes, and four Huis. That’s six dogs, plus the little boy who is flying around in and out of the house all day, and the free rice pudding, plus Peng Wuyue and Shen Xuejia who ran over to play again.

Zhuo Rong's house has always been a very lively environment.

Not long after Zhuo Rong's parents came home, Yuan Tianqing called at night and asked Zhuo Rong to go fishing tomorrow. This time they went to a fishing raft with no one there. There are a lot of dog sharks out there, so prepare to mix it up.

After hearing Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong also complied, the business still needs to be done!

At this time, on the other side, Qin Shuhua, who had already returned to the magic capital, was also doing business.

After she left Zhuo Rong's house, at around 7 o'clock that night, she received a message from the car company, telling her that these drawings are real, and those designers are now extremely eager to see the drawings , This is not only the future fate of this car company, but even the future fate of the entire tram industry.

So Qin Shuhua took Wei Xu back to the magic city overnight, and then went to the company with the blueprint. After two days of research, they finally understood the blueprint today.

"Genius, the person who made this kind of battery is simply a super genius. How did he think of it? Why didn't we think of it?"

"It turns out that the storage of electric energy can still be like this. It turns out that such a large amount of stored electric energy can be created without graphene. It's amazing..."

"President Qin, this is at least ten years, no, even thirty, fifty years' technology beyond ours!"

"This time, the anxiety about the speed of electric cars will disappear, and the market for fuel vehicles is bound to cause an avalanche!"

"Unfortunately, we didn't develop this by ourselves. The core components are not there. Otherwise, it would be good to get a model machine and try it out!"

The people who looked at this drawing started talking excitedly.

After hearing these people's words, Qin Shuhua was also a little shocked, because she never thought that the blueprint that Zhuo Rong gave her was so important and powerful.

Since this is a time-changing technology that will revolutionize the life of gasoline vehicles, she has to think carefully about how to operate this thing.

Originally, her idea was to operate the battery and build the car by herself.

Then give Zhuo Rong a certain share dividend, but if the battery is so bad, then they don’t actually need to build a car. It’s actually better to just make the battery and sell it, not only for private business, but also for Do army business.

At that time, the domestically produced trams are bound to rise strongly and further occupy the market for joint ventures and imported cars. This will be of great benefit to the 0.4 rise of domestic cars

This is the biggest difference between Qin Shuhua and Zhuo Rong, the big picture, or vision.

With this battery, Zhuo Rong's first thought was to sell his own car, but there is no doubt that when their new battery car goes online, they will seize a huge market in an instant.

You eat meat, and you don’t even let others drink the soup. Neither the imperial court nor other car companies will do it. But if you only sell batteries, you eat meat, and others can drink the soup, and even go to seize foreign power. market.

Under such circumstances, there will naturally be harmony at home, as for foreign countries...whatever they do? This is the ability that Zhuo Rong lacks!

But now, another problem arises again, if we want to cooperate in making batteries, how should we cooperate?

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