My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 173: Resident Biochemical Man

"Hey, Mr. Zhuo, we have tested the blueprint you gave me, and there is no problem at all. Let's talk about the intention of cooperation now!"


In the evening, after confirming with Qin Shuhua, she didn't care whether it was off-duty or not, so she called Zhuo Rong directly to discuss cooperation with Zhuo Rong.

Cooperation is very simple, both parties are very interested.

Moreover, Zhuo Rong was indeed not very good at managing these things, so it was a good choice to hand them over to Qin Shuhua, so the two quickly communicated with each other on the phone.

According to Qin Shuhua's words, Lian Rong and Qin led the two to establish a company together.

Zhuo Rong is responsible for the technology, and Qin Shuhua is responsible for the funds, channels, land, construction, etc.

It can be said that Zhuo Rong doesn't care about anything except technology.

Under such circumstances, Zhuo Rong accounted for 60% of the shares, while Qin Shuhua accounted for 40%.

The initial investment of this company is 1 billion, and it only operates batteries, that is, sells batteries, and does not care about other things. This kind of operation is much simpler.

"Okay, I don't have any problems here!" Zhuo Rong nodded after hearing Qin Shuhua's words. That was his original idea. He only provided technology, and he didn't care about other things.

"Okay, then I will be ready to register in the next few days. By the way, when the time comes to sign the contract, you will come to the company to sign, or what? And the core staff of this battery, your side is also ready!" Hearing that Zhuo Rong was fine, Qin Shuhua also spoke up.

Hearing Qin Shuhua's words, Zhuo Rong then remembered that there was still a problem with the workers.

But this problem is also easy to solve, isn't there biochemical humans?

So after thinking about it for a while, he also accepted Qin Shuhua.

He had just hung up the phone when Jia Min and the others came over.

"Master, does the new company you and Miss Qin need newcomers? Do we need more sisters?" Looking at Zhuo Rong, Jia Min asked Zhuo Rong with a smile.

After hearing her words, Zhuo Rong thought for a while, but shook his head.

Zhuo Rong likes beautiful women, and this can be seen from the fifteen girls he got.

But there is a problem. These new biochemical humans need to be permanently stationed in the factory. He spends so much money and gets so many beautiful ladies, but he doesn’t accompany him in normal times. That’s terrible. It's too bad.

So this time he was going to get some men, and under the condition of ensuring loyalty, Zhuo Rong would not feel a little bad about throwing them out.

Just do it when you think about it.

So after hanging up the phone with Qin Shuhua and talking to Jia Min and the others, Zhuo Rong also opened the platform of the website and contacted the store where he bought biochemicals a few times ago

As mentioned earlier, cyborgs are basically divided into three levels.

Worst of all, only three skills can be learned, and the skill level is not high, and the biochemical person who cannot order a long image will pay 21,000 yuan.

The medium ones, those who can learn the four skills, can be regarded as the middle-level leaders of the company, and the intermediate biochemicals who accept simple custom-made portraits cost 50,000 yuan each.

There are also the most advanced ones, like Jia Min and the others, who can learn six skills, and the six skills are all the highest level biochemicals, 200,000 one.

This time, Zhuo Rong was going to get a 200,000 top cyborg, and ten ordinary cyborgs would be enough, adding up to 700,000, not too much.

It is estimated that I can earn back by fishing dog sharks tomorrow.

After finding this store, Zhuo Rong also told his requirements, and the other party saw that he was also a regular customer, so he also recommended it to Zhuo Rong.

As for the leader, that is, the 200,000 cyborg, just randomly look like this. There is no need for a public face, so there is no need to be too ostentatious. Whether it is ugly or handsome, it is not good.

The six skills are advanced fighting, which is for self-protection, advanced industrial production capacity, which is used for the production of original batteries, advanced enterprise management ability, which is used for managing companies, advanced anti-reconnaissance capabilities, This is to detect if someone is following him. Advanced driving, needless to say, advanced programming, this is for developing battery software and the like.

Ten 50,000 middle-level cyborgs have an average height between 175 and 185, and their looks are also random. Also, don't look too good-looking, and don't look too ugly.

Each person has four skills, and intermediate industrial production capacity is a must.

With intermediate management skills, a few of them went there to lead people, "It's impossible to let ten or ten of them do everything.

For the remaining 20 abilities, Zhuo Rong blended them with each other.

Five of them are using the intermediate fighting ability, five are using the anti-reconnaissance ability, three are using the intermediate driving ability, and there are seven abilities. Zhuo Rong arranged three cooking skills and four housekeeping skills. People also have to live outside.

Zhuo Rong is not at ease about asking outsiders to cook and clean up the housework.

Of course, in addition to these eleven people, Zhuo Rong also bought eleven microcomputers for them. If there is any problem in the future, they can also use the microcomputer to contact.

After ordering these eleven people, Zhuo Rong didn't stay idle, but drove out to the market in the city. Before closing, Zhuo Rong bought thirty-three sets of clothes and came back every day. Everyone has the same three sets, one suit, one sportswear, one casual clothes, plus the inner clothes and shoes.

After everything was done, the platform seller over there also notified Zhuo Rong that the eleven cyborgs had been prepared, and Zhuo Rong also received the eleven 943 cyborgs directly in the villa.

There are still eleven biochemical warehouses, which emerged directly from the future space.

But the difference is that there is only one biochemical warehouse of the same level as Jia Min and the others, and there are ten others who can tell at a glance that the level of this biochemical warehouse is much lower than that of Jia Min and the others.

With the opening of the biochemical chamber, eleven future biochemicals also appeared in front of Zhuo Rong.

"Master, biochemical human 016 (the sixteenth high-level biochemical human ordered by Kuo Rong") reports to you. "

"Master, Biochemical Man Zhong 01 (Zhong 02, Zhong 03, Zhong 04...) is reporting to you."

As the eleven biochemical people stood up, the black hole reappeared, and the eleven biochemical chambers were directly taken back by the other party, and Zhuo Rong looked at the eleven people in front of him, and knelt down on Zhuo Rong's side together. Looking at Zhuo Rong in front of him, he spoke respectfully.

"Okay, starting from are my technicians, and you are their leader. From now on, your surname will be Zhuo, Zhuo Yi, and your surname Zhao, Zhao Da. Your surname is Qian, your name is Qian Shuang, your name is Sun Shan, your name is Li Si, your name is Zhou Wu, your name is Wu Liu, your name is Zheng Qi, your name is Wang... um, it doesn’t sound too good, then Just your name is Wang Jiu, your name is Feng Shi, and your name is Chen Shiyi." Looking at the eleven people in front of him, Zhuo Rong thought for a while, and then began to name them easily again. It would not be a big problem if these names were singled out.

But together, it is indeed a bit weird....

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