My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 174: Abandoned Fishing Raft

Early the next morning, after Zhuo Rong woke up, Zhuo Yi and eleven others drove away from Zhuo Rong's side. Zhuo Rong gave them three cars here, and he bought them again. That's all right, one car is reserved for emergency, and then he will find the store to order six more.

Of course, not all orders are the same.

In addition to the SUV, he also drove two cars. These two cars were specially driven for Jia Min and the others. They looked like women, but these cars had to wait until later to get their licenses.

Compared to Zhuo Rong who was going fishing today, Zhuo Yi and the others were very busy today.

Xiao Zhuo has already set his own identity for them here.

Zhuo Yi is thirty-two years old this year, and the others range from twenty-two to twenty-nine.

After all, they have changed their identities several times, and Xiao Zhuo is already familiar with the road, so he recreated their information from childhood to adulthood.

But this time it's not that I didn't apply for an ID card when I was young, but that I lost my ID card after applying for an ID card.

Now they are going to reapply for their ID cards. After reapplying for their ID cards, they have to apply for a bank card. Zhuo Rong will give each of them 1 million, and Zhuo Yi will give them 10 million. This is their initial living expenses.

Then they use the money to buy the things they need, such as telephones, watches, etc. The place to live is the Sushi Pavilion near Zhuo Rong. There are still several vacant houses here, so it is not a big problem for them to live. .

After all, biochemical humans don’t have so much shit going on, not to mention that Zhuo Rong treats them very well. Clothing, food, housing, and transportation are all arranged in place. Life is definitely very good, even compared with people in the future. It's definitely not bad either.

Even if Zhuo Rong treats them badly, beats and scolds them, or even wants to kill them, they won't have any complaints, this is the setting of the cyborgs.

When Zhuo Yi and the others went to solve these problems, Zhuo Rong had already arrived at the old pier, and Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi had already come to pick him up in a boat.

"Brother Rong々`

"Old Zhuo!"

Looking at Zhuo Rong, the two people on the boat also cried out.

As the boat approached, Zhuo Rong jumped onto the boat with his belongings, and when he sat firmly, Yuan Tianqing over there started the engine and headed towards the fishing raft they had ordered

"Uncle, aunt, they are going back!"

While driving towards the fishing raft, Yuan Tianqing on this side also asked Zhuo Rong.

"Well, I've already gone back, I left yesterday, is your place reliable?"

While answering Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhiye also asked him a question.

"Reliable, quite reliable. Brother Hou caught more than a dozen dog sharks here yesterday, weighing about 30 catties, and sold them for more than 4,000 yuan."

After hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing also spoke happily.

"Oh? That's really good, but wasn't yesterday a holiday? Brother Hou worked so hard, and he went fishing during the holiday?"

Brother Hou Zhuo Rong knew that it was Brother Hou who was smashed by those who released the life last time.

Later I heard that the family members of those old people paid compensation.

But if you lose money, you have to lose money, and Brother Hou has to do things like ship repairs. No one will pay for the time and cost, so generally speaking, Brother Hou is still losing money.

"Hey, Brother Hou has a wife and a child. Unlike us, they only have three days off during the Chinese New Year. For such a holiday, one day off would be good."

He waved his hand. If he has a wife and children, the expenses will naturally be high. Don't look at Yuan Tianqing and the others living a happy life. The whole family is not hungry when they are full.

But if in a few years, they are all married and have children, they will not be so chic.

But Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry about money, "At least for now, he doesn't have to worry about money.

Just like this, a group of three people, answering questions, talking and laughing, soon came to the fishing raft, which was actually a half-abandoned state.

This fishing raft has an owner, but now it has not released any fish.

According to Yuan Tianqing's words, this fishing raft has been idle here for almost a year, and this is also to restore the ecological environment under the fishing raft.

Fish farming, in fact, also has an impact on the ecology below the fishing rafts.

Don't get me wrong, this kind of sea fish is basically fed with small shrimps, fish pieces and the like, and there is no feed with any chemical ingredients.

But the fish eat and pull here, which naturally leads to the massive reproduction of algae and microorganisms here, and the massive reproduction of these things will lead to the low oxygen content of the seawater here.

Usually, some loose fish are fine, but if the fish are raised intensively, the fish will be a little hypoxic, leading to large areas of death.

So generally such fishing rafts, after being raised for several years, will be collected in one net, and will be kept for one or two years, and then raised again.

In the past two years, a large number of wild animals will gather here to form an ecological circle.

If there is more nutrition, it will attract a lot of algae and microorganisms, and if there are more algae and microorganisms, it will attract a lot of things that eat algae and microorganisms, such as mud that likes to eat algae, shrimp and shellfish that like to eat microorganisms.

More of these things will attract many creatures that like to eat these things, such as Zhuo Rong and their target today, which is dog sharks!

After the fish farming here starts again next year, they will have some troubles if they want to fish again.

After all, not all raft owners are willing to let others fish with their rafts.

After parking the boat, Zhuo Rong and his party also boarded the fishing raft.

Each of them found a place to set up camp and set up a stronghold. Qiangzi and Yuan Tianqing still did the same thing, setting up street stalls, and they had to set up at least six or seven poles for each fishing raft, long ones, short ones, and hard ones.

Soft, suitable for all kinds of fish.

And Zhuo Rong is still a pole, not because he has confidence in his fishing skills, but because he has confidence in his magic worms.

After choosing the location, Zhuo Rong also sat on his (Wang Qianzhao) fishing box, and threw the fishing group into the sea directly. The seabed here is about six meters deep, not very deep .

As the fishing group sank into the water, after a while, Zhuo Rong felt that a fish was hooked.

As soon as he lifted and stabbed, Zhuo Rong felt that the fish was coming up, but to his surprise, this fish was not quite like a dog shark, because this fish was much more lively than the dog shark.

If the dog shark took the bait, it would feel very dead and collapsed, but after the fish was baited, it ran around underwater, but these are minor problems. Zhuo Rong felt that the fish was only about three catties, not bad. Big, so no need to get too tangled up.

Whatever it is, pull it up and take a look!

And the moment Zhuo Rong pulled the fish up, he saw a touch of golden color appearing on the surface of the sea. Zhuo Rong had caught this fish before, but he didn't expect that he would catch it again today!

· Large yellow croaker?".

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