"I rub it, there are big yellow croakers here?"

As Zhuo Rong pulled the fish up, he couldn't help looking at the fish in shock.

To be honest, he never expected that there would be large yellow croakers in this fishing raft.

A large yellow croaker of about three catties can be sold for about two thousand per catty in the real world.

It can be sold for between 250,000 and 300,000 in the future.

Originally, Zhuo Rong was still thinking about the problem of buying a biochemical human yesterday, but now it seems that a fish will solve it. After looking at Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang in the distance, Zhuo Rong asked Xiaozhuo to search around to make sure no one saw him After that, Zhiye directly took the fish into the platform.

Because large yellow croakers cannot live for too long, especially wild ones, they will die soon without a pressurized tank.

Now even if Zhuo Rong sails back to get his boat, it's too late, so it's better to just get it into the system and sell it.

"Ding, 1,567 grams of wild large yellow croakers were detected, and the recommended selling price is between 250,000 and 300,000 yuan per 500 grams."

As Zhuo Rong put the fish into the system, the system here also started to prompt.

"260,000 a catty, 057 for sale." Seeing the prompt from the system, Zhuo Rong also directly chose to sell at the base price plus a little bit, and he is not afraid that his things will not be sold.

So there is no need to press so low.

As Zhuo Rong chose to sell, his large yellow croaker appeared in the system store in an instant, with a price of 814,840.

The money I bought for the biochemical man yesterday came back in an instant. If I work harder today, I think the money for the car will come back sooner.

"Huh? The owner went fishing for big yellow croaker again?"

"Shopkeeper, start a live broadcast, I also want to know what the sea with large yellow croakers looks like.

"Shopkeeper, please start the broadcast."

“The owner sure never disappoints!”

"Shopkeeper, Niu 13!"

As the big yellow croaker was hung up, those who paid attention to Zhuo Rong's store also received the information immediately in the future, and then these people immediately went to watch Zhuo Rong's fish, and at the same time, they also watched Zhuo Rong's closed live broadcast He kept leaving messages, but unfortunately Zhuo Rong didn't read them either.

And those buyers will naturally not send any news here, they have already given this fish to the second for a mere 800,000 yuan, these people (abed) don't care

As the first large yellow croaker was killed almost instantly, Zhuo Rong was also happy, and continued to fish with his rod, but unfortunately, it seemed that his good luck came to an end.

Because the second fish, also a totoaba, but this fish is worthless.

This fish is called yellow croaker, also called fake big yellow croaker. This kind of fish is similar in length to big yellow croaker, but the quality of the meat is far worse. Moreover, the number of this kind of fish is also very large, and it is not worth much, even if it is wild , A catty is sold locally for about 20 yuan, and if it is sold in the future, it will be about 3,500 yuan per catty, which is not very expensive.

Of course, the individual of this fish is actually not big, one is about six or seven taels, not too many to break a catty, and it belongs to the kind of fish that locals sometimes don’t want to throw it into the fish box when they catch it .

But even though the fish is not worth much, as long as Zhuo Rong has it, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

So after picking it off, I continued to throw it on the Internet.

"Hahahaha, the big yellow croaker just now, this time the yellow croaker......"

"This also proves that the shop owner should be fishing at this time.

"Anyway, this fish is also wild, you can do it."

"Have you ever eaten it? If you have eaten it, let out a squeak, is it delicious?"


"When you asked if it was delicious, someone else had already bought it."

"Damn, why don't you go so fast!"

Looking at Zhuo Rong's new update, although the screen in his live broadcast room is black, these people are still very happy. Although they can't see Zhuo Rong's appearance at this time, they feel that Zhuo Rong must be very depressed. In the future, the cost of wild fishing will be extremely high.

If you catch good fish, you will naturally make a lot of money, but if you catch bad fish, you will lose a lot in the market.

But what they don't know is that, Zhuo Rong, it is impossible to lose money!

Zhuo Rong didn't feel discouraged when he didn't catch the fish he wanted to catch in the first two tails, it's normal to not catch any fish, let alone now he can still catch them.

After selling the yellow croaker, Zhuo Rong continued to cast the third rod, and the third rod finally hit the target fish, the dog shark.

As I introduced earlier, the scientific name of the spotted bamboo shark is about three catties. It is not bad. It costs about 110 yuan a catty locally, and it can be sold for about 12,000 yuan a catty in the future. One is worth more than 30,000 yuan, which is very good.

"It's finally in stock!" Looking at this fish, Zhuo Rong smiled. The dog shark is different from the big yellow croaker. It should be a tough game, so after he caught it this time, he smiled and said Hinata.

"How is it? Is it in stock?" Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang in the distance also looked over for the first time and asked.

"Well, it's in stock, one weighs about three catties!"

Pulling the dog shark up, Zhuo Rong grabbed its tail, lifted it up, and said to the people on both sides, as soon as he heard that Zhuo Rong was in stock, Pang Liqiang ran over immediately

Then he grabbed the big dog shark by the tail and threw it into the live storage on the boat. It was more than three hundred yuan, so it couldn't be released easily.

"Fortunately, there are still fish here, so it's finally time to let go, and we have to work harder."

Watching Zhuo Rong catch the fish, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang here are also encouraging each other. After all, they are professionals.

"Hahahaha, let's go!"

Looking at the two, Zhuo Rong also laughed, and then re-baited and continued fishing.

Next, Zhuo Rong is still catching fish continuously. Although the frequency of catching fish is not too high, it is not too low. He has not caught the big yellow croaker again, and he does not know that the big yellow croaker just now is alone. One, or what, anyway, it seems that there are no large yellow croakers underwater.

Instead, yellow croakers and dog sharks caught several.

Especially the yellow croaker, when Zhuo Rong and the others came over at around 9:00 in the morning, by noon, they caught more than 20 croakers, and Zhuo Rong hung them on the platform for sale.

However, only six dog sharks were caught, the smallest was about one and a half catties, and the largest was less than four catties.

Besides him, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang also brought in a total of seven fish, three yellow croakers, and four dog sharks. These dog sharks were going to be sold to Zhuo Rong soon.

As for the yellow croaker, they solved it directly at noon.

Instant noodles in fish soup, simple and affordable, with meat and noodles, although the taste is average, but fishing, some food is good, what bicycle do you need?

Zhuo Rong and the others finished their noodles and continued to fish, but some people on the other side were not so comfortable......

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