"Huh? The guy with the fake bait got caught!"

"Impossible, caught a fish? The anchor came up..."

"It doesn't look like it, it seems to be straight when pulled up..."

"Could it be a black fish or something, otherwise how could it be possible to catch a fish?"

As soon as Zhuo Rong lifted the fishing rod, the water on the shore here was not deep after all, so as soon as Zhuo Rong exerted force, the fish had already been pulled to the surface of the water.

When the fish reaches the surface of the water, they will naturally struggle, and this struggle will cause splashes everywhere, which naturally attracts the attention of many fishing masters.

There are even some who are close, which are good things, and they have come over at the first time, wanting to see what kind of fish it is, but when they see this fish and the posture of Zhuo Rong lifting the fish, these people raised their eyebrows. wrinkled.

"Young man, you should be a big carp, weighing about six or seven catties, you have to slip the fish, pull it so hard, you will have to cut the line!"

"Yeah, didn't you see that the fish kept drilling down? You slip aside! 01"

"Oh, your thread is too thin, if you don't slip it, you will have to cut it!"

Looking at Zhuo Rong's posture of lifting the fish, many elders here are talking.

After Zhuo Rong heard what they said, he smiled and shook his head.

"Uncles, it's okay. My fishing rod and line are specially made and won't cut them." Looking at the men behind him who seemed to be more nervous than fishing himself, Zhuo Rong also said with a smile, and then turned right As soon as the arm was exerted force, the big carp was directly sent flying in an instant.

Seeing this action, even Yuan Tianqing and the others were startled, not to mention these uncles.

Have you ever seen a carp that flies a catty, two catties, three catties and a carp that weighs six or seven catties? Should it be possible to fly?

Facts have proved that Yuan Rong said it can be used!

He easily flew the fish to his side, then picked up the dipping net with his left hand, and with a light sweep, the fish entered the dipping net, then Zhuo Rong put down the fishing rod and started to unhook the fish's mouth. At this time, those old men also came over and touched Rong Rong's fishing rod curiously.

As a result, when they mentioned it, they found that it was different.

"Oh, Zhengkou, it's not an anchor, the technique is good!"

"Look at this fishing rod, it's so light!"

"Yeah, it's too light. His four-meter-five is lighter than the two-meter-seven one I used to catch crucian carp...

"Young man, how much did you pay for this fishing rod? How about the pulling power?"

"Tsk tsk, such a light fishing rod really feels good when you lift it."

After trying Zhuo Rong's fishing rod, the elders here also asked curiously.

"I made this to order, probably more than one million yuan, 28 tone, a little hard, and the pure fishing weight of about 50 catties should not be a big problem."

Zhuo Rong looked at the curious looks of the old men around him, and he simply reported a fake number, which was more than one million yuan, and this game should actually be more than one hundred yuan.

But with a thousand-year gap in craftsmanship, it is normal for it to increase in value by ten thousand times now.

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, the elders here couldn't help but take half a step back.

Good guy, more than a million fishing rods?

They come here to fish, and although most of the families still have some money, it is absolutely not enough to spend more than one million yuan to buy a fishing rod.

Sure enough, what rich people play is flowers!

"It's too exaggerated, more than one million, tsk tsk, no wonder you can catch fish."

"Does it have anything to do with the fishing rod if you can't catch the fish?"

"You don't understand this. As the old saying goes, if you are good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. Good equipment can play a big role."

Hearing the chatter of the old men around him, Zhuo Rong also smiled, and then picked up the fishing rod again, and he had put the big carp with a straight mouth just now into the fish protection

Then reload the magic bug and throw it into the lake.

Although the fish just now was a bit fried, it didn’t fry for too long, because it was picked up by Zhuo Rong directly [so the fish in the water didn’t get too frightened at this time.

Not long after Zhuo Rong's second rod entered the water, that is, about a minute, a fish was hooked again, watching the fish sink instantly, Zhuo Rong also lifted the rod and stabbed it.

Fish again!

Straight out of the water, when the people next to him saw Zhuo Rong's movements and the wide back of the fish on the water again...

These people couldn't help being a little confused. You must know that there are a lot of fish in Lingquan Lake. Because net fishing and electric fish are not allowed, there are quite a lot of big fish in the lake.

But over the years, the fish in this lake have learned to be smart. Big fish rarely pull over during the day, and it is difficult to catch fish.

Many beginners without BUFF may not be able to catch one fish here for a day. Even some experts and masters can only catch ten or eight fish a day, but if they are lucky, some people even catch sixty catties in it. Big herring.

So the number of fish in this lake is really considerable, but it is also true that it is difficult to catch.

But now, Zhuo Rong seems to be teaching them, and it is raining lightly. Normally speaking, it is not easy for fish to open their mouths, but Zhuo Rong opens his mouth when he is fishing!

The big fish are all in the lake and rarely pull over, but there are no small fish caught by Zhuo Rong!

This time, no one said whether Zhuo Rong was a fish from anchor.

Instead, more people gathered to see what kind of fish Zhuo Rong was on.

As Zhuo Rong flew vigorously, the big fish was directly caught by his net bag.

This is a grass carp, which is longer than the carp just now, but the grass carp does not have a big belly, and the whole body is thinner, so the weight should not be as heavy as the carp just now, only about five catties, but five catties is also Not a small weight anymore.

Under the envious eyes of these old fishing masters, Zhuo Rong also threw the fish into the fish guard, and then continued to bait, ready to fish.

At this time, Yuan Tianqing, a professional fisherman, finally caught a fish, but what he caught was a Luo Fei, which was not small, and weighed a pound, but as soon as this fish came up, everyone couldn't help feeling a little disgusted.

Luo Fei, originally a kind of imported farmed fish, originally had the advantages of few spines and large pieces of meat, but the quality of the meat was not very good. A few years ago, many seafood restaurants still sold this fish. Now it should be, It's really a fun to feed ducks.

This thing is an invasive species, so even if you don't want it, you can't put it back in the lake, so Yuan Tianqing threw it into the grass behind.

And just when Yuan Tianqing disliked this Luo Fei, Zhuo Rong over there went fishing again!

But this time the fish served was even more exciting than the previous two times!

Originally, when Zhuo Rong saw the fish floating into the water, he immediately lifted the pole and stabbed it. As a result, he did not pull the fish out of the water with this stab.

When he started to forcefully pull out the fish, all the onlookers couldn't help but gasped, because the fish he caught was too big this time!

This is a black fish, a big black fish!.

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