"Hiss, this fish... must weigh twenty catties!"

"It should be more than that, I feel like it weighs thirty catties..."

"A big black fish weighing thirty catties can eat ducks."

"I don't know how many years this fish has grown."

"Little brother, slow down, you little hook, don't let him get off the hook and run away!"

Seeing the back of the big fish that Zhuo Rong pulled up to the surface of the water, the men around him were even more excited than him, and even spoke in a much lower voice.

Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang next to him stopped fishing at this time, and Pang Liqiang deliberately copied the website by the side, ready to help Zhuo Rong copy fish.

And this time, Zhuo Rong didn't mention it directly.

Of course, he wasn't worried about the rod and line, he was a little worried about the hook.

He used an ordinary No. 5 hook. With such a big hook, in fact, he mainly fished about a catty of fish in normal times. This was the hook he chose after listening to Yuan Tianqing's words.

According to what Yuan Tianqing said, the fish that are caught most in this lake are more than a catty, such as Luo Fei, big plate crucian carp, small carp, etc., the No. 5 hook is enough.

The first two fish, one weighed more than six catties and one catty weighed more than five catties. In fact, it was a little bit reluctant to fish, but this time, a guy of this size came directly, even Zhuo Rong had to be careful, because With a little force, he felt that the hook would cut the mouth of the big fish, and the loss outweighed the gain.

"After this fish comes up, change the hook to twelve." Looking at the big black fish that was still struggling at this time, Zhuo Rong pulled it towards the shore with great strength, and at the same time glanced at the fish he brought. Hook, freshwater fishing is no better than sea fishing.

Therefore, the biggest hook that Zhuo Rong carries is only the No. 12 hook. It is no problem to catch fish weighing more than ten catties. Of course, there is also the risk of unhooking fish weighing tens of catties, but Zhuo Rong feels that it is impossible. This lake is filled with such bulky goods weighing more than 30 kilograms!

"Hey, who knew that you, a freak, are so good at fishing in fresh water. It seems that you are born to eat fishing." Listening to Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing who was beside him also gave a wry smile.

The same fishing position, the same length of rod, the result is that all the big fish are caught, and I can only catch a pound of Luo Fei, Nima, who is the reason for this?

Hey, for him, the fifth hook is enough!

Wild fish are powerful, and Zhuo Rong was afraid of slipping away, so he slipped away for about 15 minutes. With Zhuo Rong's strength, he slipped the big fish to the shore.

Qiangzi was very good at copying fish, he grabbed the head of the fish in one fell swoop, and pulled the fish to the shore. As the fish came ashore, the fish also began to struggle violently.

At this time, Zhuo Rong also temporarily put the fishing rod aside to block the big fish.

When everyone saw this fish, to be honest, many people were shocked.

Black fish, the scientific name is snakehead, it is distributed all over the country, and there are many local names, such as black fish, mullet, raw fish, wealth fish, snake fish, fire head.....whatever it is called

This fish is a very ferocious predatory fish with strong vitality.

Not only can it adapt to any water temperature between 0-41 degrees, but if there is a lack of food or the water quality is not good in the place where it is located, it can even go ashore, breathe out of the water, and migrate to other ponds, which is quite powerful.

This kind of fish can grow up to tens of catties or even hundreds of catties at the largest, and it not only eats fish, but also ducks, water birds and the like.

But I have to say that although the meat of snakeheaded fish is a bit rough, it is generally delicious and extremely nutritious. It is the best fish to make pickled cabbage fish and boiled fish.

Seeing this big fish, many people swallowed their saliva.

"Good guy, it must weigh thirty-six or seven catties!"

After taking off the hook, Zhuo Rong also picked up the fish and put it into the fish guard, and then specially strengthened the fish guard, for fear that the fish would take the fish guard away.

At the same time, Zhuo Rong also sat back on his seat and began to change the hooks

The No. 5 hook just now, although it is said that the future hook will not be broken, is obviously too small. When Zhuo Rong pulled the fish up, the hook had already left a small hole in the fish's mouth. Zhuo Rong has great strength, if he keeps pulling the fish, as soon as the fish relaxes and dives into the water, it will probably be unhooked.

So it is more reliable to change the hook.

Just as Zhuo Rong was changing hooks, an uncle came over.

"Brother, do you want to sell your fish?"

Upon hearing the uncle's words, some fishing guys next to him reacted.

It’s not shameful not to be able to catch fish to buy, let alone such a big fish.

The water quality here in Lingquan Lake, they know very well that the farmed fish are so delicious, if it is wild, or such a big fish, the taste will not be delicious!

"Forget it if you sell it, I have to give away these fish." Hearing what the uncle said, Zhuo Rong also said with a smile, and the people here felt a little pity when they heard that Zhuo Rong didn't sell fish.

But this fish was caught by Zhuo Rong, so you can't buy and sell it by force, not to mention this is not their territory, this is Zhuo Rong's territory!

So these people shook their heads after hearing Zhuo Rong's words, and some went back to fishing directly. They were also angry in their hearts. Why should they catch what Zhuo Rong caught but not themselves?

He was about to catch a big one and show Zhuo Rong a look.

But there are more self-aware people who did not go back to fishing, but squatted beside Zhuo Rong, watching Zhuo Rong fishing, they felt that Zhuo Rong should be a master fisherman, otherwise it would be impossible, how could this fish catch so good!

It’s not wrong for them to think this way. What’s wrong is that Zhuo Rong is really not a master fisherman. !

No, after putting on a new hook, Zhuo Rong took the fish again in less than three minutes (Zhao? Zhao)!

This time, it was a cocked mouth fish weighing about 15 jin. When I saw this fish, many people were excited. Compared with the previous three fish, the cocked mouth fish was obviously more expensive and more delicious.

And with a weight of about fifteen catties, it must be said to be quite a big fish!

All of a sudden, many people started to pick up their mobile phones, some took pictures, some made videos, and they had a great time playing, and Zhuo Rong did not disappoint these audiences!

After the cocked mouth was caught, Zhuo Rong took a fifth fish, a big pike weighing about 12 catties. This kind of fish is very uncommon in China, even less so big.

But it's not over yet. After five minutes, the sixth fish took the bait. This is a big headed carp, which weighs twenty catties. If the head of this big fish is used to make chopped peppers Fish head, the taste is so beautiful even thinking about it!

This time Zhuo Rong has completely settled the title of master!.

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