"Huh, it's almost there, let's go home!"

As Zhuo Rong pulled a large herring that weighed about 21 to 2 catties out of the water again, Zhuo Rong found that the fish protection he brought seemed to be insufficient.

At this time, he couldn't help looking at Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang who were beside him and said to them.

"Let's go." Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing also sighed, then looked at the five fish in his fish guard, three crucian carp that weighed three to two and a half catties, and two carps that weighed about one catty, and said with a wry smile up.

In fact, he not only caught these, he also caught about a dozen Luo Fei, but he threw them all behind, and the Qiangzi next to him was not as good as him.

Luo Fei only caught five in total, and there were only three small crucian carp worth keeping in the fish guard, and none carp.

Of course, he will take back the latter Luo Fei. I don’t know if you still remember that Qiangzi’s home is like a zoo, and there are cormorants in it.

These fish just happened to be taken back for them to eat, and what they couldn't eat was fed to the ducks, and the waste was reused.

On the other hand, for Zhuo Rong, his fish guard is a one-thousand-jin fish guard, but it is already full at this time. Of course, this does not mean that Zhuo Rong720 caught a one-thousand-jin fish.

He caught a total of twenty-three or four fish, the heaviest being the black fish, which weighed about thirty-six to seven catties, and the smallest was the five catty grass carp caught earlier.

But most of them belong to the average value, about five or six catties.

So the sum of these fish is only more than 300 catties.

But one thing is that these fish are all big fish.

Three one-pound fish do not require the same amount of space as one three-pound fish.

Moreover, these fish are wild, so after these people entered the fish guard, they were dishonest and kept rushing left and right. Zhuo Rong was afraid of fishing for a while. The nurse took him away, where will he cry then?

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang here also nodded in response immediately, and then Yuan Tianqing went to fill the bucket behind his bread, because he knew that all the fish Zhuo Rong caught To keep alive is to give away.

So definitely can't just take it back.

At this time, Zhuo Rong also lifted the fish in the fish guard under the eyes of these onlookers, wondering if God was cooperating with Zhuo Rong.

When Zhuo Rong was carrying fish, the sky that had been rainy and cloudy suddenly began to clear up. All of a sudden, the fish of more than 300 kilograms were particularly dazzling under the sunlight. Zhuo Rong learned from these fishing veterans In the eyes of the uncle, I saw deep envy and jealousy. How much did they hope that these fish were caught by themselves?

But at this time, some smart people have shifted their eyes from the fish to Zhuo Rong's position. They don't need to think about it, and they know that after Zhuo Rong leaves, this position will become the most sought after and hottest position!

At this time, Zhuo Rong also followed Pang Liqiang to take the fish to the side of the car. When putting the fish, Zhuo Rong scanned them one by one with the platform.

This is a habit he developed when he was fishing with a raft, because some of the fish caught by the raft are wild and some are farmed, just like the American emperor red fish.

No matter how long the American emperor redfish has been wild, it is also a farmed fish.

Zhuo Rong didn't believe that all the fish in Lingquan Lake were wild, and the unfarmed fish came in.

Sure enough, after such a scan, Zhuo Rong really found some problems.

Zhuo Rong caught a total of 23 fish, 20 of which were fine, but there were still some problems with 3 fish, a bighead carp weighing about 14 catties, that is, the fat head should have escaped from the breeding pond from.

A carp weighing about 17 kilograms was also detected to be farmed.

There was also a black fish weighing about 16 catties, a total of three were detected.

The others are wild and can be sold at a higher price in the future.

And these three fish were naturally picked out by Zhuo Rong. (abed) "I don't want these three fish, how do you divide them?"

Looking at Yuan Tianqing, Zhuo Rong also said to them.

"You don't want it anymore? What's the matter?" Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang were a little confused. They didn't want it anymore. Why? There was nothing wrong with looking at the three fish.

"See if they are not pleasing to the eye, how about this, or you two will each have one, and we will eat the remaining one!"

Smiled, Zhuo Rong can't say that he can tell whether it is farmed or not.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang also glanced at each other, and then scratched their heads. They really didn't accept it well, because these fish were too expensive.

Because the fish price this year is not cheap!

Basically, the price of wild fish this year is about ten times the price of farmed fish.

The price of freshwater fish this year is a bit ridiculous.

Locally, carp can be sold for eight to five to nine yuan a catty.

Wild carp can be sold for about 90 yuan a catty, that is to say, the carp that weighs 17 catties will cost 1530 yuan locally.

The price is quite expensive. They may not earn so much when they go fishing for a day, but what is not easy to refuse is that Zhuo Rong did not ask them to sell these fish, but let them take them home to eat Yes, this kind of gift is really impossible to say.

"Okay, don't get entangled, one person picks one, and then this black fish, let's do it!"

Looking at the appearance of these two people, Zhuo Rong naturally knew what they were struggling with, so he laughed and said it. Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang each took one fish, leaving ten fish. Six catties of black fish, they are going to make a black fish feast.

At least two or three dishes must be prepared. Zhuo Rong and the others couldn't eat a sixteen-pound fish, so after making the decision, Zhuo Rong called Yang Sheng and Sun Qingyuan immediately.

When the two heard it, there was a big fish to eat, "Dang, even if there is no problem.

Even Sun Qingyuan is still at work today, he said that there is no problem and he can come to eat.

After making an appointment, Zhuo Rong and the others first sent the rest of the fish back to Zhuo Rong's home.

The crucian carp and carp caught by Pang Liqiang and Yuan Tianqing were also given to Zhuo Rong, and Qiangzi took those Luo Fei back to feed the ducks and cormorants.

After sending the fish back, Zhuo Rong and the others drove to Yuan Tianqing's house.

Not long after they arrived at Yuan Tianqing's house, Yang Sheng and Sun Qingyuan also came. They didn't bring any girlfriends with them today. The five gentlemen are together, so let's do it. What else is there to say? After handling the fish, one side While cooking, they started drinking directly.

As for the fish, they made three big dishes.

A fish with pickled cabbage, a boiled fish, and a fried black fish fillet, served with pickled cucumbers, fresh cucumbers, peanuts, shredded potatoes, and edamame bought from outside. What else is there to say, let's get started!

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