Yesterday's meal of wine lasted from noon to night.

But when he came back at night, Zhuo Rong didn't drink much.

Today is mainly chatting, not drinking, and Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang can be regarded as the real fishing masters of Zhuo Rong.

After returning home, Zhuo Rong first sold those freshwater fish.

Not to mention, these freshwater wild fish will still be quite valuable in the future.

Carp is 900 yuan per catty, crucian carp is 700 per catty, black carp is 850 per catty, herring is 920 per catty, grass carp is 10,300 per catty, ten thousand five hundred and fifty catties... ...

Basically, it is about one hundred times the current price of fish. Of course, this fish price refers to the price of farmed fish. Wild fish is originally ten times more expensive than farmed fish.

Now in the future, it will be ten times more expensive, that is, about a hundred times the price.

The average price of these fish from Zhuo Rong is around 1,000.

A total of more than 300 catties, and sold for more than 300,000 yuan, which is really not too little. If Zhuo Rong is not willing to go to the sea in the future, it is not bad to go fishing in Lingquan Lake. The only problem is

There are certainly not as many big fish in the lake as there are in the sea.

And it is easy to mix with those who escaped from the breeding pond.

Therefore, there are some gaps in both quantity and quality, or unit price.

The only advantage is that you don't need to go to sea, you don't need to waste time on the road, and it saves trouble.

After selling the fish, Zhuo Rong also fell asleep happily.

Obviously, the sea has not been calm in the past few days. It didn't stop raining until noon today, but it rained again in the evening, and it was still heavy.

As mentioned earlier, Zhuo Rong's home is also smart in the future. No matter how strong the wind and rain outside, it will not affect the people inside, so Zhuo Rong still sleeps peacefully.

After one night, when he got up the next day, he found that it was raining a lot outside.

In Zhuo Rong's manor, there is a small river. This small river was dug by the Su family at the beginning. First, it was used as a landscape. Second, in the future, some fish can be raised in this small river to play in the resort. People who live here can also catch a fish or something.

But now there is basically nothing in this small river, because Zhuo Rong didn't raise anything in it. After all, it is already October. Although it is not particularly cold in Zhuo Rong's hometown in winter, it is still below zero. , At that time, nothing in this small river will be able to survive.

So if you want to raise it, you have to wait until the spring of next year.

Usually, the water in this small river is about forty to fifty centimeters, but today Zhuo Rong got up and saw, "The water in this small river is about to rise to fifty centimeters.

Don't look at the water that has only risen by three centimeters, but this is not too small.

But Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry about it rising up, because this small river has an automatic flood discharge function of 60 centimeters. If it exceeds 60 centimeters, the downstream side will directly open to discharge the excess water into the sea. Don't worry about this.

Zhuo Rong specifically mentioned the water level at this time, because he remembered that the homes of Yuan Tianqing, Pang Liqiang and Yang Sheng seemed to be quite low. If the water rose, I don't know if their homes would be flooded.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong immediately called Yuan Tianqing.

After the phone call, Yuan Tianqing over there was in good condition.

There is water outside the yard of his house, but there is no water in his house.

It turned out that when his father and mother came back from the holiday a few days ago, they raised the yard of his house. If the rain was heavy, it might pour into his house, but there is nothing wrong now, and the rain should It stopped this afternoon, and tomorrow there will be strong winds and we still won't be able to go out to sea, but we should be able to go out the day after tomorrow.

As for Pang Liqiang's house, his house was indeed flooded, but the kid had already left.

Seeing that it was raining too much last night, he just pulled the switch in his house, and then went to his girlfriend Ge Xianxian's house...

If Zhuo Rong says he wants to help now, he probably won't say anything on the surface, but he has to scold Zhuo Rong in his heart. Isn't that a bad thing?

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhuo Rong to do such a thing.

The last one called Yang Sheng. There was nothing wrong in Yang Sheng's house, but the crab pond was flooded, but their family has been working here for so many years, and they have already developed the habit of waterproofing. In the middle of the night last night, their house was flooded Turned on the water pump, and it's fine by now.

Hearing that Yang Sheng's house was fine, Zhuo Rong didn't care. Just when he was about to hang up the phone and watch the rain at home, Yang Sheng said suddenly.

"Hey, by the way, Lao Zhuo, are you okay today?"

"It's all right, is there anything I can help you with?" Hearing Yang Sheng's question, Che Ye also asked him curiously.

0 looking for flowers......

"Well, there is indeed one thing that needs your help. You can help my uncle's family catch a fish."

As soon as he heard that Zhuo Rong was fine, Yang Sheng also started talking.

"Fishing? What the hell? Isn't your uncle's family raising crayfish?"

Hearing Yang Sheng's words on the phone, Zhuo Rong was also stunned [Fishing? Why?

"Hey, I think there must be something wrong with him. He used to raise crayfish, but the first batch of crayfish he raised has been sold out, and now he is raising the second batch of off-season crayfish, but recently he discovered that he There is something wrong with the shrimp pond..."

Seeing Zhuo Rong's question, Yang Sheng also briefly explained the matter.

Off-season farming is like buckling vegetables in a greenhouse. Rare things are more expensive. Crayfish are on the market from July to October.

The amount of crayfish is the largest at this time, and the natural price is not particularly high.

The average crayfish is about 25 yuan a catty, the small one costs 20 yuan, or even more than a dozen yuan a catty, and the large one costs more than 30 yuan or more than 40 yuan per catty.

But the average price is basically about twenty-five pounds a catty, which is not a small amount, but it is not particularly high either.

Take the crayfish breeding ponds as an example, one mu of ponds can produce 300-400 catties of crayfish. It is conservatively estimated that it is 350 catties.

Twenty-five pounds a catty is 8750, excluding costs, feed, and labor.

For an acre of pond, the net profit of crayfish is about 6,000 yuan.

Yang Sheng's uncle's family raised a total of 30 acres of crayfish, and the annual net profit is about 180,000 to 200,000.

In fact, this income seems to be no lower than being a middle-level leader in a first-tier city.

But who, who would think they have too much money?

So in the past two years, Yang Sheng's uncle has been researching off-season farming. Once the off-season farming is successful, although the number of crayfish in winter is definitely not as good as that in summer

But the price of crayfish in winter can be raised to an average price of more than 40.

Even if he only earns half of Xia Tian's money, it will still cost close to one hundred thousand.

He did it last year and it was very successful, this year he was going to do it again, but not long after he threw the shrimp seedlings down, he found that something was not right...

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