After leaving Yang Sheng's uncle's house, Zhuo Rong and Yang Sheng went home directly.

After temporarily keeping the alligator gar in a large pond at home, Zhuo Rong and Yang Sheng went to the restaurant in the village to have a casual bite.

Lunch was simple, I found a stir-fry restaurant at random, ordered three dishes and a few bottles of beer, and the two chatted while eating.

Old classmates, in fact, there are many things to talk about every time we meet.

Zhuo Rong and the others chatted while eating.

Unknowingly, the rain outside gradually stopped, and Ye and the others were ready to go back to their respective homes.

Naturally, Yang Sheng's girlfriend came to pick him up, but Zhuo Rong saw that there was no rain outside, so he didn't ask Jia Min and the others to come over, but walked towards home by himself.

Counting it, it has been a month since Zhuo Rong moved here.

Although he said he definitely couldn't recognize all the people in the village, big and small, everyone seemed to know him. Walking home, there were many people saying hello to Zhuo Rong.

Although Zhuo Rong has a bit of social fear, but this kind of warm greeting, Zhuo Rong is not disgusted, but has a feeling that he has integrated into the village.

"It's only been a month since this kind of life, but to be honest, I don't want to go back to the old life at all." Following Zhuo Rong, he walked out of the village and walked to the road of his home, watching this At that time, the blue sky had just emerged from behind the clouds, he couldn't help stretching his waist, and then looked at the sky with a smile.

This kind of life, he is very comfortable, this is enough!

After Zhuo Rong came home, it was naturally another leisurely afternoon. In fact, not only this afternoon, it may be that he has been busy in the past few days. It is rare that Zhuo Rong is very free in the next few days.

The sitting time is very stable every day. When I get up at six or seven o'clock in the morning, if the weather is bad, I will stay at home, or go fishing in Lingquan Lake, or go to the virgin forest to pick mushrooms.

If the weather is good, I will ask Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi to go out to sea together, but basically the three of them rarely go together, because after all fishing is the occupation that Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi rely on for their survival.

So basically when they fish, they leave at four or five o'clock in the morning.

They may not have seen the four o'clock sun in Los Santos, but Zhuo Rong and the others have seen the four o'clock sun here at least a hundred times a year.

So basically when Zhuo Rong goes out to sea, they go out first, find a good fishing spot, and then call Zhuo Rong. They call Zhuo Rong, of course they are not afraid that Zhuo Rong will snatch their catch.

Because Zhuo Rong can't come, others have to come, and most importantly, the fish they catch can be sold directly to Zhuo Rong, saving trouble.

If their fish catch is not good today, then Zhuo Rong will go to the open sea, or go diving, but when diving in the past few days, he can also feel that the sea water seems to be colder, after all, it is already October It is estimated that it will not be able to go to sea in the near future.

As for the afternoon, after Zhuo Rong came back, Peng Wuyue and Shen Xuejia would often come to play with Zhuo Rong. Of course, besides them, the three boys Chang Zhengtao, Yang Lihao, and Shi Lei would also often come to play, but boy Well, it's too cheap, they won't stay here for long, and they will run out to other places.

Zhuo Rong is beautiful here, but for these boys, there is a fatal flaw.

It’s just that Zhuo Rong doesn’t have any bugs here. When a little boy didn’t like to catch bugs when he was young, Zhuo Rong doesn’t have any bugs here, so it’s a bit boring.

So they often run away after playing here for a while, and go to the fields in the village to catch dragonflies, butterflies, big locusts and so on.

Looking at them, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but think of his childhood.

When he was young, his parents didn’t enroll him in the small class because he didn’t have much money at home. Until the third year of junior high, his grandma, who was still alive at that time, hoped that he could get into a good high school, so he spent money Give him math, physics and English.

As a result, it cannot be said that it is useless, but it is true that it is not very useful.....

So Zhuo Rong's childhood was actually quite happy.

Especially compared to today's kids.

"In the future, if I have children, I will go to Mao's small class, and I will just play after school, there is no need."

Looking at Peng Wuyue and Shen Xuejia who were playing wildly on his pasture, Zhuo Rong also laughed and said, living such a happy and happy life is really fast.

Before I knew it, more than half a month had passed in October.

As the days get cooler and cooler, the footsteps of late autumn and early winter are gradually approaching.

At the same time, there are two other things that have also entered Zhuo Rong's daily schedule.

First, the company registered by Qin Shuhua was finally approved.

Under Zhuo Rong's request, Zhuo Rong monopolized 60% of the shares of the two parties, while Qin Shuhua personally accounted for 25%, and the Qin family accounted for 15%. Yes, in the end she still pulled the Qin family up.

There is no way, many of her subordinates are loyal to the Qin family, not to her, so after Zhuo Rong's battery was confirmed to be ready for production, these people all disclosed the matter to the people behind it , Make money, no one would be unwilling!

So Qin Shuhua had no choice but to recruit the Qin family.

Qin Shuhua injected one billion into the company, and Zhuo Rong finally gave her 200 million.

With technology and 200 million accounting for 60% of the shares, to be honest, not everyone in the Qin family is dissatisfied, and there are even some people who want to directly buy the technology in Zhuo Rong's hands and pay in one lump sum, but Qin Shuhua also chooses clear.

Zhuo Rong is not a businessman, so the way of negotiating with ordinary businessmen is not easy for Zhuo Rong. If you dare to ask him for a high price, then he will turn around and stop doing business with you, and he will never pay back the money on the spot. This step is soft.

At that time, no matter how much you post to him, he will definitely not cooperate with you again. (Money) Zhuo Rong is such a person.

As for playing crooked ways, huh, although Qin Shuhua doesn't know how powerful Zhuo Rong is, she knows very well that behind Zhuo Rong, there must be a lot of power, especially the Internet, is Zhuo Rong right? The god here, Qin Shuhua doesn't know.

But she knew that if the Qin family wanted to mess with Zhuo Rong, not to mention whether it would happen or not, the Qin family would definitely end anyway.

Therefore, the dissatisfied voices in this family were suppressed by Qin Shuhua.

After such a long period of registration, processing, site selection, and approval, she has finally finished the early work recently, and even asked Zhuo Rong when she has time to come to the company to cut the ribbon.

Forget about cutting the ribbon, Zhuo Rong felt silly, but he still had to go there because he wanted to send Zhuo Yi and the others there.

And the second thing that Zhuo Rong put on the agenda is that his plane is finally ready!.

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