My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 185: First Aircraft Inspection

Ordering an aircraft is actually a very long cycle.

There are often some rich people who order airplanes, and it takes several years to manufacture them.

However, the plane booked by Zhuo Rong is somewhat different from these people.

Because Zhuo Rong did not order the model of the aircraft, some hardware and so on, he only ordered the interior decoration, that is to say, he can directly use the original new aircraft, only need to decorate the inside.

In Zhou Chengjun's hands, there were just a few new planes.

It has to be said that Zhou Chengjun really took Zhuo Rong seriously, so after Zhuo Rong paid the reservation money, he immediately worked overtime and started to get Zhuo Rong's plane.

No, the general decoration of the plane was finally finished yesterday, and now there are only some home appliances, home appliances, and some details.

And today it will fly over from Guangdong Province. Originally, he should have inspected it first, and after the inspection is completed, he will make some minor repairs before handing over the plane.

But he just called Zhuo Rong directly and invited Zhuo Rong to take a look together. If there is any dissatisfaction, he can still change it now.

After hearing his words, Zhuo Rong was also very moved. After all, this was his first plane. At the same time, he also thought of what Yuan Tianqing and the others had said, and wanted to see Zhuo Rong's plane, so Zhuo Rong You're not welcome, so I answered 810 directly.

Then I sent a message to Yuan Tianqing, Qiangzi, Yang Sheng and Sun Qingyuan, asking them if they have time tomorrow. Except for Sun Qingyuan who will be inspected tomorrow, the other three people are fine. This is to watch the plane, or a private plane. Even if something happened, unless it was a huge thing, it would be fine.

"let's go!"

Following Zhuo Rong's order, Yuan Tianqing drove Pang Liqiang and Yang Sheng to Zhuo Rong's house in his broken bread at eight o'clock the next morning, and Zhuo Rong and the four of them sat in Zhuo Rong's car together. , heading directly to the airport.

Along the way, the four of them were very excited, especially Yang Sheng. As I introduced earlier, this guy likes to pretend to be 13. Not only does he want to pretend to be 13, but he is also willing to pretend to be others.

Now Zhuo Rong is not going to buy some kind of car, but to buy an airplane. Is there anything better than this? If you are 13 years old, you have to buy a spaceship. Now the imperial court does not sell this thing, but If Zhuo Rong knew that he thought so, he would probably smile lightly......

After all, the spaceship, in his eyes, is much cheaper than the plane. After all, his (abef) yacht can also be used as a spaceship.

Enduring Yuan Tianqing's twittering all the way, Zhuo Rong quickly drove to the airport, but after he parked the car and got out of the car, the three people here were silent, especially after seeing Zhou Chengjun, They all huddled behind Rong Rong, just like quails, not talking, just looking around.

"Brother Zhou, I'm not too late!"

"Brother Zhuo, it's not too late for you to come, it's still ten minutes early. Your plane is expected to arrive at the airport at ten ten past ten from the control tower. Now we have to wait for a while." 1

Looking at Zhuo Rong, Zhou Chengjun took the initiative to shake hands with Zhuo Rong, and then talked to Zhuo Rong with a smile.

"It's okay, it's my first time buying an airplane too, curious, let's go and see what it looks like." Hearing what Zhou Chengjun said, Cao Ya also said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, not to mention that you are satisfied, but it should not be a big problem. I have seen the video of the interior decoration, and they installed it strictly according to the drawings you gave. It seems to be the case.

Come, take the minibus here, let's go to the airport. "

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Zhou Chengjun here also laughed and said.

Then he led Zhuo Rong and the others into the minibus next to him and drove into the airport.

The minibus parked on a small runway at the far end of the airport. At the end of the runway, there was a hangar. According to Zhou Chengjun, this hangar was reserved for Zhuo Rong's planes. Of course , Zhuo Rong needs to pay rent every year.

Don't think that maintaining an airplane is cheap. In fact, maintaining an airplane is not much cheaper than buying an airplane. Er, we are talking about small business jets, such as the Zhuo Rong, which must be much more expensive.

The cost of the plane, last time when Zhuo Rong bought the plane, Zhou Chengjun showed it to himself.

The first is the take-off price. The airport charges take-off and landing fees. The domestic price for one take-off and landing is about 800. However, different airports have different fees.

You can't expect the airport in Shanghai to be the same price as the airport in some prefecture-level cities.

Then it is necessary to hire a special pilot to maintain the aircraft engine, and the money is about 30,000 a year.

Then lubricating oil, about 50 yuan per hour [this man counts.

Fuel, about 500 yuan per hour, depends on how often you fly.

Don't think that this is a lot of money, because in fact, it is the most economical when the plane is in the sky.

When the plane is on the ground, more money needs to be paid including the apron mooring fee, the rent of the hangar, the maintenance of the hardware on the plane, the money for applying for the route, the money for the maintenance team, the money for the maintenance team, and the maintenance fee. Money, money for scheduled inspections, money for aviation materials, etc...

Zhou Chengjun made a calculation for Zhuo Rong. Even if he does not fly this business jet, he needs about 8 million yuan a year. Three hundred hours may cost about 20 million maintenance dollars.

This is the price that Zhou Chengjun gave Zhuo Rong a discount.

However, Zhuo Rong didn't care too much about the small money. After all, for him, 20 million or 30 million, Xiaozhuo can earn it just by going around the Internet, which is nothing.

After Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing got off the car, they stood on the side of the runway and chatted with Zhou Chengjun for a while, then Zhou Chengjun over there suddenly pressed the earphones in his ears, then turned his head and looked at Zhuo Rong.

"Brother Zhuo, your plane is here!"

As his voice fell, there was a small black spot in the distance, approaching from far to near, and the height was also slowly decreasing.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tianqing, Pang Liqiang and Yang Sheng standing behind Zhuo Rong pulled out their mobile phones at the same time. Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang were just taking pictures, while Yang Sheng started to record directly, watching the plane, slowly descending , The huge roar resounded in his ears, and Yang Sheng's eyes were not only shocked, but also a little scared.

Well, in fact, anyone who sees such a big plane crashing into him, probably everyone will be scared.

Including Zhuo Rong, when he watched the plane start to land and rushed to this side, he was actually a little timid, but fortunately, Xiao Zhuo had already given the path of the plane, and it would not reach Zhuo Rong's side. That's why Zhuo Rong forcibly calmed down and didn't take a few steps back......

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