"Old Zhuo, it's cool, this is a private jet!"

"Brother Zhuo, bull 13!"

"Hahahaha, don't worry, it's also a business jet anyway, when you have something to do in the future, just stay and tell me, just take this."

After discussing with Zhou Chengjun how to decorate the engine room, Zhuo Rong also left with Yuan Tianqing and the others.

Originally, Zhou Chengjun wanted to be a landlord and treat Zhuo Rong to dinner, but when he was talking about this, Zhou Chengjun's phone rang, he didn't look like Zhuo Rong, he was very busy, so he just Can be like this for a while.

Let's talk about it when the plane is officially delivered.

And on the way out of the airport, these three guys returned to the state they came from, surrounded Zhuo Rong, and started talking, and listening to what they said, Zhuo Rong also said generously, but he Seven Seven Seven would know if they were just hanging out or something.

It is estimated that they will not make these requests to Zhuo Rong, but if Yang Sheng and Pang Liqiang get married and spend their honeymoon, Zhuo Rong can lend them the plane to fly for a while, and he will be doing his brother a favor.

"What's for lunch? Go back after eating!"

Following Zhuo Rong and the other four people out of the airport and got into his car, Zhuo Rong also asked Yuan Tianqing and the others, it was already eleven o'clock, and they happened to go to eat.

"Eat or something, whatever you want, but in the afternoon, brother, can you throw me at the flower, bird and fish market. Right now

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Pang Liqiang who was sitting in the back seat suddenly spoke up.

Pang Liqiang likes raising small animals, and Zhuo Rong knows that too.

Usually, in Lingquan Village, you can't find any good things, so if you want to buy some pet animals, you have to go to the flower, bird and fish market in the city.

So Pang Liqiang basically only needs to go to the city, and six or seven out of ten times he will go to the flower, bird and fish market. After hearing what he said, Zhuo Rong also became interested.

"Okay, you two are fine this afternoon, let's go shopping together!"

Nodding his head, Zhuo Rong spoke to Yuan Tianqing and Yang Sheng.

"Then let's go together, I'm fine today."

"I'm fine, but I'm more curious about where to eat.

Qiangzi didn't go back, and Yuan Tianqing was fine when he went back, so he started talking directly.

Speaking of which, Yuan Tianqing also likes small animals, but he doesn't like keeping them, but likes to eat them.

Today I went to the flower and bird fish market to see pigeons and so on. These are all edible.

And Yang Sheng is already busy now. The crab pond in his house was drained a few days ago, and the pond has started to dry. This year's crabs and crayfish have been raised.

Compared to his uncle, he thinks a lot.

He also plans to raise crayfish and crabs in winter, because off-season ones are more profitable.

But he doesn't plan to raise them in this kind of wild pond. He is saving money now and plans to build a big shed, and then raise them in a cement pond, but this also requires technology.

Now he and his girlfriend are still studying, so don't wait a few years before taking office.

Now he is also in a state of being fine, to be precise, from now until March next year, he will be fine, and he has recently started messing around with the team again.

"What are you going to eat? It's getting colder today, let's eat lamb!"

Looking at the sky, Zhuo Rong muttered softly.

"Okay, what are you going to eat? Boiled mutton, roast leg of lamb, barbecue, or what?"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yang Sheng also asked behind.

"Go and eat sheep scorpions, this day is suitable for eating!"

After thinking about it for a while, Yuan Tianqing started to speak later, and then wiped his mouth while speaking, the sheep scorpion is the spine of a sheep.

Zhuo Rong's family doesn't actually have the habit of eating sheep and scorpions.

But a while ago, didn't Zhuo Rong go to the imperial capital to take over the courtyard house?

He ate it in the imperial capital, and after he came back, he bought the sheep scorpion to cook at home and eat it when they came to Zunrong's house to play.

To be honest, once the sheep scorpion is put on the table, people who have never eaten it may not really like it, but after eating it, they will feel that this thing is really good.

Especially if it is eaten with white wine, the taste will not be cured.

"Sheep scorpion, let me look for it. If there is one, let's eat it. If not, forget it. Let's eat boiled lamb!"

Zhuo Rong started the engine while asking Xiao Zhuo to connect the car to search for the sheep scorpion.

Needless to say, restaurants all over the country are now blooming everywhere.

As long as you want to eat, you can basically eat most of the delicacies.

Beijing cuisine, although it is not like the eight major cuisines, belongs to a relatively small group of cuisines, but Xiaozhuo searched and found that there are really several good Beijing cuisines in Zhuo Rong's city.

There are roast ducks, Quanjude also has them, Dadong also has them, and their local brands.

Then there are those who make noodles with fried sauce, those who cook lamb in authentic copper pots, and of course those who sell lamb scorpions.

Xiao Zhuo found a shop with good reviews on the Internet, and guided Zhuo Rong and the others to go.

After going to this store, Zhuo Rong found that this store is quite similar.

Next to this store is a bigger store owned by the same owner.

That store sells boiled mutton, but this store sells lamb scorpions.

According to the waiter here, their sheep are all directly transported from Montenegro, and the lamb is sliced ​​into slices and sold directly at the mutton side, and then the lamb scorpion is sold in this store. Of course, If you want to eat mutton, you can also order it directly from this store.

I have to say that this sheep is really not cheap to them.

After Zhuo Rong and the others finished ordering, a large pot of Sichuan-flavored mutton scorpion came up with meat in it, and some side dishes that relieved the greasy taste.

That is to say, Zhuo Rong needs to drive, otherwise he will be a few mouthfuls high and low.

Unlike now, except for Zhuo Rong, there are three other people, one person, one, two, two and a half.

A mouthful of spicy and sweet mutton, a mouthful of white wine, you will be delighted.

1.1 Zhuo Rong can only turn his attention to the sheep. Judging from Zhuo Rong's taste, the mutton here is actually not bad. Of course, it is still a lot worse than his grass sheep.

But in China, no, in this world, there is almost no meat that can compare with this kind of mutton. Regardless of the mention of mutton, everyone always talks about beef and mutton.

But beef, the domestic breed is really not good, there is only one top-grade Luxi yellow cattle, and the meat yield is not high.

But when it comes to mutton, Yanhuang, who has eaten mutton for thousands of years, has a strong say.

Foreign sheep are mainly used to produce wool and milk. When it comes to meat quality, domestic mutton is not to mention everything, but at least it is slightly higher.

Zhuo Rong, who ate a lot of mutton, still has a say.


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