My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 188: Flower, Bird And Fish Market


After lunch, except for Zhuo Rong who didn't drink, the others felt very refreshed, full and satisfied. Originally, Zhuo Rong was going to pay the bill, but Yang Sheng paid the bill first.

Zhuo Rong made friends with Yuan Tianqing and Yang Sheng, and they were equal. They didn't act like Zhuo Rong's henchmen just because Zhuo Rong was rich.

The most important thing in making friends is how much energy you have and how much you can do.

If you mention money or not, it will be a bit out of the ordinary.

After paying the bill and eating, Zhuo Rong and his group also drove to the Flower, Bird and Fish Market. The Flower, Bird and Fish Market in the city where Zhuo Rong and the others are located is a big market.

Divided into two parts, the main body is a building and a street.

The first floor of the building is divided into two parts, one half sells flowers, the other half sells cats and dogs, the second and third floors both sell fish, the second floor sells freshwater ornamental fish, and the third floor sells sea fish , used to make sea tanks.

Zhuo Rong also visited in the past, and he likes to go to the third floor to see it, because there are many lemon sharks on the third floor, which should be popular among rich people nowadays.

The fourth floor sells reptiles, all kinds of lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles and the like are on the fourth floor.

The fifth floor is the canteen here, which is also open to the outside. The price is not expensive, but the food is not very good. As for the street outside, it is a place where people sell flowers, birds and fish.

In terms of quality, the outside is naturally much worse than the inside of the building, but it is cheaper.

Nearly 30% of the street sells birds, another 30% sells cats and dogs, and 30% sells fish, but compared to the fish inside, the outside is the worst kind

Anchovy, Black Mary, Red Arrow, betta, small koi, goldfish, traffic lights, submarines, etc. are all sold outside.

The other 10% is to sell some strange things, such as small insects (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.), tobacco, peanuts, mealworms, as large as wood, tables and chairs, cages, etc. .

In the past, when Zhuo Rong came to visit, he basically went inside the building to see sharks.

But when Pang Liqiang came to shop, he basically went outside, after all, he really wanted to buy something.

Following Zhuo Rong and the others to park the car, they also entered the street.

The first thing to see is the birds.

There are quite a few bird sellers on this street, at least there are dozens of shops. As soon as Pang Liqiang came, someone greeted him, and it was obvious that he did come here often to buy things.

And Zhuo Rong was also looking at these birds, but unfortunately, he didn't recognize most of these birds. If it wasn't for Xiao Zhuo's help to identify them, he wouldn't even know what these birds were.

Compared with other birds, Pang Liqiang is more interested in pigeons.

But even with the help of Xiao Zhuo, Zhuo Rong doesn't really understand the difference between these pigeons. In Zhuo Rong's memory, pigeons seem to be divided into carrier pigeons and meat pigeons according to their uses. know about other pigeons.

"Brother Zhuo, let me tell you, there are actually many ways to play with pigeons." Seeing that Zhuo Rong seemed to know nothing about pigeons, Pang Liqiang explained while watching.

Pigeons are fun, in fact, among the people who raise pigeons, they are mainly divided into two categories.

One is a native pigeon and the other is an exotic pigeon.

The carrier pigeons, domestic pigeons, and meat pigeons that can be seen now are basically foreign pigeons.

This kind of pigeon was introduced from abroad to China. It is big and grows fast. The current racing pigeons are basically these foreign pigeons.

The local pigeons are much smaller in size, and their flying ability is actually not that good.

Because in ancient times, there was an idiom of flying pigeons passing books.

But in fact, flying pigeons to send letters has not been very popular in China, and it is not a mainstream method, or it is a long-distance message transmission method. In ancient times, the long-distance message transmission was actually more used by swan geese, that is, wild geese. .

In ancient times, swan geese passed books more reliably than flying pigeons.

Domestic records of Feige Biography may only be traced back to Guangdong in the Sui and Tang Dynasties at the earliest, and it seems that it has not been popularized throughout the country.

It is more reliable to send letters by flying pigeons in one city. If you want to cross a city, it is almost impossible.

The Flying Pigeon Passing Letters in JingTV dramas can be considered as the need of the plot.

To be frank about this point, if you are just playing with flying pigeons to pass books, it must be the country of ancient Egypt. This country began to use this method to pass books more than 3,000 years ago.

And what they used was the ancestor of the current carrier pigeon.

But don't look at the domestic pigeons, but the price is much higher than these foreign pigeons. Except for the racing pigeons used in competitions, these foreign pigeons have no way to compare with the domestic pigeons.

Because domestic pigeons look better and have better colors. For example, the pair of pigeons that Pang Liqiang is referring to now. The feathers of this pair of pigeons are pure white without any stray hairs. They are quite beautiful and red. Her eyes and yellow mouth looked like they were carved from jade.

Of course, the price of good-looking things is not ordinary.

For this pair of pigeons, the seller directly asked for 2 square meters.

Of course, this price is not expensive, because according to Pang Liqiang's words, if the pair of pigeons were sold in the imperial capital, they would be worth more than 50,000 yuan, and 20,000 yuan is not bad.

But this does not mean that this pair of pigeons is worth it, someone can be a second-hand dealer, buy it here for 20,000 yuan, and then sell it in the imperial capital for 50,000 yuan. 037

Because the pigeons can't be like people, people can buy the pigeons here and go to the imperial capital, but the pigeons don't have to worry about it.

First of all, airplanes and the like, they can’t sit on them, not to mention anything else, it takes a long time and is very troublesome just to prove the epidemic prevention and so on.

And by train, or by car, well, that's more troublesome...

It is very likely that this pair of little pigeons died before they were sent to the imperial capital.

So if you don't really want to keep it, then try not to buy it, as small animals can't stand long-distance tossing.

So after Zhuo Rong listened to Pang Liqiang's words, he also nodded, and what he said made sense.

But I didn't go far forward, when I was about to pass by these shops selling birds.

There was a shop selling cages in front of it. When Pang Liqiang saw a cage hung out by Xun's family, his eyes lit up instantly.

He walked over quickly, but just as he walked in front of this cage, there was a fat figure in the distance, who also just walked over and stood in front of the cage with him. I didn't expect that someone would fall in love with the same thing as me.

Looking at each other like this, the other party definitely doesn't know Zhuo Rong and the others, but Zhuo Rong and the others do know this fat figure......

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