"Hey? Brother, have you taken a fancy to this cage?"

(The cage is on Zhang, there is no typo)

"No, I'm just here to have a look. It's really a good thing...This, it should be from red sandalwood." Hearing what the fat man said, Qiangzi also waved his hand. The meaning is to buy.

He could tell that this cage was very good, and it was most likely a cage carved from lobular red sandalwood, and the carving skills on it should also be master skills. Such a cage would cost at least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, which is obviously not what he spent. started.

"Well, I have good eyesight, but this cage is made up, and the bottom seat is expensive. It's made of old red sandalwood. The upper cage is new, but it's also purple." Hearing Pang Liqiang's words, the fat people here also Said in a low voice.

"Hello, you are... Teacher Sun." After this person finished speaking, Zhuo Rong and others also came over here. Yang Sheng looked at this fat figure with some hesitation ask

"Hey, hello, hello, have you heard us talk about cross talk?" Seeing that Yang Sheng recognized him, the fat figure also smiled politely, and then said to him.

Yes, this fat figure is really not an ordinary person, he should be a star, but he is not a big name or something, but a member of a cross talk group in China. The actor with the dragon character in the middle is the main one.

It may not be possible to say how popular he is, but it is true that most people know him.

I heard before that Teacher Sun, like Teacher Yu, is a big player, likes to collect those flowers, birds, fish and insects, and messy things, unexpectedly I ran into it here today

"I've heard it, I must have heard it, Tao Lai, is there a commercial performance?"

Looking at Teacher Sun, Yuan Tianqing from here also came over and said with a smile.

"Well, for tomorrow night's commercial performance, I arrived this morning, and I have nothing to do at the hotel. I happened to come over this afternoon to take a look. I don't think there are really good things in your flower, bird and fish market, hey friend.

Hearing Yuan Tianqing's question, Teacher Sun also laughed and said.

He is not an idol or something, even if he is met by a fan he knows, it is unlikely to cause too much impact, so he and Yuan Tianqing really got along pretty well.

"Mr. Sun, you're really right. There are indeed a lot of interesting places on our side, and a pair of little pigeons over there is also pretty good, but it takes two parties."

Hearing what Teacher Sun said, Qiangzi here also whispered.

"Little Pigeon? I'll look at this later. It happens to be my senior brother's birthday in a few days. If it's really good, I'll take it back and send it to my senior brother. But I have to take this cage first, boss, what are you doing?" How did you sell the cage next to it?"

He made a quiet gesture towards Qiangzi, and then Teacher Sun shouted inside. Hearing Teacher Sun's words, the shopkeeper here also came out, looking at the cage outside, he also casually took He gestured with the bamboo pole in his hand.

"One hundred here, three hundred here, eight hundred here, this... If you want, four thousand!" Obviously, the shop owner didn't notice Zhuo Rong and others outside .

So he specially ordered this red sandalwood splicing cage.

After hearing the price, Zhuo Rong glanced at Qiangzi, and Qiangzi nodded indiscriminately. This cage, not to mention selling it in first-tier cities, even if it is sold locally, will cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. It can be seen that this cage should not be made by the boss, but received by the boss. It is estimated that some old man used this cage to raise birds.

But I was afraid that the people in the family would say it, so I never told the people in the family how much the cage was worth. After the old man disappeared, the children or the wife in the family did not know each other, so they sold the cage cheaply.

And the owner of this store is not a good eye, and he would definitely sell less than 4,000 in normal times. This is a temporary price increase, but Teacher Sun has a way to deal with such people.

"This broken cage is four thousand? Pull it down, I'll buy the one from here, the eight hundred one, five hundred, okay? If it works, I'll take a few!"

Disdainfully glanced at the red sandalwood cage, Teacher Sun pointed to the other birdcages nearby.

"Five hundred, five hundred is definitely not enough... No, this cage is a good thing, and four thousand is not too expensive." Hearing that Teacher Sun turned to other cages, it seemed that he was really not interested in this cage. The owner also had some hesitation.

"Isn't it expensive for four thousand? If your cage is one piece, then four thousand is indeed not expensive, and you can't even sell it for five thousand. But the problem is that your cage is divided. The bottom is one piece, and the cage body is one piece. How dare you sell it for 4,000? Are you slaughtering people? Let’s look at this side!"

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Mr. Sun curled his mouth, and he had to say that even if it is a joke, this mouth can be fooled.

Sure enough, when he said this, the shop owner here also hesitated.

After thinking for a while, he clapped his hands and made a distressed look.

*`. Good things should be sold to people who know how to do it, how about it, three thousand, okay?"

"Another discount in half, one thousand and five, I'll take it if it's OK, if not, you're not the only one selling cages on this street." Shaking his head, Teacher Sun said firmly.

"One thousand and five is definitely not enough, otherwise, how about two thousand and five?"

"Two thousand, build this cage again, the last bid, if it's okay, it's fine." Teacher Sun made a gesture, and finally said that he really wanted to leave.

The boss saw that the business was going bad, so he immediately picked up the army.

"Yes, yes, yes, the last bid, two thousand and two, build a cage!"

"A lot of deals!"

Looking at the shop owner's appearance, Mr. Sun actually knew that the price was far from being overwhelmed, but as a human being, you shouldn't go too far.

He didn't care about the few hundred yuan. If he pressed too hard and caused any problems later, the gain would outweigh the loss. So after thinking about it, Mr. Sun nodded.

Then (Li's) is to pay, issue an invoice, and after paying two thousand and two, Mr. Sun here happily lifted up two cages and walked back. After walking out of a store, he directly put the original cage Selling for eight hundred, the almost useless cage was later handed over to the crooks.

"Brother, I think you are also someone who understands these things, come on, this is for you!"

"Mr. Sun, this is too expensive." Seeing the cage that Mr. Sun handed over, Qiang Zi immediately waved his hands. A cage worth a few hundred dollars is too extravagant.

"What is this expensive? It's all given away. If you want to sell it, this kind of robot car can be sold for more than a hundred yuan at most. It's nothing. It's rare to meet someone who likes to play. You Just take it!"

Looking at Qiangzi, Teacher Sun directly stuffed the cage to Pang Liqiang, and said with a smile.

"Then, I'm not going to be polite, thank you Mr. Sun, but Mr. Sun, if you talk about playing, in fact, I, brother Zhuo, are the best at playing!".

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