My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 190: Cross Talk And Visit

"Teacher Sun, I, Brother Zhuo, am an expert at playing!"

A little shyly accepted the cage handed over by Teacher Sun, Pang Liqiang also smiled, then looked at Zhuo Rong who had been standing behind him and said nothing to him, and said to Teacher Sun

"Oh? This brother also plays with birds?"

After hearing what Pang Liqiang said, Teacher Sun also looked at Zhuo Rong.

In fact, from the very beginning, he has paid attention to Zhuo Rong. After all, Zhuo Rong is quite outstanding among the four. He is indeed the most handsome and the tallest. The future genetic modification medicine is not just talking Played, the effect is quite good.

The most important thing is that Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang went to sea all day, and they were exposed to the wind and sun outside, and their skin was dark.

As for Yang Sheng, although he said he raised crabs and crayfish at home, he still had to work, so he was also black. Only Zhuo Rong, who was white and clean, was indeed very conspicuous.

But Zhuo Rong, everyone knows that he has a little social fear, so after he got here, he didn't say anything, but listened more.

But now Mr. Sun asked himself, it would be bad for Rong Rong to keep silent.

"Hey, no, I only have a starling in my house, and 153 was given to me by Qiangzi. I don't have any specific favorite things to play with. I just play around and do everything."

After waving his hand, Zhuo Rong also looked at Mr. Sun with a smile, and spoke to him.

"Okay, what are you doing? Brothers, what are you doing?" Hearing that Zhuo Rong also raises things, Teacher Sun also asked curiously.

"Fish is the one that raises the most. I raised some red dragons, and then a few days ago, I got an alligator gar from my buddy. There is also an eyed kaimen in the backyard, and then there are dogs and wolves." Naturally, Zhuo Rong would not tell the rice pudding, but he could say what he picked.

"Wolf? You still keep this animal? Doesn't this thing need a license?"

Upon hearing that there were wolves in Zhuo Rong's house, Teacher Sun also asked curiously.

"Does Lao Zhuo's family have a Wild Protection Breeding License? This wolf is a legend. It is the dog of Lao Zhuo's family. It was hooked up from a pack of wolves in the forest. There are also four real little wolf dogs. Well." Looking at Teacher Sun's shocked eyes, Yuan Tianqing here also laughed and said, when he heard that there were really wolves, and they were wolves from a pack of wolves, and there were wolf dogs, Teacher Sun's eyes lit up, obviously , he is very interested in walking around.

"By the way, buddy, you still said that you have raised red dragons in your house? How many more?"

"Well, I have raised seven." Recalling it, I have indeed raised seven, um, it should be, after hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Teacher Sun wanted to see it.

"There are not only fish, but also cattle, sheep, and pigs. These three things are all species that have never been seen before. They grow amazingly, and the fruits grown by my brother are even more amazing!" Yuan Tianqing said. , Yang Sheng here also blew at Zhuo Rong.

"It's a bit late today, bro, we'll perform tomorrow, and we'll take a rest here the day after tomorrow if we have nothing to do. Is it convenient for you to see if it's convenient for me to go to your house?"

After thinking for a while, Teacher Sun still spoke out the little entanglement in his heart.

Although he is said to be a star, he is not a big-name star. He does not need to be so careful when making friends with others. Now listening to the introductions of these people, he has a family for Zhuo Rong in his heart. preliminary concept.

It felt like Teacher Yu's Thunderbolt Pet Paradise, so he also wanted to go and see it, but after hearing Teacher Sun's words, Zhuo Rong agreed without caring.

"That's great. We will perform tomorrow. I have reserved a few tickets for the infield. Before the performance yesterday, you all come to me and I will make arrangements for you. Please listen to the cross talk!"

Hearing that Zhuo Rong readily agreed, Teacher Sun also said openly.

Then a group of people went to the stall selling the little pigeons. After looking at the two little pigeons, Teacher Sun decided to... buy them, but not give them to Teacher Yu.

Because he really likes it too.

As for how to bring (abeh) the pair of pigeons home, Mr. Sun also showed Zhuo Rong and the others, in fact, he was looking for that kind of pet shipping company.

Some people have said that the pet shipping company is not responsible, pets are often outsourced, and then they die when they are delivered home. Here, Mr. Sun taught Zhuo Rong and the others a trick to protect the price.

Just like when the express delivery of valuables will insure the price.

Two little pigeons, with an insured price of 100,000 yuan, although it is said that the insured price is over a thousand, but if something happens to the pair of little pigeons, at least Mr. Sun is not at a loss in terms of money

Of course, if you are worried, in fact, the best way is to drive in person and deliver it in person.

But Mr. Sun obviously didn't have so much time.

According to him, after the commercial performance here, he will go to another place next week. When he returns to the imperial capital, it may take three months.

But don't look at Mr. Sun's busy side, but in fact he is very happy.

The share of a certain agency is very reasonable. Basically, people like Mr. Sun and the others go out to accept commercial performances, and the income of the actors is about 1 million.

Among them, 800,000 will be divided by the host, 400,000 per person.

The remaining 200,000 yuan was distributed to the three pairs of actors who came to assist in the performance.

Everyone also has more than 30,000 yuan, which doesn't seem like much, but in fact, for most people, they don't earn more than 30,000 yuan for a month of work, even in first-tier cities

That's almost a quarter of revenue.

Therefore, the income of actors in a certain agency is still very considerable. Of course, those students who have just studied for less than two years are definitely not as profitable as those who are successful.

But even those young actors who stick to the small theater, as long as they can go on stage, their average monthly income is more than 10,000 yuan, and it is difficult to live.

But if you don't have the ability, maybe you can only earn so much in this life.

If it becomes the bottom line and there are dividends, then the profit is quite considerable.

Together with Teacher Sun, Zhuo Rong and the others walked around here, basically only Teacher Sun and Qiangzi were shopping.

But compared to Mr. Sun, what Qiangzi bought were those high-quality and cheap things.

What Zhuo Rong remembers most is that Mr. Sun also bought a big green grasshopper.

This grasshopper is emerald green. I remember it deeply because of this toy. He bought it directly for 1800 without any counter-offer. That kind of transparent, when both ends are inside the box of small speakers.

That call was very interesting.

You know, it's late October now, and logically speaking, the worms have stopped calling.

But now when I hear the sound of insects, it's really interesting...

Of course, this meaning has nothing to do with Zhuo Rong because Zhuo Rong talks about all the bugs in Kang...


The stomach flu is basically cured, but not completely cured, my whole body hurts, and I am vomiting blood.....

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