Today is still quite a day of knowledge.

In the afternoon, Qiangzi and Teacher Sun were also talking to Zhuo Rong about these pets, which also gave Zhuo Rong a lot of insight.

But speaking of playing, according to Mr. Sun's words, he still has to go back to the imperial capital.

Although these things to play with are all dross left by the Eight Banners ~ Brothers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

But since such a custom can be passed down in every place, it means that this custom has its merits. At least in Teacher Sun's view, playing with these things is very interesting.

And it's worth playing, and he's willing to spend money on it.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Sun boarded the commercial vehicle assigned to him by the performance party and went back, and Zhuo Rong and the others also went home.

Of course, they won't just go home like this, they must be going to eat.

But this time, I didn't eat in the city again, but went to the barbecue restaurant opened by Shen Xuejia's house, and the third brother went to have a barbecue. I have to say that Shen Xuejia's father roasted the big kidneys, which are really good!

This time Zhuo Rong doesn't care anymore, he can drink.

Full of food and drink, Zhuo Rong also went home, took a bath and told Jia Min and the others that Mr. Sun was coming the day after tomorrow.

These are minor problems, and it will be fine to close the eight-treasure porridge at that time.

In this way, there was nothing to say all night, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Although the next day said the weather was fine, Yuan Tianqing and the others didn't go out to play, because they still remembered that Mr. Sun said that he would invite them to watch cross talk.

Originally, Zhuo Rong and the others were still thinking, didn’t Yang Sheng say that he wanted his girlfriend to introduce a partner to Yuan Tianqing? It's important, after all, apart from the girls from a certain company, there are really not many people who like to listen to cross talk, especially this time, Teacher Sun bought tickets for everyone, so it's not very good to make it difficult for the other party.

But this idea is good, if there is some kind of concert in the future, it will be fine.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhuo Rong and his party drove to the stadium in the city.

I have to say that the cross talk is really popular now.

When Zhuo Rong and the others arrived at three o'clock, there were already quite a few people waiting for the scene to start, and of course more scalpers.

However, Zhuo Rong and the others were not prepared to sell tickets to scalpers, nor were they prepared to buy tickets to scalpers.

After Zhuo Rong made a phone call to Teacher Sun, he didn't wait long at the back door before a person came to deliver tickets to Zhuo Rong and the four of them.

This person is also surnamed Sun, he is Teacher Sun's apprentice, and he is also a very kind person.

After giving Zhuo Rong their money, Teacher Sun's apprentice also went back to work.

For live, it can be regarded as a rehearsal, which is a very common thing.

After the four of them had nothing to do here, they went to a nearby Internet cafe to play for a few hours.

They play LOL, and the four of them really haven’t played this game together, because when they were in junior high school, they played WDW.

LOL only started to play seriously after Zhuo Rong got to university.

Of course, his so-called seriousness... is the Bronze Three...

But now he is different, not to mention the existence of Xiao Zhuo, even if Zhuo Rong only let him assist, then it is the strongest footstep.

It is used to record the time of red BUFF, blue BUFF, small dragon, vanguard, and big dragon. It can also record the opponent's skills and the cooldown time of double moves. Discover.

But that doesn't make much sense.

In fact, apart from Xiaozhuo, Zhuo Rong's own reaction speed is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people. Basically, his APM can break through 1000, and it is very easy.

Except for the first two being a bit dull, the latter is basically he pulling four.

As long as someone dares to appear in his line of sight, it is basically a single kill, one kills one, two kills one pair, except for the general attack and the ability to lock the target, there is nothing he can't avoid.

If he can dodge basic attacks, he can even dodge basic attacks.

"Damn it, you can do it, you, during your four years in college, are you sure you went to school? Didn't you go to a club for further study?"

Seeing Zhuo Rong's stats of 17-0-4 on the field, Yang Sheng was dumbfounded. He looked at Zhuo Rong in shock, and Zhuo Rong also laughed after hearing what he said.

"If I go to the club, will my account be so miserable? Bronze, are you still in the same row with you now?"

"I also liked watching the live broadcast two days ago. I feel that your skills are no worse than many LOL anchors. Have you ever thought about live broadcasting?" Listening to Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing here also pondered , then tilted his head and looked at Zhuo Rong and asked.

0 looking for flowers………………

"There's something wrong. I'm so old and I don't know how to talk. Besides, am I short of money?" Looking at Yuan Tianqing, Zhuo Rong looked at him with contempt and said.

"That's right, isn't the live broadcast just for money? Of course, there are some people who are good at socializing and chatting. It's possible, but it's obviously not suitable for you." Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing also thought for a while, and then smiled Talked up.

Six super gods in a row made Yuan Tianqing and the others look stupid. Of course, apart from being stupid, they were also very happy. I guess they abandoned this game because they were getting older and busier. It has something to do with their being too good.

Of course, the current winning streak must be related to Zhuo Rong himself in the Bronze Fish Pond Bureau. If he reaches a higher level...

Well, in fact, even at a higher level, with Xiao Zhuo and his reaction speed, he is still invincible in the world, but his understanding of the game is still somewhat lacking, but this is enough in the passerby game up!

A wave of victories made Zhuo Rong and the others happily go to the venue, and entered the infield to watch cross talk, watch cross talk, talk show, concert and so on.

You really have to come to see it live. Teacher Sun’s cross talk with them today is what I have said before, but the effect of the live program is very good, especially Teacher Sun’s partner, Teacher Yue, the last chorus of the whole audience , If you are not in this atmosphere, you really can’t feel it.

I have to say that Zhuo Rong and the others were very happy to watch this evening.

After watching the photo session, Zhuo Rong and the others were still thinking about whether to treat Mr. Sun to a meal or something, but Mr. Sun said that the organizer had already made arrangements.

So Zhuo Rong and the others drove directly to have a simple meal, and then returned home, waiting for Sun's visit tomorrow.

The next morning, Zhuo Rong rarely slept in late, not because he wanted to get up early, but because Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi came to Zhuo Rong's house early in the morning.

Although it is said that today is Zhuo Rong's home, it does not prevent them from being corpses too.

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