My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 198: Roasted Sweet Potatoes

"Well, I'm really not used to the rest time in the city now."

After attending the company's ribbon cutting, Zhuo Rong went home. He didn't go to the dinner hosted by Qin Shuhua because he really didn't like the atmosphere.

And he also knew that if he was going, Qin Shuhua's main focus must be on himself, which would not be very beneficial to the development of the company.

So he went back with Yang Qian and the others. They ordered takeaway at night, watched TV at home, and ate takeaway. It really made him feel like he was back at work.

It's just that there are three more beauties beside him who are as beautiful as flowers and beautiful, and the small broken house that he originally rented has become a big villa.

After eating, Cao Rong and the others went to rest soon.

There was nothing to say all night, and Zhuo Rong woke up at six o'clock the next morning.

Zhuo Rong is used to waking up around this time every day, because it is just after seven o'clock after washing and breakfast at this time, and he can go fishing or do something after tidying up, but now when he gets up, he looks outside on the street.

Except for some old people and middle school students in school, there are hardly any young people.

I have to say that the game of Living Habits 01 is really out of touch.

"Or, shall we go back today?"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Guo Xiang from here came over, put his arms around Zhuo Rong's waist from behind, leaned on Zhuo Rong's back and asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go back today, and when you come back next time, you will come on our special plane." Turning her head, scratching her nose, Zhuo Rong said with a smile.

Now that they have decided to go back, Guo Xiang, Yang Qian and Yang Sitian here also started to pack up, and at the same time, Xiao Zhuo also helped them book four first-class cabins on the first flight

Soon their things were packed, and they told Zhuo Yi again about the specific situation, and if they had any questions, they would ask Xiao Zhuo to contact him directly.

Zhuo Rong also called Qin Shuhua, explaining that he was leaving, and he didn't wait for Qin Shuhua to come over to deliver his business, because he knew that on the second day of the company's opening, everything had to be decided by Qi Shuhua, She can't leave now.

So don't bother her, just go back by yourself.

Zhuo Yi and the others drove Zhuo Rong and the others to the airport, and Zhuo Rong and the others took the plane back to their hometown.

After arriving at the city where he was, as soon as he got out of the airport, Jia Min was already waiting for Zhuo Rong outside the airport. Before noon, Zhuo Rong and the others went back home.

Although it is not long to go out every time, but to be honest, Zhuo Rong is really used to the life of his home, and every time he comes back, he misses this place and everything here, people, houses, things, animals. ......


Just when Zhuo Rong was feeling emotional here, a figure also ran out of his house in an instant. Needless to say, he knew that he would call himself that, and there was no one else except Peng Wuyue. Thinking about it, it was really true , today is Saturday.

This girl would come to play at Zhuo Rong's house on Saturdays and Sundays when she didn't go to school. She probably didn't see her this morning, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

"Ouch, you girl is here!"

Seeing Peng Wuyue rushing over, Zhuo Rong also picked her up and hugged her in his arms, well, he still misses this little girl quite a bit.

"Uncle, let's dig sweet potatoes!"

Sitting in Zhuo Rong's arms, Peng Wuyue also gestured excitedly.

"sweet potato?"

"Mmm, sweet potatoes!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Peng Wuyue also nodded vigorously.

"Sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) are harvested from mid-to-late October to early November to before frost."

At this time, Xiao Zhuo also gave a reminder in front of Zhuo Zhi, telling him that it is indeed time to harvest sweet potatoes.

"Well, okay, let's dig sweet potatoes!"

Seeing that both Peng Wuyue and Xiao Zhuo had said that, Zhuo Rong also put Peng Wuyue down, and then the two went to the warehouse. Zhuo Rong took a hoe, and then the two of them went to the village to dig. The sweet potatoes are gone.

The field where they dug sweet potatoes was not actually the field of Peng Wuyue's family, it was a field where sweet potatoes were grown, and sweet potatoes should not be grown often.

Because this thing absorbs fertility very well, although there are chemical fertilizers now, it may be a little bit better, but the sweet potatoes grown with chemical fertilizers are not so delicious.

The truly organic and green crops do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Therefore, when planting sweet potatoes in the village, after planting a crop of sweet potatoes, you have to rest for two years. During this period of time, other people’s homes will plant them. After planting, the whole village will eat them together. It is also harmonious. An unwritten rule.

The family that Zhuo Rong and the others went to is the family that planted sweet potatoes in the village this year.

This family is not too far from Zhuo Rong's house, two figures, one big and one small, walked for more than ten minutes, and then came to the sweet potato field of this family. They had just arrived when they saw Shi Chang Zhengtao, Yang Lihao and Shi Lei shaking Running over from a distance, looking at the shovels and hoes carried by these three guys, it is clear that they must also come to dig sweet potatoes.

However, unlike Zhuo Rong and the others, Shi Lei was carrying a huge bamboo basket, and that bamboo basket was about to put him in it, it was the first time Zhuo Rong saw such a big basket...

When they saw Zhuo Rong and Peng Wuyue, they ran even faster.

"Uncle Zhuo, May, 240, you guys also come to dig sweet potatoes!"

Running over, Yang Lihao immediately asked Zhuo Rong and Peng Wuyue.

Ever since Zhuo Rong helped Yang Lihao get rid of the alligator gar in Yang Lihao's house, this kid has gotten closer to Zhuo Rong. After all, it's normal for the family to have a closer relationship.

"Yeah, your tools are quite complete [How much are you going to dig?"

Touching Yang Lihao's head, Zhuo Rong looked at their tools and said in shock.

"Hey hey hey, can I save more food by digging more?" Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Chang Zhengtao and the others laughed along with him.

"Okay, let's dig!"

Seeing the appearance of the four little kids, Zhuo Rong also smiled, and then prepared to dig.

But obviously, don't look at Zhuo Rong's strength is stronger than these four brats put together, but when it comes to digging sweet potatoes, he is really not good at it.

When Zhuo Rong struggled to dig out two bunches of sweet potatoes, Chang Zhengtao and the others over there had already dug out six bunches, and Peng Wuyue was still helping him. Enough!

Seeing this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help being aroused to be competitive, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't beat three children under ten years old?

The combined ages of the three of them are not as old as myself!.

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