"I will go, forget it, I admit defeat!"

"Hahahaha, uncle, you can't do it!"

"Uncle, my father said that a man can't say he can't do it."

"Bastard, your father doesn't teach you some good things in normal times!

"Hey? What do you mean?"

"I don't really understand either!"

After digging for more than two hours, Zhuo Rong finally gave up. He really couldn't dig out these three bastards, but after more than two hours, the four of them did dig out a lot of sweet potatoes.

"I'm a little hungry, but it's not time for dinner yet!"

Rubbing his belly, Chang Zhengtao said, digging sweet potatoes is very exhausting, no, just after laughing and laughing at Rong Rong, they felt a little hungry.

"Hmph, you have to rely on me at this time, let's go, go back to my house, I'll call you sister Jia Min, I'll get you something to eat." Hearing what these boys said, Zhuo Rong laughed and said

"I'm not going, I can't walk anymore, just eat here!"

But after hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Chang Zhengtao, Yang Lihao and Shi Lei all shook their heads, and then a trace of fear flashed in their eyes. In fact, what Zhuo Rong didn't know was that these three boys were a little afraid of going to Zhuo Rong now. manor.

This is mainly related to the three of them getting into trouble at Zhuo Rong's manor.

A few days ago, there was a family in the village who got married. Although it is not a festival, but in the countryside, setting off firecrackers is not prohibited, so they also got a lot of firecrackers. After picking up a firecracker, they went to Zhuo Rong's Play at home.

Let’s not talk about the cannons being fired outside at first, and then they threw the cannons into the water to explode the water. Finally, for some reason, San Hui was blown up, and San Hui went to complain to Hui Hui.

As a result, Ashes chased them for more than 20 minutes, and Ashes didn't let them go until they ran into the village. Since then, they didn't dare to go to Zhuo Rong's place.

No matter what, it will take a while before I dare to go.

"Roasted sweet potatoes, how do you bake this thing? There is no oven or stove here." "In Zhuo Rong's memory, baked sweet potatoes are basically not baked in an oven, or baked with a big iron stove on the street when I was young.

"Uncle, leave it to us!"

Looking at the doubt in Zhuo Rong's eyes, Peng Wuyue couldn't help but stood up, patted his own chest with his dirty hands, and then went to the nearby field with Shi Lei, who hadn't been digging much just now. .

It's the end of October now, and many plants on the ground are already withered and yellow.

So they quickly picked up a lot of weeds and came back, and then went to the nearby cornfield that had already been harvested to get several corn stalks and came back to build a small fire.

Then Chang Zhengtao found out the lighter that he had been hiding on his body all along. Don't get me wrong, he didn't hide this thing for smoking, but for hiding it for shooting.

If it weren't for him, Zhuo Rong and the others wouldn't even be able to light the fire. After all, Zhuo Rong doesn't smoke, so he doesn't have the fire.

As the flames slowly rose, a few kids also threw sweet potatoes into the fire and roasted them directly. Watching their actions, Zhuo Rong stood by and kept watching. He felt that these kids were a little bit Unreliable look......

Just bake like this, can you find someone who is roasted and tested? Isn’t this game basically cooked?

There is no tin foil or anything, so the chances of it being cooked are not high...

It won't be after baking, half of it is raw, half of it is charcoal......

While Zhuo Rong was struggling, more than half an hour passed before he knew it.

After a few hairy kids pulled out the sweet potato inside with sticks, they couldn't wait to break open the sweet potato. Even Zhuo Rong couldn't help being a little shocked when the sweet potato was broken open, because at this time he imagined a sweet potato. The situation of half raw and half charcoal did not appear.

On the contrary, except for the skin of this sweet potato that has been roasted into charcoal, the meat inside is already cooked, bright red, beautiful, and exudes a fragrance.

This made Zhuo Rong, who was not very hungry, feel a little hungry.

"Uncle, here it is!"

Looking at Zhuo Rong, Peng Wuyue couldn't help but took a sweet potato over, broke half of it and handed it to Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong took it immediately.

The sweet potato grown here in Lingquan Village is called sweet potato.

The scientific name is called back sweet potato, also known as honey sweet potato, which is basically planted in the entire coastal provinces of Yanhuang. The whole sweet potato is famous for its fragrance, sweetness and waxiness.

The most important thing to grow this kind of sweet potato is to grow it on the sandy land along the coast.

Because the sand is planted, it is relatively fluffy, suitable for large growth, and can absorb seawater, and contains natural salt, how to make it sweeter?

That is to add a little salt to the sweetness!

The same is true for this sweet potato, so this sweet potato is also the sweetest variety among all sweet potato varieties. Looking at the sweet potato in front of him and smelling the fragrance, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but move his fingers, picked it up and ate it stand up.

Bite down, the oatmeal, sugar, fragrance, and sweetness are really delicious.

`.Well, why do I feel that this sweet potato is no worse than the future one? It seems that in the next thousand years, there will not be too much development of sweet potatoes. Even if it is developed, it should only be a matter of production, not of taste. , because the taste has nothing to choose. "

While eating the sweet potato, Zhuo Rong thought about it with emotion.

Before he knew it, Zhuo Rong also ate two sweet potatoes. As for the four furry children, they already ate their faces, hands, and clothes.

Coupled with the soil they dug, the five of Zhuo Rong and the others are now like refugees fleeing famine, but they are eating well, so they don't care about this problem.

It wasn't until Shen Xuejia, who ran over to play with them, saw Zhuo Rong and the others, that Shen Jia's laughter told Rong how embarrassed he was now.

Looking at the four furry kids who were in the same mess as himself, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, (have to be good) I can't do it if I don't go to my house this time, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Rong didn't wait for Chang Zhengtao and the others to escape this time, so he took them back to his home. He took Chang Zhengtao, Yang Lihao and Shi Lei to take a bath, while Jia Min and the others went to take Peng Wuyue to take a bath , by the way, they grabbed Shen Xuejia who just ran over and took a bath together.

As for clothes and so on, Zhuo Rong's future washing machine will naturally solve it.

When the little guys are all dressed up [dinner is ready.

Zhuo Rong's family's food is famous far and wide. Even if they ate a lot of sweet potatoes just now, they can still eat it now.

After eating enough, Zhuo Rong also sent the furry kids home one by one.

I have to say that today is a really busy day.

After rushing back from Shanghai in the morning, I went to dig sweet potatoes all afternoon, but thinking about it, it was much easier than going to a banquet yesterday. .

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