For the next two days, Zhuo Rong also had a good rest at home.

It’s actually not right to say that, especially if people who are at work see it, they might call him Versailles, Nima, is he still busy with his life like this?

If he lies down again, he will become a useless person...

So in order to avoid becoming a useless person, before entering November, Zhuo Rong plans to go out to sea again, but this time he does not plan to go to the deep sea.

Because it's not peaceful there recently, don't get me wrong, it's not like there's any conflict or accident.

It's because the typhoon is coming again...

You must know that about 80 typhoons are formed around the world every year, and the northern hemisphere is the hardest hit by typhoons. Among the 80 typhoons, nearly 60 of them occur in the northern hemisphere.

And the Western Pacific region is the hardest hit area among the hardest hit areas. There are almost 30 typhoons every year, if not all typhoons will blow to Yanhuang.

But to say the least, out of thirty typhoons, twenty-three or four are blown by, so it is not a big problem.

Living in the city, naturally even if there is a typhoon, it will not be affected much.

After all, it will rain at most, as long as the typhoon does not cross the border and does not make landfall, it will have no impact on people who normally work in cities or villages.

433 But it is different for fishermen, especially sea fishermen.

It really was a typhoon, and they couldn't get out.

Not to mention the lack of income, there are also dangers that can easily occur. If the money is gone, you can make more money, but if you lose people, you really have nothing.

So even Yuan Tianqing and the others would never go out to surf when the typhoon blows.

However, typhoon days are also an opportunity for fishermen.

Fish are different from humans. Fish seem to have an inborn instinct to avoid typhoons.

So when the typhoon is coming, most fish will eat like crazy at this time.

Then they prefer to go to the deep sea or the quieter, but barren waters to avoid the typhoon, who knows how long it will take to hide, they must store enough energy, so when the typhoon is coming, fishing is particularly good .

No, Yuan Tianqing got the news last night that a typhoon formed in Southeast Asia, and it should come to Yanhuang tomorrow, so he told Zhuo Rong that today is a good day for fishing, but he is Not going out with Rong Rong.

Because the people in their fleet want to go fishing together, they can only let Zhuo Rong play by himself.

However, he still specifically reminded that if you want to go fishing, you should only go to the sea, and if the wind and waves change, you should go immediately, so you don't have to worry about safety issues. After listening to Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong also agreed. .

Early the next morning, Zhuo Rong took Lin Xiaoqiao and Li Ke on a boat and went offshore.

Yuan Tianqing basically told Zhuo Rong about all the vegetable fields, so Zhuo Rong knew exactly where there would be fish. Now that the fish are eating like crazy, there are only three places with the most abundant food. One is the kelp field, Because there will be a lot of small fish eating kelp gathered here in the kelp field, and the fish that hunt these small fish will gather here.

But this location is obviously not Zhuo Rong's choice, because the fish that can hunt these small fish are basically not good fish, either mackerel, barracuda, or sea wolf

The taste of these fish is average, and the price will not be high in the future.

The second point is the sea oyster field, that is, the oyster field. As mentioned earlier, all Portuguese oysters are cultivated here. The large ones are used for sale and the small ones are used for oyster sauce.

Compared with the kelp fields, the fish here are better, such as black bream and yellow bream, which Zhuo Rong used to sell in the past, are here.

But these points, needless to say, Zhuo Rong also knew, must have been occupied by those fishermen, these guys get up at three o'clock every day to grab the position, Zhuo Rong can't afford them.

So Zhuo Rong chose the third point today, which is the offshore drilling platform.

Yes, that's a good point too.

Because the drilling platform has been soaked in the sea all year round, the platform is inserted into the sea on the pillars, and it is covered with various barnacles and snails. (abej)

With food, it will naturally attract many fish that hunt for these foods.

However, there are also a few small problems here on the drilling platform. Generally speaking, the drilling platform is relatively deep, so undercurrents and waves are not small.

Small boats like Yuan Tianqing's and the others, if you come here to fish, the waves are actually very big. Zhuo Rong used to come here to fish in Yuan Tianqing's boat, and he almost shook him into a nest, but now you don't have to worry about this problem up.

Although his ship is not particularly big, but the high-tech in the future, naturally there is no need to worry about the waves. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Duo Rong came to the drilling platform.

Sure enough, there were no people here. After Zhuo Rong parked the boat on the sea near the drilling platform, he was ready to start fishing.

On the first rod, he caught a fish very quickly. It was a yellow-winged fish, about eight taels in size, but because Zhuo Rong pulled it up a little fast, the anus burst open.

But it doesn't matter, the pressure chamber in the future can not only relieve the problem of pressure, but also have the ability to maintain and slightly heal. At least you don't have to worry about dying when you sell it after you put it in.

After the first yellow snapper was fished, the second fish came up soon. The second fish was a black snapper. Zhuo Rong laughed when he saw this fish, because yellow snappers don’t nest together, and Black bream nest together, but yellow bream often mix with groups of black bream.

So now if you have a yellow bream and a black bream, it means that this yellow bream is mixed with a group of black breams, not a passing fish, and it is impossible for a yellow bream to fall in love with a black bream , The two fish eloped.

Now Zhuo Rong can be regarded as a small expert in sea fishing. After all, he has fished many times. Sure enough, just as he judged, the third rod, the fourth rod, and the fifth rod...

All of a sudden, Zhuo Rong almost floated down, and he would sink in ten or twenty seconds, and then hit the fish, not to mention it really made him pull wildly for a long time.

After about an hour or so, Zhuo Rong pulled at least a hundred fish.

But don’t think that more than a hundred fish are a lot. Today’s individuals, ah, are slightly different from the fish that Zhuo Rong caught before.

The one-jin to one-and-a-half catties accounted for about 30% of the fish, and the rest were between six taels and nine taels. This is because the hooks Zhuo Rong used were too big for small fish to swallow.

Otherwise, Zhuo Rong estimated that he would have to bring up dozens of milk breams. Even so, he had hung up a dozen or so small milk breams, and he planned to put them back after fishing. Go back, afraid that they will go down to report...

Of course, this is just a joke. The main reason is that fish will bleed after being hooked, and the bleeding will easily attract sharks. Once the sharks come, they will lose everything...

"Huh? Shark?"

But just when Zhuo Rong was thinking about it, suddenly he saw a dorsal fin in the distance, and it stood up...

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