"Are you full?"

As the glasses came out of the water for the fourth time, and this time they lay directly beside Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong also squatted down, stroking its head and asking.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, the glasses didn't answer, but just glanced at Zhuo Rong, and then at the car, which meant that it was done and you could go back into the car.

"Okay, I'll take you back to the car first!"

Seeing the appearance of the glasses, Zhuo Rong started the engine first, turned on the air conditioner in the back row, then put it in the back row, lay down on the chair, and the glasses began to rest without moving. It seemed that this time it was really a little tired.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the glasses, Yuan Ye looked at Yang Sheng and his brother and uncle who were in the distance with a confused expression.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

"Huh, amazing, you can solve such a difficult matter, Niu 13!"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yang Sheng here also gave a thumbs up.

They actually didn't know how many fish this youngest Qi put into it, because he didn't know too well that all his fish were collected in the pet market 01 in the city.

Some are expensive, some are cheap, and he only has so much money, so he just bought them at this price, and he doesn't know how much he bought.

So it's just a roughly equal weight and quantity, so although they probably have the bottom line in their hearts, they should get almost done, but they don't know if there is any more.

"These are minor problems, but this time, how will you solve it with Qi Laosan?"

Looking at Yang Sheng, Zhuo Rong also raised his mouth.

"Hey, this matter is really troublesome." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yang Sheng scratched his head with a bit of a headache, and the faces of his brother and uncle behind him were also full of displeasure.

"Let's talk about this matter later, let's go, let's invite you to dinner, and let's talk while eating." Maybe he also saw the expressions of his uncle and brother, Yang Sheng didn't say much here, so he said he wanted to invite him first Rong them to eat, and then talk.

Hearing that Yang Sheng had entered like this, Zhuo Rong naturally didn't ask any more questions, and then he, Yang Sheng, Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi in the distance also packed their things.

Then the three of them drove three cars and went back to Zhuo Rong's house first. After all, they had to send the glasses back first, right? After delivering the glasses, Zhuo Rong drove the car and followed Yang Sheng and the others to Yang Sheng. The restaurant to be treated to.

This restaurant is not in Lingquan Village, but in the urban-rural fringe area. Not far from the small pier, there is a small restaurant called Axiang Poon Choi.

But don't think that there is a very beautiful woman in the name of Ah Xiang.

Indeed, it was originally opened by a young woman, uh, a young woman thirty years ago. Now the proprietress here is an old aunt in her sixties.

Yang Sheng is obviously a frequent visitor here. He had just parked his car and walked in with Zhuo Rong, Yuan Tianqing and Qiang Zi, when an aunt greeted them and found a small private room for them, and the four of them sat down. went in.

"Today I heard from Yuan Tianqing that you haven't eaten Poon Choi yet, so I just brought you here to taste it. If it's delicious, I'll ask your wives to make it for you when you go back. Wives, tsk tsk, what you said is really strong." The four of them sat down, Yang Sheng ordered a large portion of Poon Choi, poured hot tea for Zhuo Rong and the others, and started talking with a smile.

"Don't worry about the food. I saw you were hesitant to talk just now. Is there any problem? Do you need my help?"

After receiving the water poured by Yang Sheng, Zhuo Rong also asked with some doubts.

"Hey, what can I do for you? I don't need your big Buddha. If there is something wrong, Sun Qingyuan will solve it, but the problem is, that's not the case. This matter, the trouble is with the village chief. Our village chief is a little too nice."

Shaking his head, Yang Sheng said speechlessly.

"Very good?"

"Well, that's great, but sometimes it's too good to be a good thing." Looking at Zhuo Rong's puzzled look, Yuan Tianqing on this side also said with a smile.

Obviously, he also knew why the Yang family and his son were in trouble.

The village head of Lingquan Village is a very tough person to the outsiders of the village. This can be seen from the fact that the money he asked for directly from the Su family was not divided, but started to build roads.

But for the people in the village, the village head can be said to have really done it, caring about everything about every villager, no matter who has something, he will help with all his heart.

According to the people in the village, the old third Qi could have given up on him a long time ago. He is lazy, ignorant, and sneaky. If it was ancient times, such people would probably have to be expelled from the village, but the village chief did not. Instead, he ran back and forth to help Qi Laosan deal with his family's affairs. His house was built with the help of the village head.

Then help him find a job, and after something happens, he will use his old face to persuade him to cooperate.

Qi Laosan harmed Yang Sheng's uncle's house. Shortly after the incident happened, they arrested Qi Laosan and sent him to the police station, the village chief went over to talk about it.

Advise Yang Sheng's uncle's family to make big things into small things, let's make small things into small things, after all, they are all from the same village, and they are all in the same village, and they don't see each other when they look up, and let him work to pay back the money owed by Qi Lao San, and give him a guarantee, etc. ,Facing the old village chief's persuasion [Yang Sheng's uncle's family is still hard to say anything.

Because their family has also been favored by the old village head before. This shrimp pond was built for them by the old village head. He signed up for 983 to learn how to raise crayfish, and then called on the village to help dig the shrimp pond. He can live now Yes, it can be said that there is a lot of affection from the village head.

Now that the village chief says so, they are uncomfortable even if they agree, and they don’t feel comfortable if they don’t agree.

"So you know, it's embarrassing..."

Listening to Yang Sheng and Yuan Tianqing finishing the matter over there, Zhuo Rong waved his hand.

Sometimes it’s really annoying to be a nice guy, especially if he’s a really nice guy. Although he says he treats everyone with sincerity, not everyone treats him with sincerity.

If such a thing happened to Zhuo Rong, he would also feel difficult.

"I'd better leave it alone, you can figure it out!" Shaking his head, Zhuo Rong drank up the tea, and at this time, the Poon Choi of this shop was already ready.

In fact, Poon Choi is not so easy to prepare. The reason why they can serve the dishes so quickly is because these dishes are made of semi-finished products, and the ingredients and the like have already been processed. You can eat it when you put it on the hot pot, although it is a little worse than the freshly stewed one.

But their craftsmanship can make up for this slight taste gap.

When the steaming big pot of vegetables was placed in front of Zhuo Rong, he couldn't help but feel a little bit interesting, because there are quite a lot of food in this pot!.

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