"Come, come, try it out.

With an aunt's warm greeting, a large pot of vegetables was placed in front of Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong saw, Huo, there are quite a lot of things in it!

Poon Choi is a type of Cantonese cuisine.

Zhuo Rong's place is not in Guangdong Province, so he doesn't actually eat Poon Choi locally, although he knows that many people from Guangdong Province came to his place to open Poon Choi restaurants many years ago.

For example, this store opened thirty years ago.

But even though Zhuo Rong had such a Poon Choi restaurant when he was young, Zhuo Rong never tried it, because it is actually very expensive, so the working class like his family can’t afford it. of.

And when he grows up, even if he goes to socialize with his boss, he always goes to some kind of big hotel, and he really has never eaten Poon Choi.

Looking at it now, the contents of this Poon Choi are really rich.

In fact, you can put anything in the Poon Choi, but it seems that seafood is the most authentic. For example, in this Poon Choi, there are eight large abalones in the middle.

These eight big abalones should all come from the north. The wrinkled plate abalone is the largest abalone among the domestic abalones, and the price is also the highest, but it is indeed the best.

In addition to the abalone, there are eight sea cucumbers on the bottom, eight prawns next to it, and a fish maw, but it should not be a very valuable fish liver.

In addition, there are a lot of goose feet, a large piece of crispy pork belly, and a whole chicken, and there are vegetarian dishes, mushrooms, lotus root slices and the like.

Not to mention, it's really shocking to have such a large pot of vegetables on the table.

Especially those good ingredients placed on it, it is also a good choice to take a photo and put it in the group during the Chinese New Year.

Looking at these dishes, Zhuo Rong and the others stopped being polite, picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Not to mention, whether this dish is good or not depends mainly on whether the abalone sauce is good or not.

It makes sense that this restaurant can be opened here for thirty years. Their abalone sauce is slightly salty, but full of fragrance. The ingredients are well processed and have no fishy smell, but they retain the fresh and sweet taste of seafood. It looks really good.

Of course, if Zhuo Rong made it at home, it would only taste better.

"This is Poon Choi, such a box of 1288, but fortunately, side dishes and the like are all given away, and I am not willing to eat it in normal times~々."

He picked up an abalone and stuffed it into his mouth, Yang Sheng said following Zhuo Rong.

"Well, the taste is indeed good, but 1288 is really not affordable by ordinary people. Nodding, Zhuo Rong is eating that sea cucumber at this time. This should be Liao cucumber. It is full of flavor, big in size, and crispy in taste. It is indeed good.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help feeling that he should actually go to Bohai.

Because speaking of domestic seafood, although the resources on the Bohai side are the least in all the seas, they are of the best quality.

The sea cucumbers over there, the hairtail over there, and the scallops over there are all the best in the country, even in the world.

In the world of chefs, the best ingredients in the world are rated as eight treasures.

The earliest eight treasures can be traced back to the Song Dynasty. The eight treasures in the Song Dynasty were dragon liver, phoenix marrow, leopard fetus, carp tail, owl burnt, scarlet lips, bear paw and crisp cheese cicada.

But the specifics, because of the relationship between Youyuan who crossed the middle, have not been handed down.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Qi was inherited from the Song Dynasty, and the Ming Bazhen was also inherited from the Song Dynasty, but at this time, we roughly knew what these things were.

It’s called so, but the actual food is found in history. Some people say that the dragon liver in the Ming Dynasty is the liver of a white horse, some say it’s the liver of a giant salamander, some say it’s the liver of a pangolin, and others say it’s the liver of a snake. The pith refers to the pith of a male pheasant, and it may also be the brain of a golden pheasant. The tail of a carp does not refer to the tail of a carp, but the tail of a pangolin.

In the Qing Dynasty, Bazhen can be divided into two categories.

One is "Shen Chi Ba Zhen" refers to sea cucumbers, shark fins, fish bones, fish maws, bird's nests, bear paws, deer tendons and toads.

The second is the subdivision of eight treasures of water and mountains, which are divided into eight treasures of mountains, eight treasures of water and eight treasures of grass.

Shanbazhen is bear's paw, which is definitely not available now, such as antler, elegans, hump, civet, leopard fetus, lion's milk, and hericium.

Shui Bazhen refers to shark fin, abalone, fish lip, sea cucumber, fish maw, scallop, fish bone, clam,

Caobazhen refers to Hericium erinaceus, white fungus, steamed bamboo, donkey's nest mushroom, morel mushroom, flower mushroom, day lily and yunxiangxin.

The reason for mentioning these eight treasures is mainly because the sea cucumber referred to in Shui Bazhen is Liao cucumber, and the abalone is this wrinkled abalone, which comes from the sea of ​​oil.

Fish bones, also known as fish bones, or fish brains, are made of the heads of sharks and plow rays. Shark fins are also made of shark fins. Fish maws are basically all big fish, such as big yellow flowers. Of course, the yellow lip fish is the best.

Dried scallops are Chlamys farreri, because the Ezo clams that people eat now were imported from the island country in 1981, and they are not native to our country.

Fish lips are the lips of sharks and other large fish. As long as there is sea, there are sharks everywhere.

As for the toad mentioned several times above, this thing is a kind of forest frog, commonly known as Yanhuang forest frog, which is a rare and precious frog species in high-lying swampy areas.

The ovary of this playful female is the snow clam, the sacred product for women's blood enrichment, which is used for stewed blood clams with papaya. Now it has also been farmed, but the price is very high.

Well, getting back to the topic, now Zhuo Rong wants to go to Bohai to catch hairtail and see if he can get wild sea cucumbers and abalones, well, he is still too naive

The fishermen on the Bohai side can’t see wild sea cucumbers, and the abalones are not much better than sea cucumbers. They are all farmed. As for the Bohai knives, there are indeed, but whether they can catch them depends on his ability. It should be the holy product among hairtail.

One of the best things, none of that.

Many years ago, (Nuoma Hao) sold for hundreds of dollars a catty, and now it is even more expensive.

At that time, if he catches the live Bohai knife [how much is it suitable for a catty?

Of course, what he said was that in the future, it would be very conscientious to sell it for 50,000 yuan a catty...

While thinking about something, Zhuo Rong ate the Poon Choi in front of him, unconsciously, it seemed that the Poon Choi in front of him became more delicious.

Just like that, when the four of them concentrated on eating, the four of them ate up the big pot of vegetables that could have served six to eight people.

Because the four of them drove three cars, they couldn't just watch Qiangzi drink the bar, so today they just ate and didn't drink, and when they were full, Zhuo Rong and the others went back to their respective homes.

Yang Sheng had to go back to help deal with Qi Laosan's affairs.

And Zhuo Rong is going back to pick up crocodiles. Just now he RUA a few times, not to mention the crocodile leather feels really good, no wonder so many people like crocodile leather goods!.

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