My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 231: Yuan Tianqing's Blind Date

"Well, I got some dragon head fish today, and it tastes pretty good. My girlfriend, Jia Min, told me that Shajian is more delicious, so I asked you where you got it, let's go get it?"

Hearing Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong also laughed and said.

"It's okay to do it once, but not tomorrow."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing would naturally not refuse, but in terms of time, tomorrow will definitely not be enough. Hearing what he said, Zhuo Rong also had some doubts.

"What? Going to sea tomorrow?"

"No, Yang Sheng's girlfriend will introduce me to someone tomorrow." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yuan Tianqing said with a smile.

"Oh? He finally started to act? Congratulations first!"

Hearing Yuan Tianqing's wretched laughter on the phone, Zhuo Rong also started talking with a smile.

"Hahahaha, the horoscope has not been written yet, so it is not accurate, but if you are free tomorrow, come with me and help me as a staff officer."

Originally, Yuan Tianqing didn't want to trouble Zhuo Rong, but now that Zhuo Rong called and knew about it, he asked Zhuo Rong to do a little favor by the way.

"Okay, I'm fine, no problem!"

He just sold so many fish today, at least he won't need to sell any more fish in a few days, so Zhuo Rong agreed wholeheartedly.

Yuan Tianqing here saw that Zhuo Rong agreed, and he was also relieved. After making an appointment with Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong also hung up the phone.

"Master? Going out tomorrow?" After Zhuo Rong hung up the phone, Yang Qian from here also came over, sat directly beside Zhuo Rong, and asked Zhuo Rong.

"Well, Yuan Tianqing is going on a blind date tomorrow, and I'll follow along to see."

"Then why don't we go together?" Hearing Zhuo Ning's words, Wang Qian walked by and asked Zhuo Rong with a smile.

"You guys? Let's forget it. If you go, is it a blind date? Isn't that just to spoil things? Haha, I'll just go by myself."

Seeing the eagerness of these girls, Zhuo Rong directly vetoed it.

Just kidding, if these girls go, then no matter how confident the woman is, she will be hit. This is unnecessary, Zhuo Rong is not the protagonist tomorrow!

After resting overnight, Zhuo Rong drove to Yuan Tianqing's place early the next morning.

When Zhuo Rong arrived here, he found that not only Yuan Tianqing, but Yang Sheng was also there.

According to Yang Sheng, the girl introduced to Yuan Tianqing today is his girlfriend's classmate, but she is different from Yang Sheng's girlfriend.

This girl studied aquaculture when she was an undergraduate, but she changed her major when she took the postgraduate entrance examination. Now she is studying marine biology. She is currently studying marine ecology in a research institute in Zhuo Rong's city.

According to Yang Sheng's memory, this is a very quiet girl, she doesn't talk much in normal times, her family background is quite clean, she is a girl suitable for socializing.

"Okay, from what you've said, I feel like I'm a good match with old Yuan." Hearing what Yang Sheng said, Zhuo Rong also laughed beside him and said.

"Hey, I'm actually in a panic in my heart. You said that someone who is a graduate student can take a fancy to me, a high school graduate?"

But don't look at Zhuo Rong's easy-going words, Yuan Tianqing, who is trying to tell him what to do, has some entanglements. After all, the two are indeed quite different in terms of education.

"In today's society, how can there be so many things? The main thing is money. Although your income is not comparable to that of Zhuo Rong, it is not much better than those college students? Besides

Introduce it, let’s talk about whether it will succeed or not, just look around. "Other

Listening to Yuan Tianqing's words, Yang Sheng here said indifferently.

Hearing what Yang Sheng said, Yuan Tianqing breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a popular saying in the society now that you can hire a college student for 3,000 yuan, but you can never hire a migrant worker. Although Yuan Tianqing is not a migrant worker, his income is actually not low, especially if he researches and buys a The words of the ship in the deep sea.

It is conservatively estimated that on average, an income of more than 10,000 yuan per month is not a big problem.

Not only him, but also Qiangzi's side.

As for college graduates, it is really not an easy task to earn 10,000 yuan a month in Zhuo Rong's city.

So if you want to say that you are worthy or not, at least in terms of money, you don't need to think so much, but when a couple lives, there are many things to consider besides money, and this needs to be done everywhere. read.

0 looking for flowers……………

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Yang Sheng also patted Yuan Tianqing's shoulder, and then a group of three people drove three cars and went to the city together. When San arrived here, he saw Yang Sheng's girlfriend Liu Jing waiting for them in a coffee shop with a quiet looking girl wearing glasses.

This girl doesn't look very old, and I think she is. She is still a graduate student, at most she is about twenty-three or four-year-old, her height cannot be discerned, but she shouldn't be very tall.

Yang Sheng's girlfriend Liu Jing is only about 1.50 meters tall, and this girl sitting beside Liu Jing is about the same height as her, with a limited height. About 1.6 meters, not too tall.


"Talk first, I'll sit next to you!"

Zhuo Rong was very self-aware, he stopped being a light bulb, and patted the shoulders of the two, Zhuo Rong went to sit beside them, and Yang Sheng, who was here, also walked over with Yuan Tianqing.

Today's blind date doesn't have any twists and turns, it's just a blind date.

So after introducing Yuan Tianqing and the girl named Han Shishi to each other, Yang Sheng and his girlfriend Liu Jing also came to Zhuo Rong's side.

"How is it? Is there a show?" Looking at the two sitting down, Zhuo Rong also asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't seem like a big problem. Shishi really wants to find a boyfriend. I mentioned Yuan Tianqing to her first. She said she could try it before coming on a blind date, so it should be fine.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Liu Jing here spoke to Zhuo Rong first.

"Tsk tsk, that's really good. If Yuan Tianqing also has a girlfriend, then among the few of us, only Sun Qingyuan is left alone!" Looking at Yuan Tianqing who seemed to be chatting enthusiastically with the heroine over there, Zhuo Rong spoke with some emotion.

"Sun Qingyuan...hey, don't mention him, I heard that he went out with a married woman." When Sun Qingyuan was mentioned, Yang Sheng here suddenly sighed, and then He lowered his voice and spoke to Zhuo Rong.

Upon hearing his words, Zhuo Rong was taken aback for a moment, what does it mean to be with a married woman?

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