"Uh...is it divorced, or widowed, or..."

"No, it means literally, with a married woman, not clear.

Shaking his head, Yang Sheng interrupted what Zhuo Rong was saying, and said helplessly.

"Uh, in the middle of a marriage?"

"Yes, and we haven't been married for long, and I heard that the relationship with her husband is quite good, so I said he is a prostitute." Looking at Zhuo Rong, Yang Sheng also said with hatred.

"Then when the husband of that family goes to work and makes a fuss, won't he lose his job?"

Civil servants are different from ordinary workers. They have to pay attention to social influence and intervene in other people's marriages. This is extremely immoral. Although it does not break the law, it violates the public order and good customs in society. It is easy to put Sun Qingyuan to death up.

How troublesome it is for him to take the civil servant exam, why don't he cherish this "three seven three" now?

"Yeah, hey, I can't tell. I called him and talked about it. It turned out that he might have been bewitched by someone else, and he was determined to be with that woman."

Shaking his head, Yang Sheng also said helplessly.

Since ancient times, this matter between men and women has been the most difficult to resolve.

There are a lot of old sayings that talk about this issue, such as persuading gambling but not persuading votes, and persuading votes without paying, which means that if your friend gambles, you go to persuade him, don’t talk about persuading him, even if you are trying to disrupt the situation, put He pulled him away and beat him, he knew that you were doing it for my own good, so that the relationship of friendship would not collapse.

But if he is lustful and you try to persuade him, then he will think that you are harming him, and if the wind blows on that woman's pillow, no matter how good your friend is, you will have to break up at that time.

So, even Yang Sheng, who has the best relationship with Sun Qingyuan, couldn't say this too harshly.

"He should study it by himself, the chat over there is over, you go to eat with them!"

Hearing about Sun Qingyuan, Zhuo Rong also shook his head, it's impossible to say.

It happened that at this time Yuan Tianqing and the girl named Han Shishi were almost chatting, and then Zhuo Rong signaled that they could go to dinner.

"Aren't you going?"

Seeing Zhuo Rong say you go, Yang Sheng couldn't help asking.

"I'm not going to be a big light bulb, I just go home and have a look!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhuo Rong would not be a light bulb anymore, just taking advantage of this time he could go home and take a look, and when he heard what Zhuo Rong said, Yang Sheng naturally didn't force it.

Indeed, Zhuo Rong didn't bring a female companion with him today, and he did it for the sake of himself and others.

People are dead compared to others, and things are thrown away when compared with others. Zhuo Rong's fifteen girlfriends are too beautiful and excellent. You must know that today's protagonist is Yuan Tianqing. Zhuo Rong can come over as a friend to have a look. Looking at Jia Min and the others, even if Zhuo Rong didn't show off, they were frightened.

It will also make people feel that he is showing off and flirting.

no need.

So after Yang Sheng said something to Zhuo Rong, he took his girlfriend to eat with Yuan Tianqing and the others, and Zhuo Rong also drove back home.

But today, his father went to work, so Zhuo Rong went home to get his mother, and then went to his father's work unit. Then, with his father's frightened expression on his face, he was envied by his father's old friends. In the eyes of his father, he went to have lunch together.

After lunch, Zhuo Rong didn't stay in the city too much, it's not because he didn't want to stay longer, but because his parents didn't let him stay longer, they left fifteen beautiful and virtuous wives at home1, and he was alone outside Why not go home and accompany them?

So Zhuo Rong was driven back home after lunch.

The afternoon is very leisurely, just like Zhuo Rong's usual life.

The only thing that fluctuates is what kind of homework Peng Wuyue, who comes here every afternoon, takes. …

It was another day in a blink of an eye, early this morning, Yuan Tianqing called Zhuo Rong and asked Zhuo Rong to go fishing at Shajian.

"Why do you have time today? How was the conversation yesterday?"

When Zhuo Rong drove the car and arrived at the small pier, Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi were already waiting for him here. As soon as he saw Yuan Tianqing, Zhuo Rong took the initiative to ask.

"Hehe, we had a good chat. Shishi is a very nice girl, and I think we can chat quite well." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yuan Tianqing also said with a smile beside him.

"It's quite a chat, if you don't strike while the iron is hot, you still have time to fish today?"

While carrying his own fish box, Zhuo Rong asked him.

"She was resting yesterday, and today she doesn't stop. She is different from us. She works in a serious research institute. But when I was eating yesterday, I saw that she likes to eat small fish, and you want to eat them too. I will catch some today. , and then I will send it to her at night."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing also said with a smile.

Good guy, no wonder he is so active, it turns out that girls like to eat it.

But it doesn't matter, Zhuo Rong is not going to sell these small fish, he is also going to eat them himself, so how much you catch today depends on the condition.

As for Qiangzi, although his girlfriend doesn't like to eat small fish, his future father-in-law likes to eat it. It is estimated that there is no middle-aged person in his forties or fifties who doesn't like small fried fish and just drinks.

It seems that Zhuo Rong's father also likes to eat it. If he catches a lot today, he can get some for his father. The three of them boarded the boat with their own fishing gear.

Then Yuan Tianqing's small broken boat sailed towards a sea area that Zhuo Rong and the others had never been to before, and Yuan Tianqing also introduced it when they were on the boat.

When they fish, they will basically choose the reef area, coral area and other fishing, whether it is in the inner sea or the outer sea, it is the same.

Because there are big fish or predatory fish in such places.

This is also the reason why many sea fishermen often see the earth.

But no matter if it is dragon head fish, or sand tip, or other sea trash fish, there are very few such places. In fact, this kind of sea trash fish lives more in the shallows of the seabed, so find some sandy land, or Seaweed bushes are the only way to catch these fish. 3.1

Yuan Tianqing was very familiar with this area, so he carried Zhuo Rong and Qiangzi all the way to an area where kelp was planted, but the kelp planted was originally very short, and the ground below was also sandy, which was suitable for fishing this kind of fish. Sea trash fish.

After tying up the boat, Zhuo Rong and the others started to lower their poles, ready to fish.

This time they all changed to the kind of very short hooks. After all, the name is also known for sea trash fish. The fish is not too big, so it is just right to use a small hook.

After everything was ready, Zhuo Rong and the others started fishing.

Not to mention, there are so many small fish here...

Thinking about it, the sea trash fish sells for 4 yuan to 6 yuan a catty in the market, but if the fishermen are not out of their minds, they will not catch these things, so the quantity of these things is quite considerable!.

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