"Smelly belly, the scientific name is mudmen, basket fish, mudmen, elephant fish, pheasant fish, sheep babies... It is a very common offshore fish that lives in groups. There are a lot of them, and there is no danger to the ecology. It is poisonous, so don’t touch the thorns on its back, because it eats seaweed for a living, so after catching it, try to keep it alive as much as possible, half an hour after death, the meat will stink.”

"Sea carp, the scientific name is red band sea carp, also known as Qiugu and Xuge, is a very common marine fish, distributed in the Indian Ocean, the western Pacific waters, Southeast Asia, island countries, Tuao, and my country. "

"Braid fish, scientific name eel, also known as oxtail fish, kidnapper fish, turtle, dogleg fish, sharp horn...is a kind of brackish water fish that often appears in the estuary, in fresh water areas It was also found that it was a very delicious small fish."

"Red lady fish, scientific name matchmaker fish, is a well-known wild miscellaneous fish in coastal waters. The fish meat contains nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12. However, people with high blood pressure, malnutrition, and cardiovascular and vascular diseases are not suitable for consumption. Nursing mothers are not suitable for consumption, qi deficiency constitution, qi stagnation constitution 01, damp heat constitution, peptic ulcer, pain body

People with chronic diseases are not easy to eat, and there are many taboos, so it is not recommended. "

"Small yellow flower, the scientific name is small yellow croaker. It is one of the four domestic marine products. It is delicious and nutritious. It will enter the estuary area. It hates strong light and likes turbid waters.

"Shajian, the scientific name is multi-scale squid, a member of the perch suborder squid family. It is a well-known marine trash fish in the coastal waters. It is not expensive, but it does not have the ability to be fished on a large scale. It tastes very fresh and has rich meat and oily bodies. Its oil content is even higher than that of grouper and tuna, and it is recommended to eat noodles"

To be honest, before Zhuo Rong came here to fish, he really never thought that there are so many small fish, not only in large number, but also in special variety.

In addition to the fish information that Xiaozhuo showed Zhuo Rong, there are other fishes such as snails, eye fishes, clothes, sea crucian carp, red head fish...

Etc., etc.

Zhuo Rong and the others arrived around ten o'clock in the morning. At noon, they simply boiled instant noodles and ate bread. They fished until three o'clock in the afternoon. Together, it took about four hours. More than 100 catties of fish were caught.

Don't think that more than one hundred catties is not much, you must know that these are small miscellaneous fish, there may not be one or two heavy fish, more than one hundred catties, that is more than a thousand fish, they are here to pull madly.

All kinds of small fish, that's really a lot.

Of course, don't look at these small fish so much, but in fact, these fish are not worth much.

Just like what Zhuo Rong said when he came here, if these fish are sold in the vegetable market, if there are not many small miscellaneous fish in the vegetable market today, they can be sold for six yuan a catty. There are a lot of miscellaneous fish, so it can only be sold for four yuan a catty.

One hundred catties, that is, four hundred yuan.

And the three of them just sailed here, and the gas cost was one hundred and twenty...

After deducting the gas fee, there is only about 200 yuan left besides the money for lunch. If the three people share it equally, it will be 70 to 80 yuan per person.

Seriously, in today's society, you can earn more than 100, 70 or 80 yuan a day, who will be eliminated?

So it's no wonder that no one came to catch this kind of small miscellaneous fish for sale. Except for the fishermen who released gillnets, no one would come to catch this thing.

If you have this time, go to the Neiwan side and pull three or four black breams at will, and you will earn back.

If you're lucky, if you get ten or eight fish, even if it's half a catty, you can earn more than four hundred. Isn't it better than fishing?

This means that Zhuo is leisurely, and he wants to taste the taste of the top of the sand, otherwise he would not come fishing.

"Okay, it's time to go back, we have to deliver the fish!"

Looking at the time, after throwing the last stinky belly into the boat cabin, Yuan Tianqing also said anxiously, and seeing his appearance, Zhuo Rong also took the fishing rod back.

"Okay, okay, let's go, look at you, you can't wait!"

After joking with them, Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi here didn't care too much. After packing up their things with a smile, the three of them drove the boat back to the small pier.

The fish is divided directly at the small pier. It is quite reasonable for three people to share the fish, which is an average share. This thing does not sell for money, so it is not necessary.

So Zhuo Rong shared about forty catties of fish, packed them, and drove back home.

After returning home, Jia Min and the others began to pack up the fish.

They can be professional in cleaning up fish and so on, just watching the scissors flicker, like those poisonous hard thorns on Smelly Belly, they were all cut off, and at the same time, the belly was also cut open, and all the internal organs inside were thrown away. The gills and the like are also processed.

Then he handed the fish to Zhu Xia who was next to him, Zhu Xia was the one who scaled it, and with a flash of the knife in his hand, he shaved off all the freshness from these small fish.

The processing is quite fast. Under their pleasing processing, the fish were all processed very quickly. When Peng Wuyue and the others came to play, they had already started frying these things. The fish is on the table.

Zhuo Rong couldn't wait to pick up a piece of sand tip that almost everyone said was very delicious, and put it in his mouth. After such a bite, his eyes lit up.

Indeed delicious!

The oil of this fish is quite rich, and the meat is very firm, and it is dry-fried, so it is very fragrant when you bite into it. How to describe the aroma of 330?

Well, after thinking about it for a long time, Zhuo Rong didn't think about it, because this kind of fragrance does not belong to the kind of pork, but belongs to the kind of dry fragrance, but the whole meat is neither woody nor hard, no wonder all the aroma Everyone says this fish is delicious.

Even people like Zhuo Rong who don't like fish very much can feel that this fish is good.

"Yeah, yum, it's delicious. When I have time, I can go fishing again. By the way, I can also get some small pipes. I have to say, there should be a lot of fun in this sea!"

While eating the fish, Zhuo Rong muttered with emotion.

"Uncle, can I go fishing with you too? Can I swim while fishing?" Hearing what Zhuo Rong muttered, Peng Wuyue also asked curiously beside him.

"Go fishing with me, there's nothing wrong with it, come when you rest, but you can't swim now because the water is already very cold, if you want to swim, wait until next summer vacation

I'll take you to swim again. "

Hearing what Peng Wuyue said, Zhuo Rong also thought for a while, the current water temperature, except for himself and Jia Min, ordinary humans should not be able to bear it.

In fact, although they could carry it, they were absolutely uncomfortable, so I didn't see Zhuo Rong even going into the water in the past few days. It was too cold, so it was unnecessary. .

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