That morning, Candy had a jogging, she had it almost every morning. Suddenly Hanson came up and ran together beside her.

Candy :"Where have you been, why did you suddenly came up here ?"

Hanson :"I was having jogging a while ago but then I saw an old man fell down while having a walk at the park, so I helped him get up and accompany him for a while. Then I saw you came here, so I'm back to my track again now."

Candy :"Oh , so the old man is OK now ?"

Hanson :"Yes he's fine now. What will you cook for today's breakfast ?"

Candy :"Mmm... maybe just fish with corn soup, why ?"

Hanson :"Sounds yummy, can I have it some ?"

Candy :"Sure" deep down in her heart she's wondering "Why this man suddenly want to try my cooking ?"

But to Hanson "Ah... it's a good chance to get closer to her !"

They went back to their apartment an hour later. Candy started to cook her soup after having a bath when her door bell rang. She opened the door and Hanson was there.

Hanson :"I have orange juice here, let's have it together."

Candy :"Thank you, come in. I haven't done yet cooking the soup."

Hanson :"Do you need some some help ?"

Candy :"No, just wait for a while it's almost finish."

They had their breakfast together that morning, Candy did all the dishes by herself.

Hanson :"Hmm your soup taste good ! You should try my cooking other time OK ?"

Candy :"Good idea !"

Hanson :"Don't you think it'll be great if we take turn to cook for our meal then we eat together like this ? It can save time and money."

Candy :"Well.... sounds interesting, let me consider about it."

Hanson :"How about we go shopping tonight, after office hour, before we go home ?"

Candy :"Let's see what time will I finish my work."

Hanson :"Just don't work till late at night ! Or you can take your work home, maybe I can help you with it."

Candy :"Let me think about it." She said to herself "What's wrong with boss ? Why he want to be together with me all the time ? Ouw scary !" She was trying to figure out how to make a distance between them.

Hanson felt Candy was trying to draw the line between them, he understood with their positions, he didn't want to make gossip, it would ruined his reputation also. It's just sometime her existence tempted him to get closer and to know her better. But for now he realized he had to endure it and not crossing the line too much.

That day his mom called.

Selina :"Han, do you have time this week end ?"

Hanson :"What do you want from me mom ?" He had thought her mom would set him a blind date again.

Selina :"I want to see you this Saturday, can I have lunch together with you ?"

Hanson :"Do you plan to set me up to another blind date again ?"

Selina :"No, I want to see you, it's been a while I haven't seen my son."

Hanson :"Why don't you just go to see me in my apartment then ?"

Selina :"I want to have a nice meal together with you ! How about at that nice restaurant inside the mall near your apartment ?"

Hanson :"OK I'll see you this Saturday at 12 noon."

Selina :"OK see you there son."

Hanson saw the clock already at six, everybody had left the office, only one or two people left, he saw Candy still working on her desk. He texted her to go home now. She couldn't reject him, she texted him back to wait for five minutes for her to wrapped things up. Then they went for shopping that night before they got into their apartment. She told him she had ordered take away food at the office and had ate her dinner. Hanson said to her to join him breakfast tomorrow, he would cook for both of them, she agreed to him. The other night, Hanson called her to his apartment to worked overtime since the deadline was getting closer. She was hesitate at first but she tried to get used to it after few times spend some time at his apartment and had breakfast together with him. "His cooking not bad ! I'm not that good like him, it will be a good idea to have his breakfast next time !" Then breakfast time made them getting closer to each other day by day.


That saturday Candy was planning to have gym in the morning then she planned to go shopping some new cloth. She didn't had breakfast together with Hanson that morning. She had jogging first then she continued to have some exercise at the gym, there she met Marvin.

Marvin :"Hi Candy ! Are you regular member here ?"

Candy was surprised to see Marvin in there :"Hi Marvin, I'm just new here, are you member here ?"

Marvin :"Yeah I've been regular member here since a year ago."

Candy :"Do you live here in this apartment ?"

Marvin :"No, I just member in this gym. Do you live here ?" Candy said to herself "Thanks God" she felt relieve.

Candy :"Oh No, my friend live here, and she asked me to accompany her to have some exercise here." She didn't want Marvin know she lived there, at the same apartment with their boss. It's one of the luxury apartment in town too, she wanted to stay low profiled to other worker, she didn't want to show her real identity as a rich daughter.

Marvin :"What's your friend's name ?" Candy thought as fast as she can and all she could think just her best friend name.

Candy :"She's Luna Gu."

Marvin :"I've never heard her name before ?"

Candy :"Maybe she's confidential." Candy was getting nervous she had lying to Marvin, now she had to call her friend Luna to had back up plan.

Candy :"OK, I'm finished for now, see you on monday."

Marvin :"Bye...see you."

Candy went back to her room to had shower, then she called her friend Luna.

Candy :"Hi Luna how are you ? It's me Candy."

Luna :"Hi Can, long time not see you. I'm fine here, what's up Can ?"

Candy :"Have you got back here in China ?"

Candy :"How come you didn't contact me till now ?"

Luna :"Hey I was still busy with my parents. I was planning to call you today, but you call me first ! Galen had came back here also few days ago."

Candy :"Let's meet up then !"

Luna :"OK how about next week on friday ? I'll take Galen with me too."

Candy :"OK deal !"

Their phone ended and Candy was getting ready to go to the mall, she met Hanson at the lift.

Hanson :"Hi, are you going somewhere ?"

Candy :"Yeah, just to the mall, maybe I need to buy some cloth, the weather is getting colder now. Are you going somewhere too?"

Hanson :"Yeah, I'll meet my mom in the restaurant inside the mall. We can walk together there."

Candy :"You can go first sir, I'd like to go to the receptionist first."

Hanson :"OK then, see you around."

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