Hanson went to the restaurant to see his mom there, from far he had saw a girl sat beside her mom, he stopped for a while and heaved a heavy sigh "I've thought so, she'll bring another girl !" then Hanson still continued his walk toward his mom table.

Hanson :"Hi mom, nice to see you." he ignored the girl beside his mom.

Selina :"Han, this is Linda do you remember my friend's daughter Linda ?"

Hanson tried to force his smile :"Oh hi Linda, I remember when you were a child you often came to our house." All he could remember from his childhood was the annoying spoiled little girl who always trailed him wherever he went, and that was Linda that girl who sat next to his mom now.

Linda :"Yes, I often went to your house when I was a child. Nice to see you again Han gege !"

She offered her hand to shook his hand, but he didn't respond back. Selina got upset and she kicked his foot.

Hanson ignored her and called the waiter, then he ordered some food for them. Selina was trying to make them talk each other.

Selina :"Han, Linda had just came back here from UK, she's looking for a job now. Do you have vacancy for her at your office ?"

Hanson :"Nope, I've just hired some workers."

Selina :"Linda, what had you learnt before ?"

Linda :"I've graduated from finance Mrs. Jang."

Selina :"Come on Han, just give her a try, let her work at your office."

Hanson :"Sorry mom, my office had no vacancy now. Why don't you asked dad, he may had some vacancy for her."

Selina :"I want you two to get to know each other better, it would be nice if you're working together."

Hanson :"Sorry mom, I can't. Let's just eat now."

Selina was still trying to match them while eating, she told Hanson to change his sit beside Linda and she told him to talk to her. Linda was very happy she could sat beside him and she tried to speak with him about anything, but Hanson didn't respond her well, he felt awkward and her spoiled behavior annoyed him. After he finished his meal he stood up and getting ready to go in hurry, his mom didn't prepare much for his sudden left.

Hanson :"Mom, I'm finished, sorry I have to go now, I have an appointment."

Selina :"Hey where are you going ? We haven't finished yet, you should send Linda home."

Hanson :"Sorry I can't."

He was very irritating with that stupid blind date. While he went out from the restaurant, his mom and Linda was trying to go after him. He then saw Candy from far, suddenly he had an idea to escaped from his mom, he ran to Candy and took her bags then he held her hand. Candy got shocked by his sudden action she never expected he held her hand.

Hanson :'Listen to me, just walk together with me for now don't ask me why."

His mom was still trying to chase him, she saw him holding a girl hand from far away. She was more curious to know who she was and never stop chased him she shouted from far "Han ... wait for me !"

Hanson knew his mom wouldn't give up easily so he thought about another act to stop his mom chasing him back.

Hanson :"Listen, what I will do is just an act, don't ask me why now."

Hanson suddenly stopped, he held Candy's head then he kissed her lips passionately, Candy got shocked her heart was beating up but she couldn't resist him since he had ordered to obey him.

Selina saw that from far, she stopped her walk and she felt embarrassed to Linda, his son had kissed another girl in front of the girl she wanted to match.

Candy felt suffocated after a while and she tried to pushed his chest, he knew it and he let her go then. Candy was panting for a while.

Hanson :"I'm sorry, let's go back to my apartment now."

He held her hand tightly then they continued walking back to their apartment.

Candy :"Why ?"

Hanson :"I'll tell you why later, now just get some cloth from your room and go to my room fast."

Actually Candy had a lot of questions in her mind, but she held it.

Selina was trying to figure out who was the girl his son took just now, was she just random girl that her son took to revenged her. She then decided to visit her son's apartment with Linda to ask her son about her.

Meanwhile Candy had took her change cloth and bath robe together with her to Hanson's apartment. He told her to change her cloth to bath robe and wet her hair.

Hanson :"If my mom came you don't have to answer her, let me handle her all."

Candy :"OK"

As his prediction the drama was occurring, the doorbell had rang for a while, Hanson opened his door his mom and Linda directly entering his apartment with force, there they saw Candy came out from the bathroom wearing her bath robe she was holding a towel to dry up her wet hair.

Selina :"Who are you ?"

Hanson :"She's my girlfriend, mom I think you should go home now. I'll take her to our house some other time." He forced her mom and Linda out from his apartment.

Selina :"But I want to know her now ! At least tell me what's her name ?"

Hanson :"Later mom, you scared her now ! Bye mom !"

The door had closed, Hanson heaved a heavy sigh, he felt relieve now, finally he could chased them out.

Candy :"Is it OK to drove away your mom like that ?"

Hanson :"Let it be... she was so irritating me !"

Candy :"Is she your blind date today ?"

Hanson :"Yeah you may call it like that. But I've known her since we were a kid, she was an annoying spoiled girl. She's different from my other childhood friend, she was a brave little girl and when I'm with her it was always exciting, I wonder where is she now, how is she look like, she was a cute little girl." His mind was wondering to the old days when he was with little Candy, he longing her.

Candy :"So, can I guess what is going on here ?"

Hanson woke up from his loving memories daydreaming.

Candy :"You were trying to escape from your mom and your blind date, am I right ?"

Hanson :"Yes, you're right. Thank you for your cooperation, and sorry for the sudden action."

Candy :"It's OK, but what is your next plan ? You said you'll take me to your house ?"

Hanson smiled :"Don't worry, I'll postpone it as long as I can, I've done that before and it worked."

Candy :"I hope you won't give me another trouble in the future !"

Hanson :"I won't, but thank you anyway, I owe you a lot this time. How can I repay you back ?"

Candy :"I maybe need you too someday, you can pay me back then. Now can I back to my apartment ?"

Hanson :"No you can't !"

Candy :"Why ? Your mom had left long time ago."

Hanson :"You change your cloth we go out for a walk to buy some groceries, you'll see out there someone is watching us !"

Candy :"Really ?"

They walked to the lift and they saw someone was reading newspaper sitting around the corner near the lift. When they went back the man was still sitting in the corner.

Hanson :"You've seen him ?"

Candy :"Yes, woah your mom's curious was very big huh ?" she laughed.

Hanson :"Maybe he'll report to her very late at night then he will go tomorrow. That's why I told you must stay here tonight."

Candy :"But where should I sleep tonight ?"

Hanson :"You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep here in the sofa."

Candy :"Well OK then. Let's make some dinner, what do you wanna eat ?"

Hanson :"Anything, let me help you prepare."

Candy :"OK"

Candy slept in his bedroom that night "wow it's very neat and clean for a man living alone, his bed also smells good. I can sleep well tonight here" she smiled happily. But she couldn't sleep directly that night, she remembered his kiss again this afternoon when she smelled his bed, her eyes opened again and she touched her lips "It was my first kiss ! He stole my first kiss ! I should have my first kiss from my boyfriend... ah just forget it ! It happened already anyway." She tried to close her eyes and get a sleep again.

Hanson was trying to make himself busy he worked on his computer, he couldn't sleep that night, the sofa was too small for him. He then remembered about what had happened this afternoon he touched his lips and smiled "Her lips was soft, did I kiss her too harsh ? It was really nice kissing her lips. I want to have it again someday !"

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