Since Jolin held a grudge to Candy, she planned to ruined her work. One day she stole her design work for Japan's client, then she shredded them, but there were no evidence that she did it. Luckily Candy had some back up including at Hanson's computer, so she had saved her work that time. Candy knew who was trying to screwed her up, but she couldn't prove her dirty work. Though her supervisor had evil intention toward her, she still tried to be nice to her, she bought her lunch and she tried to help her finishing her deadline work.

Kelly :"Why do you always nice to Jolin ? She always trying to harm you !"

Candy :"I don't want to have enemies, I'd rather to have a lot of friends."

Kelly :"But I think your effort just useless ! She has hated you since you came as newbie, because you're her big rivals !"

Candy :"Why do you say so ?"

Kelly :"Everyone in this building know she likes boss, but boss doesn't like her. Boss likes you !"

Candy :"Huh ? Are you kidding me ?"

Kelly :"Yes, boss likes you since you first came into our office, he admire your works a lot, it made Jolin very jealous to you !"

Candy :"No, you're wrong, boss like her work too, she has more experience than me."

Kelly :"Actually when I saw your work it's definitely a lot more better than her work. That's why boss took you with him to Japan ! You have to be more careful next time, she's a cruel woman !"

Candy smiled bitterly :"You're funny. I'll try to be nice to her harder then."

Kelly :"You must listen to me, be more careful with her next time !"

Candy smiled :"OK OK, I know you care about me a lot. Thank you Kelly !"

Marvin came to Candy's desk, he asked about her preparation for the project. She said to him, the photographer was ready for the shooting next week, she had prepared her materials as well. Marvin and Candy were getting close to each other since they worked together for Japan project.

Candy told Hanson, she would't go home with him that friday night, cause she had promised with her friend Luna to meet up together after office hours.

Luna picked her up at the lobby, when Hanson was about to go home that night, he saw Candy went together with a guy, and the guy hugged her, it made him more curious to know. He then followed them to a cafe "Who is that guy why does he sitting close to her ? Is he her boyfriend ?" Hanson couldn't find out more about them since they left after have some meals. Hanson decided to go home, he didn't follow them any further.

Candy was so excited to meet Luna and Galen again, they were her best friends since high school, they went to the same university too but different major.

Candy :"Nice to see you again Luna , Galen ! How dare you not contacted me Galen ! When did you back here ?" She hugged them both and laughed out loud.

Candy :"I won't busy if meeting you guys, you are forever my best friends !"

Luna :"I'm sorry I was busy with my parents, they put me to work into my dad's company ever since I came back here."

Candy :"It's OK, tonight we will party all night ! hahaha....Let's go, we eat first."

Luna :"Where is your car ? Why do you want me to picked you up ?"

Candy :"I left my car at my apartment parking lot. I go to the office with my boss car, since we live in the same apartment building."

Luna :"Oh I see. Wow your boss must be very nice to you ?"

Candy :"Well, yeah he's nice to me but he's nice to other worker also."

Luna :"Why don't you go by yourself to the office ?"

Candy :"I did at first by bus. I didn't take my car to the office, because I don't want to show off to other worker that I'm from the rich family, they will make distance to me or bully me. By the way, I met my office colleague at my apartment gym before, I told him that you Luna was the residence of that building, one day you have to come with me and meet him there."

Luna :"Why did you lie to him ?"

Candy :"I don't want him to know that I live in the same building with boss, you know I want to stay low profile, I want them to see me just like ordinary worker, I don't wanna hear them gossiping me with my boss either."

Luna :"Oh I see."

Galen :"OK enough talk about some ordinary people topics ! Let's have some fun tonight ! I miss you all guys !"

They went to the night clubs after having dinner at the cafe. Candy didn't went back to her apartment that night, she stayed at Luna's house that night. The next day she took Luna to had some gym together with her on her apartment building. They met Marvin again that morning, she introduce Luna to him.

Luna :"Wow, he's a gorgeous man ! Why don't you just grab him girl ?"

Candy :"Shh ! Don't be so loud ! He's just my working partner, beside he's not my type !"

Luna :"Oh Really ? So how is your type ?"

Candy :"You'll know someday, I'm not interested in any romance story for now. If you like him just go get him girl !"

Luna :"You've said it girl ! Don't you dare take it back OK ?"

Candy :"Don't worry I won't !"

They laughed out loud, they spent some time together at Candy's apartment after the gym session.

Hanson had waited her till late at night last night, but he couldn't hear any door open and closing on her room, he just heard some noises in her room this afternoon. He wanted to go out to buy some groceries that afternoon, when Candy was opening her door too to send Luna out.

Hanson :"Hi Candy, you've back ? Did you not go home last night ?"

Candy :"Yeah, I just came back today. I slept at my friend's house last night cause it was too late at night. Ah yes this is my friend Luna Gu, and this is my boss Mr. Hanson Jang."

Hanson :"Hi, nice to meet you Ms. Gu."

Luna :"Nice to meet you too Mr. Jang."

Hanson :"OK I go first now, see you again soon."

Candy :"Bye sir."

Luna :"Wow your boss is very handsome ! No wonder you were not interested on cute Marvin, so is he your type ?"

Candy :"I've told you I'm not interested in any romance relation right now ! I don't care weather my boss is handsome or not. I'm just concern about my career right now, it's number one in my life for now."

Luna :"So you don't care if I chase him too ?"

Candy :"Hey don't be so greedy ! Didn't you say you were interested on Marvin just now why change so fast ? Beside, my boss a bit harsh and cold either."

Luna :"Really ? I don't think so, I think he was nice person just now. Are you afraid he fall for me ?"

Candy :"Naaah.... why should I ? I once witnessed him chased his mom away from his apartment with cold blood !"

Luna :"Really ? It must be something between them."

Candy :"Maybe." deep down in her heart, she didn't want her friend Luna got close to Hanson.

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