My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 115 - Vincent's Training

Despite getting the biggest underground mafia, Leonard envied Davone, and his jealousy grew with time to the point of no turning back.

He considered his father favoritism and only passed down his real wealth to his elder brother. Leonard persuaded Atlas to destroy his brother and seize his inheritance altogether. In Atlas's eyes, Leonard would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Davone did not know his own brother's evil plan and still treated his siblings well. He welcomed them when they visited his house and invited them to have a meal together.

The eldest son's character was similar to Sav, who did not like to seek strength or show off his wealth. Because of this, Atlas felt more comfortable with Davone than Leonard. Therefore, Atlas did not heed Leonard's invitation to push down his eldest brother.

However, he couldn't find the word to refuse the proposal as he did not want to make his second brother's jealousness worsen. Although Atlas didn't like Leonard's character, he still thought of him as his older brother.

He searched for a way to become neutral and protect Davone from Leonard's evil plan. And that was the first time he activated the Stealth satellite. With the satellite's help, he hired gifted and trusted people.

They would be like a sleeping lion that was not dangerous, but people would scream for help when the lion awake. That was the origin of the Lion Stealth organization.

Its members were all kinds of people such as doctors, ex-soldiers, teachers, detectives, etc. In short, LS had a reliable team aimed at protecting and supporting Davone from anyone's sneaky attacks.

LS was expanding and had three core teams in different fields. Likewise, Leonard's growing power in the underworld was quite frightening as almost all the mafia in New York knew and bowed down to his name.

Every day Leon became more and more daring to tackle Davone by giving his brother a high dose of sleeping pills.

As a result, Davone had to be hospitalized because of overdosages pills. Fortunately, Davone's eldest child was quick-witted and smart to the point Leonard could not find any flaw to seize their stocks.

However, the girl was not smart enough to know that she drank poisoned herbal tea every day to make her health deteriorate. Until now, all the best doctors in LS were still researching the poison and trying to create an antidote.

"Look up," the older man pointed his finger above, making Vincent lift his head to see the ceiling of Chloe's room.

Vincent was amazed by what he saw. As long as he remembered entering this room, he never noticed a painting with three similar pictures. He didn't even realize the artwork up there.

It was a painting of two lions of different colors and a man in the middle of the lions with a golden crown above the man's head.

"The crown is a Stealth satellite, and two lions are two personages who will always support and protect the existence of Stealth. This man is the one who will sit on the throne of Paxton." was the brief explanation from the older man.

"So the two lions are LS?"

"Unfortunately not. I said, two personages. I was lucky to have met them once. Other than that, they hardly ever showed themselves. Both are two people who directly have control of Stealth. They only act according to the data indicated by Stealth. Nine years ago, Miss Chloe officially shut down Stealth, so these two personages never appear again. They would appear once Stealth was reactivated."

"Why did Chloe turn it off?"

"What do you think? Stealth was very dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. Leonard already realized that Atlas had something, so he tried to make Atlas open his voice by hurting Mister Paxton and the miss. Only after Stealth was inactive, Atlas has disappeared, and no one could track him."

"Then... the one who is protecting Chloe right now is..."

"The three core LS teams."

"Does Benjie know about this?"

Before answering the boy's question, Lest glanced at Chloe, who was still fast asleep, then looking back into the teenager's eyes.

"The first miss didn't want her youngest bother to find out." she didn't want to lose another brother. Lest continued in his mind. "The less Benjamin knows, the less reason Leonard hurt him." After all, Benjamin was not a Paxton. Lest kept this fact to himself.

"Very well, I'll join. If it can protect her, if it will keep Chloe alive, I will join."

"You do have to join because you already know our secret. Be prepare because you will have to take special training and several tests that you must pass before joining our team. I'm not sure if you can survive."

"I'm going to do it anyway, and I'm going to survive," Vincent replied confidently.

Lest smiled with satisfaction at the sound of great determination towards the teenager. He could even see that there was no doubt in Vincent's gaze. He would grow into someone who his enemies will fear.

"I won't allow it." suddenly, Chloe's weak voice reached their ears. "I don't want to involve Vincent."

At first, Chloeny felt dizzy so severely that it made her pass out. But her body was getting used to the effects of whatever poison she had consumed, so it didn't take long for her to regain consciousness.

She heard the voice of conversation between Lest and Vincent. At first, she didn't mind that Vincent knew her secret. She also felt attracted to Vincent to be the successor to Lest's position one day.

In addition, she remembered her daughter... Rinrin always followed Vincent everywhere like a tail that had stuck to Vincent's body.

Somehow, her guts told her that Vincent would meet her daughter again in the future. But... the moment she heard Lest's continued explanations, she started to come to her senses.

How could she have the heart to involve a pure, innocent boy? She realized she had become selfish. If Vincent joined LS's core team, the child's future would be ruined, and he cannot live in peace. What's worst is that the child could die.

Chloe didn't want the person she loved to die at all, let alone because of her selfishness. No. She must not let Vincent's future be ruined because of her. She wanted Vincent to live a life like any average teenager and experienced the maturity process peacefully without violence.

"Isn't it too late? This child knows too much about LS's secrets. If the lady doesn't allow it, I will have to kill this child before he leaves this place."

"Lest! Are you against me?"

In an instant, the atmosphere around Vincent turned tense and deadly. Vincent did not make a sound, and unconsciously, cold sweat began to form on his forehead.

For a moment, neither of them made a sound. Both Chloe and Lest stared at each other without anyone wanting to budge. Lest was never disloyal and always provided the best protection for Chloe.

It was quite unlucky for Chloe because Lest's nature was a rebel. Even though the man was passionate about doing his mission, sometimes he would act without her consent when something or someone endangered her life.

Lest even blamed herself for failing to find out that Leonard's spies had managed to infiltrate and put poison in Chloe's food. Since then, Lest hasn't left Chloe's side for seven times twenty-four hours. Lest also refused to comply with Chloe's wish to relax her surveillance.

"Chloe! I don't care whether I'm going to be killed or not. I want to help you. If you don't let me, I'll call Benji right now and asked him home."


Chloe was speechless while Lest smiled crookedly. This child could also threaten the first lady.

In a precarious situation like now, Benjamin cannot return to this country no matter what happens. Chloe had a reason why she sent Benjie to a boarding school far away from her. The three of them knew very well that once Benjie returned, it would be easy for Leonard and Martin to threaten Chloe with Benjie. That's why Vincent took advantage of Chloe's weakness so that she wouldn't oppose him.

Chloe sighed in surrender. "Just do what you want. I don't care anymore."

Since then, Vincent had received special training from Lest. The training he received was very hard for Vincent's age, but Lest did not provide the slightest break considering their time was running low. Martial arts, archery, or shooting at inanimate and moving objects were all taught to Vincent, who was only thirteen years old.

Apart from martial arts, Lest also taught him about computer programming systems and reading someone's movements in action. Not only that, Lest also led him how to cover up his ambition and expression like a weak person.

Every time he came home from school, Vincent would continue to train in the secret room of Eastern Wallace and go home late at night full of bruises and wounds. Miraculously none of Vincent's family felt suspicious because he skillfully covered his wounds with clothes and put on a normal expression.

After four months of being trained, Vincent's mask of expression had gotten even better, and now his body did not feel hurt. Even though he focused on his harsh training, he was still doing well in his school. This was also Lest's upbringing. He could not make drastic changes and make those closest to them suspicious.

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