My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 116 - Vincent's Dark Past

Precisely one year since Vincent took his rigorous training, Vincent was ready to become a core team member. Lest has succeeded in forming him into a young teenage boy who was smart, cold, and strong. At the same time, he could also be a soft, weak person, and no one would think of him as a threat.

Every time Vincent met the Paxton, he would pretend to know nothing and act meek to make the Paxton underestimate and mock him. He would hide under Chloe's cloth while, in truth, his ear listened to everything the Paxton had to say.

Sometimes they would threaten Chloe, and sometimes they would oppress the poor lady causing Vincent to almost lost control.

Unfortunately, one day Vincent had a big fight with Chloe. He didn't remember the cause of their fight, nor did he remember what they were arguing about, so the two parted in the raging heart. Even more so, Vincent could not remember what happened after he left Eastern Wallace in such emotion.

All he knows was he woke up in the hospital in almost healing condition. Vincent couldn't remember what had happened to him or caused him to have those wounded.

What happened? Why did he get so severely injured? His hair was shaved very short with a bandage wrapped around his head. He felt his body stiffen as if he had not moved for a long time. Did he have an accident? He did not know and couldn't recall what happened the night before.

All he remembered was that he was fighting with Chloe one night and... nothing.

Vienna and Vanessa squealed with joy to see Vincent open his eyes. Even his father, who rarely shed tears, also looked teary.

He once caught the doctor said that he finally wakes up after being coma for eight months, but Vincent acted like he heard nothing after seeing his family deliberately hide things from him.

Vincent was even more curious about what happened to him. However, none of that was important. He had to meet Chloe and asked for forgiveness. 

Alas, Vincent got the news that the woman was dead and had been buried.

This news was killing him and made him did not have the appetite. As soon as a mouthful of meal entered his mouth, he immediately vomited and spat out all his stomach contents in the form of liquid.

He learned that Chloe died in an accident. Why did Chloe leave Eastern Wallace? Didn't the woman herself say that she could still survive as long as she was in her house? Was it possible that Chloe decided to leave the house to chase him because of their argument?

Vincent refused the woman's death and believed that Chloe was still alive. He looked for a way to prove that Chloe was not gone but was hiding somewhere. He desperately had faith that Lest managed to hide Chloe into a safer place.

Vincent tried to contact Lest, but the man never picked up or saw him. Until he tried dozens of times without success, he went to Eastern Wallace and headed to LS's secret door. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the door. It was as if the door was not there since the beginning.

But he found a note stuck on the guest room's door. Vincent always slept in this room every time he slept over. The note came from none other than Lest.

That cunning older man told him to pretend that he never knew about LS. That way, Vincent still had the chance to embark on his average youth.

Indeed, Vincent got his freedom and cut ties to this dangerous organization, but something else bounded him to suffocate his heart. Feelings of guilt and loss. Since then, he had never stopped blaming himself for the death of the woman he admired so dearly.

Every night he would have nightmares with Chloe's figure lying covered in blood. Vincent's body system could not accept food and his sleep was never sound. He spent years like a zombie with no purpose in life.

His grades were falling apart, and he barely made the grade. He didn't even have the will to go to college. If only it weren't for his family and friends who continued to accompany him and encourage him to live, he might not be able to escape his dark times.

With great difficulty, he tried to attend college well. With difficulty, he concentrated his thoughts on his study.

Until one day, a kind Russian older man gave him an analog camera. He even sent his son to check on him and taught him how to use the camera. It brought new life to him, and forever he felt grateful to them.

Since then, Vincent felt his heart tied up with the camera. He loved his camera and every picture he took. His family could see him returning to life and letting him continue his favorite hobby.

His nightmares still came, and guilt still haunted him at that time, but he decided to learn to accept them. Therefore, he began to take part in lessons and campus activities. He even graduated to become one of the outstanding graduates with the highest score.

Not only that, but he also started his own business and formed his team. He adopted the kind of recruiting method Lest taught him. He didn't want to make the same mistake without preparation. That's why he founded the Flex group to protect his family from anyone who tried to hurt Regnz.

He knew that for the moment, his team was no match for Martin Paxton, who used cunning and cruel means. But at least... as long as the enemy was not that old snake, he could still protect his family and those closest to him.

When he was twenty-six years, the year when Abigail was born into this world, only then could he release his repression of guilt. Seeing an innocent baby in his hands made him want to be a kind and loving uncle. He didn't want his past to stop him from making his loved ones happy.

Since Abi came to the Regnz family, Vincent no longer had nightmares. Vincent thinks his niece's birth was what drove all his nightmares away. His family also realized the change, and they loved Abigail because the baby girl's presence was like a sunrise in the morning to give them a new leaf.

But every now and then, Vincent wondered what happened to him to the point he was in a coma for months. He had not found an answer because his family always avoided him whenever he brought it up.

"I knew you would come here."

Vincent, who was now in Chloe's room, turned to look at the voice owner. Lest stood there with his arms crossed in front of his chest while wearing a triumphant grin.

Vincent clicked his tongue in annoyance. Had he fallen into that man's trap? Vincent sighed, realizing that he was willing to enter into this annoying older man... again. Just like what the man did when he offered him to join LS.

Vincent remembered the purpose of coming here. He wanted to make sure that Catherine wasn't Chloe's daughter, but now he hoped that Cathy was indeed Chloe's daughter. Because if she were Chloe's hidden daughter, Vincent would no longer hesitate.

He didn't want to fail again and repeat the same mistakes. He would make up for his past mistakes by ensuring Cathy's safety. After all, Catherine was not just Chloeny's daughter, but she was someone who had stolen his heart. How could he possibly remain silent if the girl was in danger?

"All right, you won. Now tell me... is Catherine West Chloeny's daughter?"

"That's right."

Vincent clenched his hands very tightly, and suddenly his breath felt tight when he asked the next thing.

"Does Chloeny's death have anything to do with me?" Vincent did not know the truth, but he still felt that he was the cause of her death. If he hadn't fought with Chloe that night... maybe that woman could be alive.

"..." the slightest pause making Vincent relentless. "I'm sure the Miss did not blame you,"

Vincent swallowed hard at that. Lest said flatly without any expression. Maybe Chloe didn't blame him, but what about Lest?

"You must be blaming me." guessed Vincent made Lest snort.

"Right. But I saw you suffer for several years. You look no different from a dead person, so my hatred for you has turned to pity. You paid for it after all."

"What do you mean?" now Vincent didn't understand Lest's last sentence. "Is it possible... this has something to do with me being unconscious for eight months?" Vincent was more and more convinced when he saw Lest smiled faintly in response. "What happened? At least you owe me an explanation."

Lest paused, unsure whether he should tell the truth or not.

At the same time, Benjamin just received the DNA test results between Chloe and Catherine, which turned out to be a 99.99% result.

Benjamin pulled his hair with both hands in despair. Initially, he wanted to return all of his father's inheritance to Catherine as Daniel Paxton's daughter. But if it turned out that she was Chloeny Paxton's daughter... then it would be a very different story.

Catherine was the true heiress to the Stealth satellite... at the same time.... that young girl's life would no longer be peaceful.

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