My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 117 - Cathy And Kitty

Cathy and Kitty have been in one of the city's most popular restaurants for nearly two hours. They preferred to spend their time chatting rather than shopping. Since they have rarely seen each other since their graduation, there were many things to discuss. Only this time, Kitty was more interested in hearing Cathy's love life and the handsome young man last night.

"I wish I could also meet someone who looked at me like the way he looked at you." sighed Kitty, feeling jealous but also happy for her friend.

"You'll find the one. I'm sure of it."

Then Cathy asked about Kitty's work and experiences during the concert. Kitty was happy to tell the story, and the two enjoyed their conversation very much. Both Cathy and Kitty would still chattering and could keep going for more hours if Kitty's manager hadn't called her to get ready.

"How strange, why is time running so fast? It seemed like a minute ago we arrived here," commented Kitty sadly.

"I know what you mean. I just thought we were here for only an hour, and we still have two hours to go."

Both of them laughed at each other and rose to their feet. They both head to the cashier and scramble to pay each other.

"No. Let me pay for today. If you don't let me, I won't see you again."

Cathy snorted at her friend's threat. Because she didn't want to be shunned by her dear friend, Cathy finally gave in.

Kitty smiled with satisfaction, feeling that she could repay Cathy for the first time. So far, Cathy was the one who always treated her or bought her nice clothes. Even though she wasn't being bullied by her friends, she still felt the cynical and hateful looks from them.

They even spread rumors throughout the school that she was only using Cathy and extorting her money.

Kitty had felt inferior and tried to stay away from Cathy, but Cathy never gave up approaching her and supporting her. Cathy even treated her like a sister. Kitty decided to ignore the rumors and continued to live as herself.

Cathy often took her to Red Rosemary and played with her three adorable younger sisters. From there, she got to know Catherine more deeply.

Kitty might not come from a prosperous family, but she had fosters that loved her. Her parents were still alive and embracing her, while Cathy did not have both parents but had to take care of her three young siblings.

Cathy once said an uncle helped support them financially, but the uncle never came home. It was no different from any other orphan. Therefore, Kitty no longer felt inferior anymore and wished to befriend Cathy without thinking about other people's opinions.

After paying with her visa card, Kitty took Cathy by the arm and walked out.

"Now, where should we go again?"

"Aren't you preparing for tonight's concert?"

Kitty sighed softly. "Why did you remind me? I purposely forgot it."

Cathy laughed at that. "Oh, looks like your manager has arrived."

A luxury van stopped right in front of the restaurant, followed by a woman in her early thirties who came down from the van.

"Kitty bitty sweety, hurry up. We've got to be at the place in an hour."

"Kitty bitty sweety?" repeated Cathy, almost laughing at that.

"My manager is a quirky person. I have to go now. How about you?"

"I'll be fine. Vincent will be picking me up soon."

"Are you sure you're okay with being alone?"

"Hey, I'm not a kid. It's still bright like this, after all. I'll be fine. Go away."

"Very well then. See you in eight months."

"Eight months?!" Cathy glared in disbelief she had to wait any longer than she expected.

"Blame your future husband. He made me have to change my schedule and make it even tighter."

Cathy blinked even more in unbelief at this information.


Unfortunately, before she asked for details, Kitty was already in the van. A second later, the van sped up and disappeared from her sight quickly.

Cathy did not like being curious. She wanted to satisfy her curiosity and send a chat to Kitty shortly.

'Kitty! What did that mean?'

And a minute later, the reply came.

'Just ask your future husband (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡'

"Gosh... since when did she become super naughty like this? Can mischievousness be contagious?" Cathy felt embarrassed when she realized she was talking on her cell phone.

Finally, Cathy gave up and turned her head to the right and left. There was no sign of Vincent's arrival. Is it not usual for her boyfriend to pick her up late? Usually, the man was always on time or came first. Did something happen?

Cathy searched for a name on her cellphone then pressed the call button.

One ring... two rings... up to six rings, there was still no answer. Cathy tried again, and the results were the same. Vincent did not pick up his calls.

Suddenly her heart felt anxious for a reason she didn't know. She just hoped nothing happens to Vincent.

She tried to contact him again. This time she felt something like crawling through her hair when she heard the connection sound on her cell phone.

Cathy brushed her hair to get rid of whatever was in her hair. Her body stiffened when she felt a human skin and immediately stepped forward and turned around.

A man in his late fifties was standing there with one arm raised in midair. Did the older man just touch her hair? Suddenly Cathy shuddered with horror and disgust.

Who is this person? Why was that person looking at her with such a strange look? And why did she feel intimidated by the presence of that person?

This guy is dangerous. Cathy thought to herself. She had to go from there, and she had to go away from the person in front of him. Surprisingly, her legs couldn't move as she wanted. Cathy felt a force holding her in place. She even felt her body trembling, making her body weak and becoming like a statue.

Come on, move and go!

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