My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 1 - 0 - Prologue

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Chapter 0 - Prologue

Where was I?

I was there--I must've been.

What was I?

I was just a parasite--Or something along those lines. Well, once again, I must've been.

Yes, yes. I know this might sound crazy. But I swear that's the truth. The 'big' truth. My truth, actually.

But, well, even I wouldn't have believed it at the time. The fact that I really was a parasite.

Hell, even you telling me I was one wouldn't have taken place in the first place.

How would I have listened or heeded your speech? How would I have understood? How would you even be telling a puny parasite he is a parasite? Would he even understand?

No, no.


I couldn't do any of that. And nobody could get that straight for me. I was just ... being myself, sort of.

I didn't know it, anyway. I didn't know anything. Or rather, I wasn't aware of anything. I was just sort of there, lurking around ... going on about my daily routine, I guess?

Well, I was there, without anything coming to my mind, as plain and boring as I could be.

It wouldn't even be too much to say that I wasn't anything--I was nothing.




The parasite was nothing.

So much so, that it didn't even know it at the time. The parasite couldn't hear. It couldn't see. It couldn't breathe. Nothing much other than being there.

This was about to come to an end, though.

Meanwhile, there they were. The humans. Lots of them. Talking, laughing, eating. These were the humans within the four walls that composed this place.


Four walls sturdily composing this place of gathering and eating--My story would in a first time be taking place in a restaurant.

And within that enclosed space the dishes' clatterings sounds were to be mingled up with the people's chattering.

I was in there.

But where?

Where exactly would I first go about shining bright and start off this real beginning of mine?

That's a really fair question, and to get it answered, let's just zoom a little bit in that lively setting.

"So, yeah, there are these two stinky guys. They're going on, carrying their water and whatnot--The second one falls to the ground."

Among all these peers and groups of humans, there were two particular one.

Nothing much had been peculiar about them, no. There was one male and a female. Both of them being as plain and boring as the parasite.

"Mm-hm…?" A playful grin appeared on the female's face. She was carefully listening to her counterpart's speech.

They were talking to each other. Both sitting and eating around the table they'd chosen, coming into the eating house.

"So, what's the first goblin tell his lil' bro?"


They were just eating and weren't particular at all.

No pecularities whatsoever, I insist.

Expect for one detail maybe.

Overall though, they were just two sorry humans who'd had the unlucky misfortune to get their path crossed with mine.

And there you go!

That's about the peculiarity I'm talking about. 'Cause maybe they're a bit special, yes.

What made them particular, to be more specific, was what was about to happen to the two of them.

Squishy, squishy.

"Do I gotta repeat? Okay. Listen carefully, it's all in the formulation, haha. Joke is just like this: Two goblins. One big bro and his little bro. They're carrying their huge buckets of water on their way home after they've got to get 'em full of water at the goblin well--The little goblin trips and falls to the ground--Hugh?! Wh--What's that thing doing here…"

The male human was surprised.


And his female could only wonder why he was.

"Blehh. No, I mean, seriously…"

"... And is that it? Joke's over? I wasn't done thinking ... why'd you give away the answer, you silly."

"No, I just … look," said the male human among the two. He pointed at something. The interior of his dish.

Up till that moment, these two were just eating alongside the whole mass of their fellows in this restaurant. Now, they had come to a stop.

On his plate, there were vegetables alongside some meat. And there the young man was, squashing his meat with both knife and work adorned with a disgusted look on his face.

Madly gripping on his silverware he wasn't shying away from letting his steak know who was whom in here.

Squishy, squishy, squishy.

"What are you doing, Remie?"

The female had to inquire, what was the human male doing?

This was weird. Human male was being weird.

But finally, he was doing that, something went out of it!

"Ahh… There you go … that thing, there," he moved it outside his plate with the help of his knife. With a quick movement of his chin, he indicated, "That thing, there, what's that even doing here…?"

There was an insect or some sort of other insect-like creature on the priorly joking man's side of the table.

And just as he did that, the human girl leaned forward. Taking a good look at it, "Uhh… Gross."

An oval-shaped tiny creature with tons of tiny legs going on about crawling and feeling around, there, resting on their wooden table.


Don't laugh, please.

They were making a fool out of this ... parasite. And it was me we're talking about.

"I thought better of this place. What a let-down," he stated.

And, oh?!

Without missing a beat now, he proceeded to kill the thing!

"No...!" to that, the female retorted as she slammed her palms on the table. *


Was I being saved?

Hurriedly she carried it on with, "Don't do that on the table, that's even more gross."


"Uh, yeah, whatever," the young man nodded his head to her.

As the female indicated, he would just stomp on the super charming and powerful parasite (that is to say, me) that they confused for some random insect on the floor.

And so he thought he would do so.

❮The Player needs to find a new vessel to ensure survival.❯

Initiating one prompt sweeping movement; he proceeded to get it off the table, but...

❮A proper vessel has been found.❯

"Huh, where did it go?"

"No way. Did you lose it? Don't tell me you did that…"

The male's eyes widened to their fullest. He quickly backed away and got up off his chair.

❮Procedure of dwelling: issued❯

"Ah… I hate these things…" he complained.

He was now carefully scanning the table before him. "I mean, I know it wouldn't just … but …" he then shivered.

"See? That's what I'm talking about. I hate these things. Insects."

"It's just an insect, Remie. Just an insect," said the girl, letting her head tilt to the side, resting on her hand's palm.

"H--Hey, I'm good. Just say nothing."

And while she just did stay calm and relaxed (it was just an insect, after all) the human male wouldn't just take me lightly.

He was being right.

Throwing his head from left to right as he was slowly and carefully analyzing and inspecting every bit of air in his surroundings, he didn't look like he intended on leaving any nook and cranny at all.

This was proper work, yes.

Even though it didn't work out for him in the end.

❮Procedure of dwelling: in process❯

"Oh," this time about, it was the girl that had reacted. She leaned back a little bit. Her face grimaced.

"Hey, psst, just there, Remie," she pointed to her cheek.

"Ah?" He seemed astounded.

This wouldn't happen, right? Was what was written on his face.

No words being laid or curved onto his skin, no.

Indeed, the only thing that was to be laid onto his skin--It was the insect.

--And this is where things turn out to be good to me.

I was right there on his cheek--Whatever one it turned out to be, be it right or left cheek--I was right there.

And as I'd been gripping on his skin he started to go on a rampage. Ransacking everything around him--It was just as he'd precised: he hated insects.

And as such, he decided to go on a rampage. Flipper over every table or chair that might have had been unlucky enough to be on the mad, panic-stricken human's way.

Hmm. Well, no. Maybe not that much, yes, I'll give you that.

Still, though, he was being excited.

He did try to slap me, only to slap his own self. I'd already been moving when that slap landed. His chair was flipped to the ground in the agitation, the table before him being pushed to the side.

And I was there--Still there, going all the way up to the man's nose.

"You're overreacting…!" the girl did try to warn him.

It had been in vain, though.

❮Procedure of dwelling: activated❯

The boy was still thrashing around wildly.

"I'm telling you I hate these insects!" he did manage whilst still in his confusion.


Quickly he fell to his butt, making his chair go even further away as he fell down.

"It's just an insect, Remie…!" The girl kept her composure, refusing to make a ruckus here and disturb every other client.

At that point anyway, all of them were already turned towards them. Some of them were only turning their shoulders to the couple. Some others were turning their whole body, trying to make out what was happening there.

And upon seeing that, she sighed.

"Remie, you're exaggerating, okay?"

"You don't know that…!"

"So, where is it?" she came over to his side.

"I'm--I'm pretty sure it went in my nose…"

"You sure?" She kept her cool, once again.

"I can feel it," he was sure of that.

"Okay, Remie, sure," she calmly said to him. "Just make sure you pinch it real carefully, then. I'm going on ahead and leave this place."

She was crouched down next to him.

But as she started to stand back up, he grabbed her arm.

"W--Wait, eh… I'm not kidding or anything, but … It really hurts, you know," he managed.

He really looked like he was aching, huh.

And seeing that, she sighed once again, "Okay, fine."

"You stay right here. I'm gonna get my father here."

"'Kay… Thanks, Inera … I mean … I'm just so sleepy right … now," with his eyelids sliding down, he passed out.

❮Dwelling procedure: completed.❯

These were the boy's last words.




Yeah, 'cause I was finally up in there. It took a long time. But I finally did.

And thus it was the time for me to shine.




"So, people, you heard me correct. We need to evacuate the premises at once. A dangerous monster could be lurking around in the area," a man spoke.

"I'm so sorry we have to trouble you sir with that," he then turned to a man next to himself and smiled apologetically.

"Since you offered to help us, anyway, we're counting on you!" He then proceeded with a deep bow of his head.

"It's fine, owner," to that whole ceremonial thing, the man who was being talked to responded just with that much. "It's fine."

"So, Inera?" He then turned himself over to his daughter.

To that, the girl only pointed at the boy she'd left minutes ago.

"No, I mean, is he alright?"

"I--I don't know, father."




Before their sight was presented the boy they once knew.

Upon seeing this, the father's eyes squinted to a slit. He sighed, then shook his head repeatedly.

To that sight, the girl could only arch up her eyebrow in worry.

With his sturdy hand, the man then followed up with a wave before the unconscious one. He passed his hand before him with slow motions.

He did that two, three times.

But to that, his unconscious boy didn't react.

Obviously, the little parasite wasn't to be taken lightly, duh.

He was the man who'd been called for help.

In spite of that, he then sighed even more deeply.

"Hey, hey…! … Remie!" gently trying to slap him, he was waking him up--Or trying to do so, at least "You hear me? You still there?"


Finally, the unconscious one moved.

Remie opened his eyes.

"Ahhh…" he managed.

❮Extracting of the target's data: activated.❯

"Uaaannhh… Eoahhh … uwaahhh," he then went on with, seemingly mumbling whatever thoughts he'd been trying to communicate at the time.

It didn't make any sense, though.

❮Recycling and assimilation of the target's additional data: in process.❯

"Ahk! Eohk fahs tehuenk," both his eyes were wide open as he mumbled even more nonsense. He seemed to be endlessly and restlessly scanning the two people before him.

And in response, they both gulped. Both the father and daughter. What else was there to do? What else was there to say?

Was that thing before them, even the human they once knew…?


Certainly not.

The Remie they once knew was gone.

It didn't last long before for Remie--Or rather, the thing inhabiting him, me--to start to try going on ahead and get up.

It had been in vain, though.

Unfortunately for me, they knocked me out … for some vague reason, yes. They just did that.

❮Recycling and assimilation of the target's additional data: completed.❯

"Inera. We need to talk."






[Name: Skill]

[Race: Parasite]

[Title: None]

[Level: 1]


[HP: 100/100]

[MP: 100/100]

[Vit. 1]

[Strength 1]

[Agility 1]

[Intelligence 1]

[Unique skills: [Boramana's Benediction]]

[Parasite inherent skills: 『 Dwelling procedure 』『 Copying 』 ]

[Passive skills: [Consciousness][Mana perception]]

[Active skills: None]

[Main quests: ❮The Player needs to find a new vessel.❯ ]

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